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Aspose.GIS for .NET 25.1 Release Notes

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

GISNET-1740Add ability to edit OpenStreet Maps (OsmXML format)Feature
GISNET-1747After the resaving of OsmXml file it becomes unreadableBug
GISNET-1745Improve AbstractPath with ability to create it from array of AbstractPathEnhancement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Following members have been added:

  • T:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.#ctor(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.IO.Stream})
  • P:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.Location
  • P:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.Separator
  • P:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.StreamSet
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.Open(System.IO.FileAccess)
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.WithLocation(System.String)
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.IsFile
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.ListDirectory
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.Delete
  • M:Aspose.Gis.MultiStreamPath.Dispose

Following members have been removed:

  • None

Usage examples:

GISNET-1740. Add ability to edit OpenStreet Maps (OsmXML format)

var newPath = @"AddSameFeature.osm";    
using (var vectorLayer = VectorLayer.Create(newPath, Drivers.OsmXml))
	vectorLayer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("field1", AttributeDataType.String));
	// File will be updated but please note that duplicate features will be merged
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		var attributeName = "field1";
		var value = "value0";
		var feature = vectorLayer.ConstructFeature();
		feature.SetValue(attributeName, value);
		feature.Geometry = new Point(1, 2);

// Checking if the editing was successful
using (var resultLayer = VectorLayer.Open(newPath, Drivers.OsmXml))
	// Duplicate features were merged
	Assert.AreEqual(1, resultLayer.Count);

GISNET-1747. After the resaving of OsmXml file it becomes unreadable

var path = @"Wellington.osm";
var newPath = @"WellingtonResaved.osm";

OsmXmlOptions options = new OsmXmlOptions();
options.WriteCommonAttributes = true;
options.ReportCommonAttributes = true;

int attributeCount = 0;
int featureCount = 0;

using (var newLayer = VectorLayer.Create(newPath, Drivers.OsmXml, options))
    using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(path, Drivers.OsmXml, options))
        foreach (var feature in layer)

        attributeCount = layer.Attributes.Count;
        featureCount = layer.Count;

// After the resaving file should be opened and no exceptions will be thrown
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Open(newPath, Drivers.OsmXml, options))
    Assert.AreEqual(attributeCount, layer.Attributes.Count);
    Assert.AreEqual(featureCount, layer.Count);

**GISNET-1745. Improve AbstractPath with ability to create it from array of AbstractPath **

// Now it's possible to create set of required files in runtime without additional code
var testingStreamSet = new Dictionary<string, Stream>
    { "land.shp", new FileStream("land.shp", FileMode.Open) },
    { "land.dbf", new FileStream("land.dbf", FileMode.Open) },
    { "land.prj", new FileStream("land.prj", FileMode.Open) },
    { "land.cpg", new FileStream("land.cpg", FileMode.Open) },
    { "land.shx", new FileStream("land.shx", FileMode.Open) }

Feature inMemoryFeature = null;
var msPath = new MultiStreamPath("land.shp", testingStreamSet);

using (var layer = Drivers.Shapefile.EditLayer(msPath))
    var newFeature = layer.ConstructFeature();
    newFeature.SetValue("FID", 53);
    newFeature.Geometry = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new[]
        new Point(0, 0),
        new Point(0, 3),
        new Point(3, 3),
        new Point(3, 0),
        new Point(0, 0),
        SpatialReferenceSystem = SpatialReferenceSystem.Wgs84


using (var layer = Drivers.Shapefile.OpenLayer(msPath))
    inMemoryFeature = layer.WhereEqual<long>("FID", 53).FirstOrDefault();

Assert.AreEqual(53L, inMemoryFeature.GetValue("FID"));