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Aspose.GIS for for Python via .NET 25.1 Release Notes

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

GISPYTHON-6Add ability to edit OpenStreet Maps (OsmXML format)Feature
GISPYTHON-7After the resaving of OsmXml file it becomes unreadable by Asose.GIS but can be opened in QGISBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Following members have been added:

  • None

Following members have been removed:

  • None

Usage examples:

GISPYTHON-6. Add ability to edit OpenStreet Maps (OsmXML format)

output = "AddSameFeature.osm"

# Creating a vector layer
with VectorLayer.create(output, Drivers.osm_xml) as vector_layer:
    vector_layer.attributes.add(FeatureAttribute("field1", AttributeDataType.STRING))

    # File will be updated but please note that duplicate features will be merged
    for i in range(3):
        attribute_name = "field1"
        value = "value0"
        feature = vector_layer.construct_feature()
        feature.set_value(attribute_name, value)
        feature.geometry = Point(1, 2)

# Checking if the editing was successful
with, Drivers.osm_xml) as result_layer:
    # Duplicate features were merged
    assert result_layer.count == 1

**GISPYTHON-7. After the resaving of OsmXml file it becomes unreadable by Asose.GIS but can be opened in QGIS **

path = "Wellington.osm"
new_path = "WellingtonResaved.osm"

options = OsmXmlOptions()
options.write_common_attributes = True
options.report_common_attributes = True

attribute_count = 0
feature_count = 0

# Creating a new layer
with VectorLayer.create(new_path, Drivers.osm_xml, options) as new_layer:
	with, Drivers.osm_xml, options) as layer:
		for feature in layer:

		attribute_count = layer.attributes.count
		feature_count = layer.count

# After the resaving file should be opened and no exceptions will be thrown
with, Drivers.osm_xml, options) as layer:
	assert attribute_count == layer.attributes.count
	assert feature_count == layer.count