Jelajahi Produk kami

If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.


Aspose.Email untuk .NET 22.3

Unduh  Forum Dukungan 

Detail File

  • Unduhan:
  • 4
  • Ukuran File:
  • 51.7 MB
  • Posted By:
  • DmitryS
  • Tampilan:
  • 17
  • Tanggal Ditambahkan:
  • : 2 weeks ago [3/31/2022]

Detail File

Ekstraksi Email dari PST

Previously, in some instances the messages extracted from PST file were not being opened in the Outlook® 2016. Masalah ini sekarang telah diselesaikan.

Atur Header di iCalendar ICS File

Menambahkan fitur untuk menyetel header X-ALT-DESC dalam file ICS. Header X-ALT-DESC adalah deskripsi berformat HTML dalam item iCalendar (.ics).

Untuk membuat janji temu dengan konten HTML, setel properti IsDescriptionHtml ke true.

var appointment = new Appointment("Bygget 83",
    DateTime.UtcNow, // start date
    DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1), // end date
    new MailAddress("", "Tintin Strom"), // organizer
    new MailAddress("", "Aina Martensson")) // attendee
    IsDescriptionHtml = true,

    Description = @"
       <style type=""text/css"">
        .text {
               font-family:'Comic Sans MS';
       <p class=""text"">Hi, I'm happy to invite you to our party.</p>

Performa Lebih Cepat Saat Membaca Lampiran

Dalam beberapa kasus, terlihat bahwa kinerja API menurun saat membaca detail lampiran dengan ukuran 5 MB menggunakan IMAP API. Masalah ini sekarang telah diselesaikan.

var messageInfoCollection = imapClient.ListMessages();
foreach (var message in messageInfoCollection)
    var attachmentInfoCollection = imapClient.ListAttachments(message.SequenceNumber);

    foreach (var attachmentInfo in attachmentInfoCollection)
        Console.WriteLine("Attachment: {0} (size: {1})", attachmentInfo.Name, attachmentInfo.Size);

Untuk daftar lengkap fitur, penyempurnaan, dan perbaikan bug dalam rilis ini, kunjungi Aspose.Email for .NET 22.3 Release Notes.
