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Aspose.Imaging for Java 22.10 - Release notes

Competitive features:

  • Support of 16-bit/Channel 64 bit PNG images
IMAGINGJAVA-8250Support of 16-bit/Channel 64 bit PNG imagesFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-8256“Unknown character - " exception when open ODG fileEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8248PSD exporter saves CMYK colors as RGBEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8245DNG to JPG changes image colorEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8240Exception while load the particular tiffEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8236Exception on conversion Gif and Dicom images to BmpEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8235Cannot export particular SVG imageEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.10 version

Removed APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.10 version

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGJAVA-8256 “Unknown character - " exception when open ODG file

try (Image image = Image.load("input.odg"))
{"output.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-8250 Support of 16-bit/Channel 64 bit PNG images

try (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.load("image0.png"))
    ImageOptionsBase options = image.getOriginalOptions();"result.png", options);

IMAGINGJAVA-8248 PSD exporter saves CMYK colors as RGB

try (JpegImage image = (JpegImage) Image.load("cat.jpg"))
        new PsdOptions()

IMAGINGJAVA-8245 DNG to JPG changes image color

try (Image image = Image.load("input.dng", new DngLoadOptions() {{ setAdjustWhiteBalance(true); }}))
{"input.dng.jpg", new JpegOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-8240 Exception while load the particular tiff

try (Image image = Image.load("input.tif"))
{"output.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-8236 Exception on conversion Gif and Dicom images to Bmp

Raster image to BMP of 16 bits per pixel and Bitfields compression:

String[] inputs = { "gif.gif", "dicom.dicom" };

for (String inputPath : inputs)
    try (Image image = Image.load(inputPath))
    { + ".bmp", new BmpOptions {{ setBitsPerPixel(16); }});

IMAGINGJAVA-8235 Cannot export particular SVG image

try (Image image = Image.load("logo.svg"))
{"logo-to-png.png", new PngOptions());