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Aspose.Imaging for JAVA 24.11 - Release notes

ATTENTION: Starting from 2025 Aspose.Imaging for Java will not support the Java 1.6, 1.7 platforms!

Competitive features:

  • Preserve transparency on APNG to GIF conversion
  • Support batch mode for all exportable multi page formats via PageExportingAction
IMAGINGJAVA-8825Preserve transparency on APNG to GIF conversionFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-8595Support batch mode for all exportable multi page formats via PageExportingActionFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-8846Corrupted output on GIF resize and exportEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8841Several issues with specific CDR file while saving it to PNGEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8840Text is lost when converting emf to jpgEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8839CDR to PDF conversion issueEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8810Incorrect SVG rasterizationEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.11 version

Removed APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.11 version

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGJAVA-8846 Corrupted output on GIF resize and export

Resize GIF:

String input = "input.gif";
try (Image image = Image.load(input))
	double scale = 1.33;
	int newWidth = (int)(image.getWidth() * scale);
	int newHeight = (int)(image.getHeight() * scale);
	image.resize(newWidth, newHeight, ResizeType.HighQualityResample); + ".gif");

IMAGINGJAVA-8841 Several issues with specific CDR file while saving it to PNG

try (Image image = Image.load("pampi tim.cdr"))
{"result.png", new PngOptions() {{
		setVectorRasterizationOptions(new CdrRasterizationOptions() {{

IMAGINGJAVA-8840 Text is lost when converting emf to jpg

try (Image emfImage = Image.load("image2.emf"))

IMAGINGJAVA-8839 CDR to PDF conversion issue

try (CdrImage image = (CdrImage)Image.load("sample.cdr"))
{"result.png", new PdfOptions() {{
		setVectorRasterizationOptions(new CdrRasterizationOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-8825 Preserve transparency on APNG to GIF conversion

String input = "input.apng";
try (Image image = Image.load(input))
{ + ".gif");

IMAGINGJAVA-8810 Incorrect SVG rasterization

Paths with move commands do work correct now. For example:
d="M108 200

try (Image image = Image.load("box.svg"))
{"box.svg.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGJAVA-8595 Support batch mode for all exportable multi page formats via PageExportingAction

1 Batch mode (change page when export this page, after export return to previous state):
input/output files in

final float mb = 1f / (1024 * 1024);
long[] formats = {FileFormat.Apng, FileFormat.Tiff, FileFormat.Webp, FileFormat.Gif, FileFormat.Dicom, FileFormat.Pdf};
String[] ext = {"png", "tiff", "webp", "gif", "dcm", "pdf"};
ImageOptionsBase[] options =
                new ApngOptions(), new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb), new WebPOptions(),
                new GifOptions(), new DicomOptions(), new PdfOptions()
String baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\BatchMode\\";
String outputFolder = baseFolder + "Output\\";
final File outDir = new File(outputFolder);
if (!outDir.exists())
    assert outDir.mkdirs();

int i = 0;
for (long fileFormat : formats)
    String file = baseFolder + "test.png";
    String outputFile = outputFolder + file + "." + ext[i];
    String outputFile1 = outputFolder + file + "1." + ext[i];
    try (Image image = Image.load(file))
        final String fileToFormatStr = FileFormat.toString(FileFormat.class, fileFormat).toLowerCase();
        System.out.println("pass1: test.png => " + fileToFormatStr);
        IMultipageImage mp = (IMultipageImage) image;

        //Add action
        mp.setPageExportingAction(new PageExportingAction()
            public void invoke(int index, Image page)
                if (page instanceof RasterImage)
                    ((RasterImage) page).rotate(90);

                System.out.format("%d : %f\n", index, Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() * mb);

        // save with action, options[i]);

        //remove action
        System.out.println("pass2: file => " + fileToFormatStr);

        //save without action, options[i]);

2 Add Frames (Adding a large number of pages and large frames)
output files in

long[] formats = {FileFormat.Apng, FileFormat.Tiff, FileFormat.Webp, FileFormat.Gif, FileFormat.Dicom};
String[] ext = {"png", "tiff", "webp", "gif", "dcm"};
ImageOptionsBase[] options =
                new ApngOptions(), new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb), new WebPOptions(),
                new GifOptions(), new DicomOptions(), new PdfOptions()
String outputFolder = "D:\\Test\\AddFrame\\";
final File outDir = new File(outputFolder);
if (!outDir.exists())
    assert outDir.mkdirs();

for (int k = 0; k < formats.length; k++)
    System.out.printf("format:%s\n", formats[k]);
    try (ImageOptionsBase option = options[k])
        long fileFormat = formats[k];
        String outputFile = outputFolder + "output." + ext[k];
        option.setSource(new FileCreateSource(outputFolder + "temp.tmp"));
        int width = fileFormat == FileFormat.Webp || fileFormat == FileFormat.Apng ? 1000 : 5000;
        int height = fileFormat == FileFormat.Webp || fileFormat == FileFormat.Apng ? 1000 : 5000;

        try (Image image = Image.create(option, width, height))
            RasterCachedMultipageImage mp = (RasterCachedMultipageImage) image;
            mp.setPageExportingAction(new PageExportingAction()
                public void invoke(int index, Image page)
                    System.out.println("export page:" + index);

            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width / 10, height / 10);
            int[] pixels = new int[rectangle.getWidth() * rectangle.getHeight()];
            Arrays.fill(pixels, Color.getRed().toArgb());

            RasterImage frame = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (fileFormat == FileFormat.Tiff)
                    TiffFrame tiffFrame = new TiffFrame((TiffOptions) option, width, height);
                    ((TiffImage) image).addFrame(tiffFrame);
                    frame = tiffFrame;
                else if (fileFormat == FileFormat.Apng)
                    final ApngImage apngImage = (ApngImage) image;
                    frame = (RasterImage) apngImage.getPages()[apngImage.getPageCount() - 1];
                else if (fileFormat == FileFormat.Dicom)
                    frame = ((DicomImage) image).addPage();
                else if (fileFormat == FileFormat.Webp)
                    WebPFrameBlock webpFrame = new WebPFrameBlock(width, height);
                    ((WebPImage) image).addPage(webpFrame);
                    frame = webpFrame;
                else if (fileFormat == FileFormat.Gif)
                    GifFrameBlock gifFrame = new GifFrameBlock(width, height);
                    ((GifImage) image).addPage(gifFrame);
                    frame = gifFrame;

                frame.saveArgb32Pixels(new Rectangle(i * 10, i * 10, rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight()), pixels);
                System.out.println("page:" + i);


3 Create Multipage image with MultipageCreateOptions
input/output files in

String[] ext = {"png", "tiff", "webp", "gif", "dcm", "pdf"};
ImageOptionsBase[] imageOptions =
                new ApngOptions(), new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb), new WebPOptions(),
                new GifOptions(), new DicomOptions(), new PdfOptions()
String outputFolder = "D:\\Test\\CreateWithOptions\\";
final File outDir = new File(outputFolder);
if (!outDir.exists())
    assert outDir.mkdirs();

int width = 1000;
int height = 1000;
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width / 10, height / 10);
int[] pixels = new int[rectangle.getWidth() * rectangle.getHeight()];
Arrays.fill(pixels, Color.getRed().toArgb());

for (int i = 0; i < imageOptions.length; i++)
    ImageOptionsBase option = imageOptions[i];
    String outputFile = outputFolder + "output." + ext[i];
    String options = new MultipageCreateOptions();

    //create page
    options.setBeforePageExport( (int number, Image[] image) -> {
        PngImage image2 = new PngImage(width, height);
        image2.saveArgb32Pixels(new Rectangle(number * 10, number * 10, rectangle.getWidth(), rectangle.getHeight())
                , pixels);
        image[0] = image2;

    // free resources
    options.setAfterPageExport((int number, Image image) -> { image.close(); });

    try (Image image = Image.create(options))
    {, option);

4 Create Multipage image from files

String[] ext = { "png", "tiff", "webp", "gif", "dcm", "pdf" };
ImageOptionsBase[] imageOptions =
                new ApngOptions(), new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb), new WebPOptions(),
                new GifOptions(), new DicomOptions(), new PdfOptions()
String baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\CreateFromFiles\\";
String outputFolder = baseFolder + "output";
final File outDir = new File(outputFolder);
if (!outDir.exists())
    assert outDir.mkdirs();

int i = 0;
for (ImageOptionsBase option : imageOptions)
    String outputFile = outputFolder + "output." + ext[i++];

    String[] files =
                    baseFolder + "33266.tif", baseFolder + "Animation.gif", baseFolder + "elephant.png",
                    baseFolder + "Input.jp2", baseFolder + "eye.wmf", baseFolder + "tiger.bmp",
                    baseFolder + "MultiPage.cdr", baseFolder + "juanmontoya_lingerie.svg"

    try (Image image = Image.create(files))
    {, option);