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Aspose.Imaging for JAVA 24.2 - Release notes

Competitive features:

  • Support of kernel filter
IMAGINGJAVA-8656Support of kernel filterFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-8661Error converting the EPS image to PDFEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8660Eps to Jpg export issueEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8659Cannot open the EPS imageEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8645Optimization memory usage when rendering vector formats. Using step-by-step load/render each recordEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8640MSO file is recognized as SVG imageEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-8639VSIX file recognized as svgEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.2 version

Removed APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.2 version

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGJAVA-8661 Error converting the EPS image to PDF

try(Image image = Image.load("graph1.eps"))

IMAGINGJAVA-8660 Eps to Jpg export issue

try(Image image = Image.load("input.eps"))

IMAGINGJAVA-8659 Cannot open the EPS image

try(Image image = Image.load("input.eps"))

IMAGINGJAVA-8656 Support of kernel filter

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.RasterImage;
import com.aspose.imaging.VectorImage;
import com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.complexutils.Complex;
import com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.convolution.ConvolutionFilter;
import com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

static void filter(RasterImage raster, FilterOptionsBase options, String outputPath)
	raster.filter(raster.getBounds(), options);;

static double[][] getRandomKernel(int cols, int rows, Random random)
	double[][] customKernel = new double[cols][rows];
	for (int y = 0; y < customKernel.length; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < customKernel[0].length; x++)
			customKernel[y][x] = random.nextDouble();
	return customKernel;

final int Size = 5;
final double Sigma = 1.5, Angle = 45;

double[][] customKernel = getRandomKernel(Size, 7, new Random());
Complex[][] customComplex = ConvolutionFilter.toComplex(customKernel);
FilterOptionsBase[] kernelFilters = new FilterOptionsBase[]
				// convolution filters
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getEmboss3x3()),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getEmboss5x5()),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getSharpen3x3()),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getSharpen5x5()),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getBlurBox(Size)),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getBlurMotion(Size, Angle)),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getGaussian(Size, Sigma)),
				new ConvolutionFilterOptions(customKernel),
				new GaussianBlurFilterOptions(Size, Sigma),
				new SharpenFilterOptions(Size, Sigma),
				new MedianFilterOptions(Size),
				// deconvolution filters
				new DeconvolutionFilterOptions(ConvolutionFilter.getGaussian(Size, Sigma)),
				new DeconvolutionFilterOptions(customKernel),
				new DeconvolutionFilterOptions(customComplex),
				new GaussWienerFilterOptions(Size, Sigma),
				new MotionWienerFilterOptions(Size, Sigma, Angle),

// get path of the input data
String templatesFolder = System.getenv("DATA_PATH");

if (templatesFolder == null)
	templatesFolder = "c:\\Users\\USER\\Downloads\\templates\\";
// get output path
String outputFolder = System.getenv("OUT_PATH");
if (outputFolder == null)
	outputFolder = templatesFolder;

String dataDir = templatesFolder;
String[] inputPaths =

List<String> outputs = new ArrayList<>();
for (String inputPath : inputPaths)
	for (int i = 0; i < kernelFilters.length; i++)
		FilterOptionsBase options = kernelFilters[i];
		try (Image image = Image.load(dataDir + inputPath))
			String outputPath = String.format("%s%c%s-%d.png", outputFolder, File.separatorChar, inputPath, i);

			if (image instanceof RasterImage)
				filter((RasterImage) image, options, outputPath);
			else if (image instanceof VectorImage)
				String vectorAsPng = inputPath + ".png";
				if (!new File(vectorAsPng).exists())

				try (Image png = Image.load(vectorAsPng))
					filter((RasterImage) png, options, outputPath);

outputs.forEach(p -> new File(p).delete());

IMAGINGJAVA-8645 Optimization memory usage when rendering vector formats. Using step-by-step load/render each record

final double toMb = 1d / (1024 * 1024);
String baseFolder = "C:\\Data\\";
String[] fileNames = {"test.cdr", "test1.cmx", "test2.cmx"};
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
double[] result = new double[2];
final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
for (String fileName : fileNames)
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		long startMem = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
		final boolean memoryUsage = i == 1;
		LoadOptions options = fileName.endsWith(".cmx")
				? new CmxLoadOptions()
				: new CdrLoadOptions()

		String inputFileName = baseFolder + fileName;
		String outputFileName = inputFileName + ".tif";
		try(Image image = Image.load(inputFileName, options))
		{, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb));
			long resultMem = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
			result[i] = (resultMem - startMem) * toMb;

	results.add(String.format("fileName:{%s}, Usage Memory,mb(optimal/fast):{%.3f}/{%.3f}", fileName, result[1], result[0]));

for(String str : results)

// Output:
// fileName:{test.cdr}, Usage Memory,mb(optimal/fast):{358,504}/{755,656}
// fileName:{test1.cmx}, Usage Memory,mb(optimal/fast):{456,342}/{1223,121}
// fileName:{test2.cmx}, Usage Memory,mb(optimal/fast):{424,512}/{1010,506}

IMAGINGJAVA-8640 MSO file is recognized as SVG image

try(Image image = Image.load("file.mso")) // throws exception for an undefined file format
	// do nothing

IMAGINGJAVA-8639 VSIX file recognized as svg

try(Image image = Image.load("VSIX.vsix")) // throws exception for an undefined file format
	// do nothing