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Aspose.Imaging for JAVA 24.5 - Release notes
Competitive features:
Key | Summary | Category |
IMAGINGJAVA-8723 | EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedException | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8715 | Resolve EPS rendering issues | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8712 | Incorrect conversion the EPS image to SVG | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8711 | EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedException | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8710 | ESP to PNG: System.ApplicationException: Unknown name ’eexec' | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8708 | Saving GIF results distorted output file | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8706 | Looks like Aspose.Imaging.Image.GetFileFormat has lock inside | Enhancement |
IMAGINGJAVA-8705 | EmfPlus is not rendered correctly | Enhancement |
Public API changes:
Added APIs:
Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.5 version
Removed APIs:
Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 24.5 version
Usage Examples:
IMAGINGJAVA-8723 EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedException
EPS to PNG export example:
try (Image image = Image.load("image.eps"))
IMAGINGJAVA-8715 Resolve EPS rendering issues
EPS to PNG export example:
String input = "input.eps";
try (Image image = Image.load(input, new LoadOptions() {{ setDataRecoveryMode(DataRecoveryMode.ConsistentRecover); }}))
{ + ".png");
IMAGINGJAVA-8712 Incorrect conversion the EPS image to SVG
EPS to SVG export example:
try (Image image = Image.load("image.eps"))
IMAGINGJAVA-8711 EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedException
EPS to PNG export example:
try (Image image = Image.load("image.eps"))
IMAGINGJAVA-8710 ESP to PNG: System.ApplicationException: Unknown name ’eexec’
EPS to PNG export example:
try (Image image = Image.load("image.eps"))
IMAGINGJAVA-8708 Saving GIF results distorted output file
GIF saving example:
try (Image image = Image.load("input.gif"))
IMAGINGJAVA-8706 Looks like Aspose.Imaging.Image.GetFileFormat has lock inside
String bigFileName = "15-MB-docx-file-download.docx";
String smallFileName = "source.docx";
// Just to heat up Java, without elapsing time
detectFormat(smallFileName, true);
System.out.println("Run single thread ------------------");
IMAGINGJAVA-8705 EmfPlus is not rendered correctly
try (Image image = Image.load("test.emf"))