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Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.3

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  • Downloads:
  • 18
  • File Size:
  • 38.5 MB
  • Posted By:
  • samer.el-khatib4aspose
  • Views:
  • 20
  • Date Added:
  • 3/7/2022

File Details

DICOM Tags Export

There was an issue that the original tags of the DICOM were being lost on export. Now this issue has been resolved and the original DICOM tags are being kept after export.

using (DicomImage image = (DicomImage)Image.Load("IMG-0001-00001.dcm"))

    using (DicomImage imageSaved = (DicomImage)Image.Load("output1.dcm"))
        bool isSuccess = Math.Abs(imageSaved.FileInfo.DicomInfo.Count - image.FileInfo.DicomInfo.Count) < 5;

APS to Vectorized PSD Export

Implemented the feature to export from APS to Vectorized PSD format via API.

//Export vector image to PSD format keeping vector shapes

//Aspose.Imaging allows to export vector image formats such as CDR, EMF, EPS, ODG, SVG, WMF to the PSD format, 
//while keeping vector properties of the original, utilizing PSD Shapes, Paths //and Vector Masks.
//Currently, export of not very complex shapes is supported, whithout texture brushes or open shapes with stroke, 
//which will be improved in the upcoming releases.

//Export from the CDR format to the PSD format preserving vector 
//properties is as simple as the following snippet:

using (Image image = Imaging.Image.Load("sample.cdr"))
    PsdOptions imageOptions = new PsdOptions()
        VectorRasterizationOptions = options,
        VectorizationOptions = new PsdVectorizationOptions()
            VectorDataCompositionMode = VectorDataCompositionMode.SeparateLayers
    imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageWidth = image.Width;
    imageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageHeight = image.Height;

    image.Save(outputFileName, imageOptions);

Export PNG to BMP 32bits in Transparent Mode

Previously in some PNG to BMP 32bit export instances, the transparency was being lost. Now this issue has been resolved.

var sourcePath = "input.png"; // png image with alpha
var outputPath = "output-bmp.bmp";

using (Image pngImage = Image.Load(sourcePath))
    pngImage.Save(outputPath, new BmpOptions());

For a complete list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes in this release please visit, Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.3.
