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Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.2 - Release notes

Competitive features:

  • Support BMP RLE4 compressed images in BmpLoader
  • Explore the file format (CMX v11) and add support for it
IMAGINGNET-4076Support BMP RLE4 compressed images in BmpLoaderFeature
IMAGINGNET-3862Explore the file format (CMX v11) and add support for itFeature
IMAGINGNET-4286Exception while converting GIF to DICOMEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4282Support feathering feature in ImageMasking.ApplyMask methodEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4246Aspose.Imaging 20.11: Cannot convert Jpg to PngEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4245Aspose.Imaging 20.11: Cannot save TiffEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4226“Image export failed.” exception when rendering CDR file to PNGEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4224“Image export failed.” exception when rendering to PNG JP2 fileEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4221Exception while loading CDR imageEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4220Unable to rasterize CMX imagesEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4219“Page size incorrect. Please specify positive values for CmxRasterizationOptions.PageWidthEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4216Use BorderX, BorderY, BackgroundColor properties during the export from EPS to raster formatsEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4208Cannot save specific EMF to SVG or PNGEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4193Aspose.Imaging 20.9: Cannot load particular WebpEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-4192Aspose.Imaging 20.9: Cannot load particular CdrEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-3527Watermark is missed on Emf saveEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Class Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Types.CdrTextCollection

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Enums.ColorModels.BGR

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Enums.ColorModels.LAB255

Method Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Objects.CdrStyle.Copy

Method Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Types.CdrTextCollection.#ctor

Method Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Types.CdrTextCollection.Add (System.Int32,Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Objects.CdrText)

Method Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Types.CdrTextCollection.GetText(System.Int32)

Method Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Types.PointD.ToString

Property Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Specs.CmxEllipseSpec.BoundingBox

Property Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Specs.CmxImageSpec.IsCmx3Image

Property Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cmx.ObjectModel.Specs.CmxPathSpec.Type

Property Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.Positioning

Removed APIs:

Class Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.DxfOptions

Class Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.DxfRasterizationOptions

Field/Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Dxf

Method Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.DxfOptions.#ctor

Method Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.DxfRasterizationOptions.#ctor

Property Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.CdrRasterizationOptions.Positioning

Property Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.CmxRasterizationOptions.Positioning

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGNET-4286 Exception while converting GIF to DICOM

using (var image = Image.Load("little-dogs.gif"))
    image.Save("little-dogs.gif.dcm", new DicomOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4282 Support feathering feature in ImageMasking.ApplyMask method

### Applying mask to the image with edges feathering

using (RasterImage targetImage = (RasterImage)Image.Load("Blue hills.png"))
    ImageOptionsBase maskOptions = new BmpOptions
         { Source = new StreamSource(new MemoryStream()) };
    using (RasterImage mask = (RasterImage)Image.
         Create(maskOptions, targetImage.Width, targetImage.Height))
        Graphics graphics = new Graphics(mask);
            new SolidBrush(Color.White),
            new Point[]
                    new Point(targetImage.Width / 2, 0),
                    new Point(targetImage.Width, targetImage.Height / 2),
                    new Point(targetImage.Width / 2, targetImage.Height),
                    new Point(0, targetImage.Height / 2),

            new GraphCutMaskingOptions()
                FeatheringRadius = 2,
                BackgroundReplacementColor = Color.Coral


IMAGINGNET-4246 Aspose.Imaging 20.11: Cannot convert Jpg to Png

using (var image = Image.Load("alliancejob.jpg"))
    image.Save("alliancejob.jpg.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4245 Aspose.Imaging 20.11: Cannot save Tiff

using (var image = Image.Load("r1.tif"))
    image.Save("result.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4226 “Image export failed.” exception when rendering CDR file to PNG

string fileName = "Final.cdr";
string baseFolder = @"D:\";
string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";
using (var image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
    image.Save(outputFilePath, new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4224 “Image export failed.” exception when rendering to PNG JP2 file

using (Image image = Image.Load("the_shining_-jack-frozen.jpg.jp2", new Jpeg2000LoadOptions()))
    PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();

    image.Save("sample.jp2.png", saveOptions);

IMAGINGNET-4221 Exception while loading CDR image

string baseFolder = @"D:\Cdr";
string[] files = new string[]
    "14-07-2020_CITY GRESS.cdr", "adhunic kal paripekshya.cdr", "file.cdr", "yo calender.cdr", "D_Surjya.cdr", "GSTSK_Banner.cdr",

foreach (var fileName in files)
   string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
   string outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";
   using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
        PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();
        image.Save(outputFilePath, pngOptions);

IMAGINGNET-4220 Unable to rasterize CMX images

string[] files = new[] { "500DDEF.cmx", "500DEFFR.cmx", "3703.cmx", "304, 305, 306.cmx", "Graphic2.CMX",
                       "Oxford flex.CMX", "Parasiya RIB.cmx", "kta depan jurnaltime.cmx" };
            string baseFolder = @"D:\cmx";
            foreach (var fileName in files)
                string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
                string outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";
                using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
                    image.Save(outputFilePath, new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4219 “Page size incorrect. Please specify positive values for CmxRasterizationOptions.PageWidth and CmxRasterizationOptions.PageHeight” exception when rendering CMX file to PNG

string fileName = "KARNATAKA_20CHURCH_20_2019-11-20_20_201.cmx";
string baseFolder = @"D:\";
string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
    image.Save(outputFilePath, new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4216 Use BorderX, BorderY, BackgroundColor properties during the export from EPS to raster formats

using (var image = (EpsImage)Image.Load("Sample.eps"))
    var options = new PngOptions
        VectorRasterizationOptions = new EpsRasterizationOptions
            PageWidth = 1000,
            PageHeight = 1000,
            BackgroundColor = Color.Red,
            BorderX = 50,
            BorderY = 200

    image.PreviewToExport = EpsPreviewFormat.PostScriptRendering;
    image.Save("Sample.eps.png", options);

IMAGINGNET-4208 Cannot save specific EMF to SVG or PNG

using (var image = Image.Load("image2.emf"))
    image.Save("image2.emf.png", new PngOptions());

IMAGINGNET-4193 Aspose.Imaging 20.9: Cannot load particular Webp

using (Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load("NaoticlogoSTDBlancTOTALDET.webp"))
    PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();
    saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
    image.Save("output.png", saveOptions);

IMAGINGNET-4192 Aspose.Imaging 20.9: Cannot load particular Cdr

string fileName = "ParticipationCertificate.cdr";
string baseFolder = @"D:\";
string inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
string outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".png";

using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
    image.Save(outputFilePath, new PngOptions()
        VectorRasterizationOptions = new CdrRasterizationOptions()
             Positioning = PositioningTypes.DefinedByDocument

IMAGINGNET-4076 Support BMP RLE4 compressed images in BmpLoader

using (Image image = Image.Load("Rle4.bmp"))
        new BmpOptions()
            Compression = BitmapCompression.Rle4,
            BitsPerPixel = 4,
            Palette = ColorPaletteHelper.Create4Bit()

IMAGINGNET-3862 Explore the file format (CMX v11) and add support for it

var files = new string[] { "Aspose2.cmx", "asposenet_457_src02.cmx" };
var baseFolder = Path.Combine("D:", "test");
foreach (var fileName in files)
    var inputFilePath = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
    var outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".tif";
    using (var image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
        image.Save(outputFilePath, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb));

IMAGINGNET-3527 Watermark is missed on Emf save

License l = new License();
using (var image = Image.Load("1.emf"))