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Aspose.Imaging for Python via .NET 24.12 - Release notes
Competitive features:
- Unify usage of common operations (crop, rotate etc) for all formats
Key | Summary | Category |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-329 | TIFF frame loading hangs | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-328 | Unstable problem with Cdr images | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-327 | Incorrect file format detection for MP3 File - identified as JPEG instead of Unknown | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-326 | Incorrect file format detection for compressed files: svgz, wmz, emz | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-325 | Fix vector paths length record handling | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-324 | Improve AVIF processing time | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-323 | Add relative PageSize rendering for VectorRasterizationOptions, avoid exceptions on setting PageSize | Enhancement |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-322 | Unify usage of common operations (crop, rotate etc) for all formats | Feature |
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-321 | CDR export error | Enhancement |
Public API changes:
Added APIs:
Method aspose.imaging.Image.create_from_images(images) Method aspose.imaging.Image.create_from_images(images, dispose_images) Method aspose.imaging.Image.create_from_files(files) Method aspose.imaging.Image.create_from_files(files, throw_exception_on_load_error) Method aspose.imaging.Image.crop(rectangle) Method aspose.imaging.Image.crop(left_shift, right_shift, top_shift, bottom_shift) Method aspose.imaging.Image.rotate(angle) Method aspose.imaging.VectorImage.remove_background() Method aspose.imaging.VectorImage.remove_background(remove_background_settings)
Removed APIs:
Usage Examples:
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-329 TIFF frame loading hangs
from aspose.pycore import as_of
from aspose.imaging import Image, RasterCachedMultipageImage
inputPath = "input.tiff"
with as_of(Image.load(inputPath), RasterCachedMultipageImage) as image:
pages = image.pages
for i, page in enumerate(pages):"{inputPath}-{i}.png")
**IMAGINGPYTHONNET-328 Unstable problem with Cdr images **
from aspose.imaging import Image
with Image.load("Logo for Video.cdr") as image:"Logo for Video.cdr.png")
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-327 Incorrect file format detection for MP3 File - identified as JPEG instead of Unknown
from aspose.imaging import Image, FileFormat
format = Image.get_file_format("test.mp3")
if format != FileFormat.UNKNOWN:
raise Exception("Wrong detection: " + format)
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-326 Incorrect file format detection for compressed files: svgz, wmz, emz
from aspose.imaging import Image
inputPath = "input.svgz"
format = Image.get_file_format(inputPath)
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-325 Fix vector paths length record handling
### Example
Create a clipping path in TIFF format and transfer it to the PSD image during export.
from aspose.pycore import as_of
from aspose.imaging import Image, SizeF, PointF
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.tiff import TiffImage
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.tiff.pathresources import PathResource
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.core.vectorpaths import BezierKnotRecord, LengthRecord
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PsdOptions
def run_test():
inputFilePath = "test-tiff.tif"
inputPointsPath = "PathPoints.txt"
outputFileTiff = "output.tiff"
outputFilePsd = "output.psd"
with as_of(Image.load(inputFilePath), TiffImage) as image:
path = image.active_frame.path_resources
load_path_points = loadPathPoints(inputPointsPath)
vectorPathRecords = createRecords(load_path_points)
pathResource = PathResource()
pathResource.block_id = 2000 # Block Id according to Photoshop specification = "Without Shadow" # Path name
pathResource.records = vectorPathRecords # Create path records using coordinates
image.active_frame.path_resources = [pathResource]
# Added path to the TIF
with Image.load(outputFileTiff) as img:, PsdOptions())
# Transferred path to the PSD
def loadPathPoints(filePath):
with open(filePath, "rt") as file_io:
readAllText =
strings = readAllText.split()
floats = []
for s in strings:
if s:
return floats
def createRecords(coordinates):
# Create Bezier records using coordinates
points = []
for index in range(0, len(coordinates), 2):
points.append(PointF(coordinates[index], coordinates[index + 1]))
records = []
# LengthRecord required by Photoshop specification
len_rec = LengthRecord()
for point in points:
len_rec.is_open = False # Lets create closed path
len_rec.bezier_knot_records_count = len(records) - 1 # Record count in the path
return records
def createBezierRecord(point: PointF):
rec = BezierKnotRecord()
rec.path_points = [point, point, point]
return rec
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-324 Improve AVIF processing time
### Example
The sample AVIF image is exported into a PNG image format.
Processing time is approximately 4 times faster than in the previous version.
from aspose.imaging import Image
inputFilePath = "fox.profile2.12bpc.yuv444fox.profile2.12bpc.yuv444.avif"
outputFilePath = "fox.profile2.12bpc.yuv444fox.profile2.12bpc.yuv444.avif.png"
with Image.load(inputFilePath) as image:
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-323 Add relative PageSize rendering for VectorRasterizationOptions, avoid exceptions on setting PageSize
from aspose.imaging import Image, SizeF
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions, VectorRasterizationOptions
def convert_to_png(vector_image, page_size, output_file_path):
image_options = PngOptions()
vector_opts = VectorRasterizationOptions()
vector_opts.page_size = SizeF(page_size.width, page_size.height)
image_options.vector_rasterization_options = vector_opts, image_options)
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-322 Unify usage of common operations (crop, rotate etc) for all formats
1) Crop
from aspose.pycore import cast, is_assignable
from aspose.imaging import Image, SizeF, Rectangle, TextRenderingHint, SmoothingMode
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions, VectorRasterizationOptions
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.opendocument import OdImage
from os.path import join as path_combine
baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\"
outFolder = "D:\\Test\\crop"
files = ["crop.cdr", "crop.cmx","crop.svg","crop.emf", "crop.odg","crop.otg","crop.wmf","Scooby group.eps"]
for fileName in files:
filePath = path_combine(baseFolder, fileName)
outFilePath = path_combine(outFolder, fileName + ".png")
with Image.load(filePath) as image:
if is_assignable(image, OdImage):
image.crop(Rectangle(92, 179, 260, 197))
image.crop(Rectangle(88, 171, 250, 190))
png_options = PngOptions()
vector_options = VectorRasterizationOptions()
vector_options.page_size = cast(SizeF, image.size)
vector_options.text_rendering_hint = TextRenderingHint.SINGLE_BIT_PER_PIXEL
vector_options.smoothing_mode = SmoothingMode.NONE
png_options.vector_rasterization_options = vector_options, png_options)
2) RotateFlip
from aspose.imaging import Image, RotateFlipType
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PngOptions
from os.path import join as path_combine
baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\"
outFolder = "D:\\Test\\crop"
files = ["crop.cdr", "crop.cmx","crop.svg","crop.emf", "crop.odg","crop.otg","crop.wmf","Scooby group.eps"]
rotateFlipType = RotateFlipType.ROTATE_180_FLIP_Y;
for fileName in files:
filePath = path_combine(baseFolder, fileName)
outFilePath = path_combine(outFolder, fileName + ".png")
with Image.load(filePath) as image:
image.rotate_flip(rotateFlipType), PngOptions())
3) Rotate
from aspose.imaging import Image
from os.path import join as path_combine
baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\"
outFolder = "D:\\Test\\crop"
files = ["crop.cdr", "crop.cmx","crop.svg","crop.emf", "crop.odg","crop.otg","crop.wmf","Scooby group.eps"]
angle = 45
for fileName in files:
filePath = path_combine(baseFolder, fileName)
outFilePath = path_combine(outFolder, fileName + ".png")
with Image.load(filePath) as image:
4) Resize
from aspose.imaging import Image
from os.path import join as path_combine
baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\"
outFolder = "D:\\Test\\crop"
files = ["crop.cdr", "crop.cmx","crop.svg","crop.emf", "crop.odg","crop.otg","crop.wmf","Scooby group.eps"]
for fileName in files:
filePath = path_combine(baseFolder, fileName)
outFilePath = path_combine(outFolder, fileName + ".png")
with Image.load(filePath) as image:
image.resize(100, 100)
5) Resize (RightTop)
from aspose.imaging import Image, ResizeType
from os.path import join as path_combine
baseFolder = "D:\\Test\\"
outFolder = "D:\\Test\\crop"
files = ["crop.cdr", "crop.cmx","crop.svg","crop.emf", "crop.odg","crop.otg","crop.wmf","Scooby group.eps"]
for fileName in files:
filePath = path_combine(baseFolder, fileName)
outFilePath = path_combine(outFolder, fileName + ".png")
with Image.load(filePath) as image:
image.resize(500,500, ResizeType.RIGHT_TOP_TO_RIGHT_TOP)
from aspose.imaging import Image
with Image.load("Graphic2.CDR") as image:"Graphic2.CDR.png")