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Aspose.Imaging for Python via .NET 24.5 - Release notes

Competitive features:

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-229EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedExceptionEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-228Saving GIF results distorted output fileEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-227Fix ArgumentNullException on Graphics.measure_stringEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-226Looks like aspose.imaging.Image.get_file_format has lock insideEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-224EmfPlus is not rendered correctlyEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-223Incorrect conversion of the EPS image to SVGEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-222Resolve EPS rendering issuesEnhancement
IMAGINGPYTHONNET-221ESP to PNG: System.ApplicationException: Unknown name ’eexec'Enhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Property aspose.imaging.LoadOptions.concurrent_image_processing

Removed APIs:

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-229 EPS to PNG export issue: NotImplementedException

EPS to PNG export example:

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("image.eps") as image:"output.png")

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-228 Saving GIF results distorted output file

GIF saving example:

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("Input.gif") as image:"Output.gif")

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-227 Fix ArgumentNullException on Graphics.measure_string

from aspose.imaging import Image, Graphics, Font, SizeF, StringFormat

path = "arrow.png"
with Image.load(path) as image:
    g = Graphics(image)
    size = g.measure_string("Hello", Font("Arial", 10), SizeF(100, 100), StringFormat.generic_default)

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-226 Looks like aspose.imaging.Image.get_file_format has lock inside

Init 15-MB-docx-file-download.docx take 11.98ms
Init source.docx take 1.00ms
Init 15-MB-docx-file-download.docx take 8.18ms
Init source.docx take 9.18ms

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-224 EmfPlus is not rendered correctly

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("test.emf") as image:"test.png")

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-223 Incorrect conversion of the EPS image to SVG

EPS to SVG export example:

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("image.eps") as image:"output.svg")

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-222 Resolve EPS rendering issues

EPS to PNG export example:

from aspose.imaging import Image, LoadOptions, DataRecoveryMode

load_options = LoadOptions()
load_options.data_recovery_mode = DataRecoveryMode.CONSISTENT_RECOVER

with Image.load("input.eps", load_options) as image:"output.png")

IMAGINGPYTHONNET-221 ESP to PNG: System.ApplicationException: Unknown name ’eexec’

EPS to PNG export example:

from aspose.imaging import Image

with Image.load("image.eps") as image:"output.png")