Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateFollowUpNextWeek | Creates a new note task with FollowUpNextWeekFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateFollowUpThisWeek | Creates a new note task with FollowUpThisWeekFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateFollowUpToday | Creates a new note task with FollowUpTodayFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateFollowUpTomorrow | Creates a new note task with FollowUpTomorrowFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateNoFollowUpDate | Creates a new note task with NoFollowUpDateFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTask.CreateCustomFollowUpDate(System.DateTime) | Creates a new note task with NoFollowUpDateFlag icon and specified due date. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateAwardRibbon(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with AwardRibbon icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBinoculars(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Binoculars icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlankPaperWithLines(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlankPaperWithLines icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueCheckMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueCheckMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueCircle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueCircle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueCircle1(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueCircle1 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueCircle2(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueCircle2 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueCircle3(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueCircle3 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueDownArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueDownArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueEightPointStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueEightPointStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueFollowUpFlag(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueFollowUpFlag icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueLeftArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueLeftArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueRightArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueRightArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueSolidTarget(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueSolidTarget icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueSun(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueSun icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueTarget(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueTarget icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueTriangle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueTriangle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueUmbrella(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueUmbrella icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueUpArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueUpArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueXNo(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueXNo icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateBlueXWithDots(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with BlueXWithDots icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateCalendarDateWithClock(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with CalendarDateWithClock icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateCar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Car icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateClosedEnvelope(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with ClosedEnvelope icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateCloud(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Cloud icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateCoinsWithWindowBackdrop(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with CoinsWithWindowBackdrop icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateCommentBubble(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with CommentBubble icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateContactInformation(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with ContactInformation icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateContactPersonOnCard(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with ContactPersonOnCard icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateDollarSign(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with DollarSign icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateEMailMessage(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with EMailMessage icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateFrowningFace(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with FrowningFace icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGlobe(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Globe icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenCheckMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenCheckMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenCircle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenCircle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenCircle1(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenCircle1 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenCircle2(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenCircle2 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenCircle3(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenCircle3 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenDownArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenDownArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenEightPointStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenEightPointStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenLeftArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenLeftArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenRightArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenRightArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenSolidArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenSolidArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenSun(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenSun icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenTarget(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenTarget icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenTriangle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenTriangle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenUmbrella(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenUmbrella icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenUpArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenUpArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenXNo(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenXNo icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateGreenXWithDots(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with GreenXWithDots icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateHeart(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Heart icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateHighPriority(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with HighPriority icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateHome(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Home icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateHyperlinkGlobe(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with HyperlinkGlobe icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateInstantMessagingContactPerson(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with InstantMessagingContactPerson icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateLaptop(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Laptop icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateLightBulb(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with LightBulb icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateLightningBolt(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with LightningBolt icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateMeeting(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Meeting icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateMobilePhone(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with MobilePhone icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateMovieClip(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with MovieClip icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateMusicalNote(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with MusicalNote icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateNoIcon(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with NoIcon icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateNotebookWithClock(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with NotebookWithClock icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateOpenBook(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with OpenBook icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateOpenEnvelope(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with OpenEnvelope icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateOrangeSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with OrangeSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePadlock(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Padlock icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePaperClip(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with PaperClip icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePen(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Pen icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePersonWithExclamationMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with PersonWithExclamationMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePinkSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with PinkSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePlane(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Plane icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePresentationSlide(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with PresentationSlide icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreatePushpin(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Pushpin icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateQuestionBalloon(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with QuestionBalloon icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateQuestionMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with QuestionMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateQuotationMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with QuotationMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateRedSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with RedSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateReminderBell(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with ReminderBell icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateResearch(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Research icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateRoseOnStem(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with RoseOnStem icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateScheduledTask(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with ScheduledTask icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateSmilingFace(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with SmilingFace icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateSunflower(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with Sunflower icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateTelephoneWithClock(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with TelephoneWithClock icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateTimeSensitive(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with TimeSensitive icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateTwoPeople(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with TwoPeople icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowCheckMark(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowCheckMark icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowCircle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowCircle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowCircle1(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowCircle1 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowCircle2(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowCircle2 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowCircle3(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowCircle3 icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowDownArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowDownArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowEightPointStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowEightPointStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowKey(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowKey icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowLeftArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowLeftArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowRightArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowRightArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowSolidTarget(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowSolidTarget icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowSquare(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowSquare icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowStar(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowStar icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowSun(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowSun icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowTarget(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowTarget icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowTriangle(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowTriangle icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowUmbrella(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowUmbrella icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowUpArrow(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowUpArrow icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowX(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowX icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteTag.CreateYellowXWithDots(System.String) | Creates a new note tag with YellowXWithDots icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueCheckBox1(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueCheckBox1Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueCheckBox2(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueCheckBox2Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueCheckBox3(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueCheckBox3Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueExclamationCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueExclamationCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueFlagCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueFlagCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBluePersonCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BluePersonCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueRightArrowCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateBlueStarCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with BlueStarCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenCheckBox1(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenCheckBox1Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenCheckBox2(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenCheckBox2Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenCheckBox3(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenCheckBox3Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenExclamationCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenExclamationCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenFlagCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenFlagCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenPersonCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenPersonCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenRightArrowCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateGreenStarCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with GreenStarCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateRedFlagCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with RedFlagCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowCheckBox1(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowCheckBox1Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowCheckBox2(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowCheckBox2Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowCheckBox3(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowCheckBox3Empty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowExclamationCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowExclamationCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowPersonCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowPersonCheckBoxEmpty icon. |
Aspose.Note.NoteCheckBox.CreateYellowRightArrowCheckBox(System.String) | Creates a new note checkbox with YellowRightArrowCheckBoxEmpty icon. |