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Aspose.OCR for Java 23.11.0 - Release Notes

What was changed

OCRJAVA‑343Deprecated classes, methods and properties have been removed to simplify the API.Enhancement

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OCR for Java 23.11.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

No changes.

Updated public APIs:

No changes.

Removed public APIs:

The following public APIs have been removed in Aspose.OCR for Java 23.11.0 release:

Deprecated APIReplacement
CalcSkewImage() methodsUse universal CalculateSkew() method.
CalcSkewImageFromUri() methodUse universal CalculateSkew() method.
PreprocessImage() methodsUse Render() and Save() methods.
RecognizePage() methodsUse universal Recognize() method.
RecognizePageFromUri() methodsUse universal Recognize() method.
RecognizeMultiplePages() methodsUse universal Recognize() method.
RecognizeTiff() methodsUse universal Recognize() method.
RecognizePdf() methodsUse universal Recognize() method.
RecognizePageFast() methodUse RecognizeFast() method.
RecognizeLine() methodsUse universal CalculateSkew() method with setRecognizeSingleLine(true) recognition setting.
getTextAreas() methodsSee Working with image regions for modern approach to bounding boxes detection.
AsposeOCR(String alphabet) constructorDefine the list of allowed characters through the AllowedSymbols recognition setting.
DocumentRecognitionSettings classUse universal image recognition settings.
setDetectAreas() recognition settingDisable the document areas detection or override the default detection mode with setDetectAreasMode() recognition setting.
setAutoSkew() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.
setSkew() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.
setThresholdValue() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.
setAutoContrast() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.
setAutoDenoising() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.
setPreprocessingFilters() recognition settingUse separate image preprocessing filters.