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Aspose.OMR for Java 24.5.0 - Release Notes
What was changed
Key | Summary | Category |
OMRJAVA‑85 | Added the ability to specify text color for the Text element. | New feature |
OMRJAVA‑87 | Added the ability to specify horizontal text alignment for the Text element. | New feature |
OMRJAVA‑88 | Added the ability to specify color of all text on a page. | New feature |
OMRJAVA‑29 | Fixed an issue with incorrect rendering of images when height is not provided. | Fix |
Public API changes and backwards compatibility
This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for Java 24.5.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.
Added public APIs:
The following public APIs have been added in this release:
attribute of text elements
Specifies the horizontal alignment of text provided in the Text element:
Value | Description |
left | Aligns text to the left side of the page (default). |
right | Aligns text to the right side of the page. |
center | Aligns text to the center of the page. |
attribute of text elements
Specifies the color of the text provided in the Text element. Overrides the value provided in page setup. Supported values:
Color | Value |
undefined | |
AliceBlue | |
AntiqueWhite | |
Aqua | |
Aquamarine | |
Azure | |
Beige | |
Bisque | |
Black | |
BlanchedAlmond | |
Blue | |
BlueViolet | |
Brown | |
BurlyWood | |
CadetBlue | |
Chartreuse | |
Chocolate | |
Coral | |
CornflowerBlue | |
Cornsilk | |
Crimson | |
Cyan | |
DarkBlue | |
DarkCyan | |
DarkGoldenrod | |
DarkGray | |
DarkGreen | |
DarkKhaki | |
DarkMagenta | |
DarkOliveGreen | |
DarkOrange | |
DarkOrchid | |
DarkRed | |
DarkSalmon | |
DarkSeaGreen | |
DarkSlateBlue | |
DarkSlateGray | |
DarkTurquoise | |
DarkViolet | |
DeepPink | |
DeepSkyBlue | |
DimGray | |
DodgerBlue | |
Firebrick | |
FloralWhite | |
ForestGreen | |
Fuchsia | |
Gainsboro | |
GhostWhite | |
Gold | |
Goldenrod | |
Gray | |
Green | |
GreenYellow | |
Honeydew | |
HotPink | |
IndianRed | |
Indigo | |
Ivory | |
Khaki | |
Lavender | |
LavenderBlush | |
LawnGreen | |
LemonChiffon | |
LightBlue | |
LightCoral | |
LightCyan | |
LightGoldenrodYellow | |
LightGray | |
LightGreen | |
LightPink | |
LightSalmon | |
LightSeaGreen | |
LightSkyBlue | |
LightSlateGray | |
LightSteelBlue | |
LightYellow | |
Lime | |
LimeGreen | |
Linen | |
Magenta | |
Maroon | |
MediumAquamarine | |
MediumBlue | |
MediumOrchid | |
MediumPurple | |
MediumSeaGreen | |
MediumSlateBlue | |
MediumSpringGreen | |
MediumTurquoise | |
MediumVioletRed | |
MidnightBlue | |
MintCream | |
MistyRose | |
Moccasin | |
NavajoWhite | |
Navy | |
OldLace | |
Olive | |
OliveDrab | |
Orange | |
OrangeRed | |
Orchid | |
PaleGoldenrod | |
PaleGreen | |
PaleTurquoise | |
PaleVioletRed | |
PapayaWhip | |
PeachPuff | |
Peru | |
Pink | |
Plum | |
PowderBlue | |
Purple | |
Red | |
RosyBrown | |
RoyalBlue | |
SaddleBrown | |
Salmon | |
SandyBrown | |
SeaGreen | |
SeaShell | |
Sienna | |
Silver | |
SkyBlue | |
SlateBlue | |
SlateGray | |
Snow | |
SpringGreen | |
SteelBlue | |
Tan | |
Teal | |
Thistle | |
Tomato | |
Turquoise | |
Violet | |
Wheat | |
White | |
WhiteSmoke | |
Yellow | |
YellowGreen |
Updated public APIs:
The following public APIs have been changed in this release:
A new FontColor
property allows to specify the default color of all texts on the page, unless specifically overridden using the font_color
attribute of the individual element. Supported values:
Color | Value |
DrawingColor.undefined | |
DrawingColor.AliceBlue | |
DrawingColor.AntiqueWhite | |
DrawingColor.Aqua | |
DrawingColor.Aquamarine | |
DrawingColor.Azure | |
DrawingColor.Beige | |
DrawingColor.Bisque | |
DrawingColor.Black | |
DrawingColor.BlanchedAlmond | |
DrawingColor.Blue | |
DrawingColor.BlueViolet | |
DrawingColor.Brown | |
DrawingColor.BurlyWood | |
DrawingColor.CadetBlue | |
DrawingColor.Chartreuse | |
DrawingColor.Chocolate | |
DrawingColor.Coral | |
DrawingColor.CornflowerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Cornsilk | |
DrawingColor.Crimson | |
DrawingColor.Cyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkCyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.DarkGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkKhaki | |
DrawingColor.DarkMagenta | |
DrawingColor.DarkOliveGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrange | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrchid | |
DrawingColor.DarkRed | |
DrawingColor.DarkSalmon | |
DrawingColor.DarkSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.DarkViolet | |
DrawingColor.DeepPink | |
DrawingColor.DeepSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.DimGray | |
DrawingColor.DodgerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Firebrick | |
DrawingColor.FloralWhite | |
DrawingColor.ForestGreen | |
DrawingColor.Fuchsia | |
DrawingColor.Gainsboro | |
DrawingColor.GhostWhite | |
DrawingColor.Gold | |
DrawingColor.Goldenrod | |
DrawingColor.Gray | |
DrawingColor.Green | |
DrawingColor.GreenYellow | |
DrawingColor.Honeydew | |
DrawingColor.HotPink | |
DrawingColor.IndianRed | |
DrawingColor.Indigo | |
DrawingColor.Ivory | |
DrawingColor.Khaki | |
DrawingColor.Lavender | |
DrawingColor.LavenderBlush | |
DrawingColor.LawnGreen | |
DrawingColor.LemonChiffon | |
DrawingColor.LightBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightCoral | |
DrawingColor.LightCyan | |
DrawingColor.LightGoldenrodYellow | |
DrawingColor.LightGray | |
DrawingColor.LightGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightPink | |
DrawingColor.LightSalmon | |
DrawingColor.LightSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.LightSteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightYellow | |
DrawingColor.Lime | |
DrawingColor.LimeGreen | |
DrawingColor.Linen | |
DrawingColor.Magenta | |
DrawingColor.Maroon | |
DrawingColor.MediumAquamarine | |
DrawingColor.MediumBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumOrchid | |
DrawingColor.MediumPurple | |
DrawingColor.MediumSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumSpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.MediumVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.MidnightBlue | |
DrawingColor.MintCream | |
DrawingColor.MistyRose | |
DrawingColor.Moccasin | |
DrawingColor.NavajoWhite | |
DrawingColor.Navy | |
DrawingColor.OldLace | |
DrawingColor.Olive | |
DrawingColor.OliveDrab | |
DrawingColor.Orange | |
DrawingColor.OrangeRed | |
DrawingColor.Orchid | |
DrawingColor.PaleGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.PaleGreen | |
DrawingColor.PaleTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.PaleVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.PapayaWhip | |
DrawingColor.PeachPuff | |
DrawingColor.Peru | |
DrawingColor.Pink | |
DrawingColor.Plum | |
DrawingColor.PowderBlue | |
DrawingColor.Purple | |
DrawingColor.Red | |
DrawingColor.RosyBrown | |
DrawingColor.RoyalBlue | |
DrawingColor.SaddleBrown | |
DrawingColor.Salmon | |
DrawingColor.SandyBrown | |
DrawingColor.SeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.SeaShell | |
DrawingColor.Sienna | |
DrawingColor.Silver | |
DrawingColor.SkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateGray | |
DrawingColor.Snow | |
DrawingColor.SpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.SteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.Tan | |
DrawingColor.Teal | |
DrawingColor.Thistle | |
DrawingColor.Tomato | |
DrawingColor.Turquoise | |
DrawingColor.Violet | |
DrawingColor.Wheat | |
DrawingColor.White | |
DrawingColor.WhiteSmoke | |
DrawingColor.Yellow | |
DrawingColor.YellowGreen |
Removed public APIs:
No changes.
Usage examples
Check the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:
Set the default text color
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
GlobalPageSettings pageSettings = new GlobalPageSettings();
pageSettings.FontColor = DrawingColor.Red;
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate("source.txt", pageSettings);
res.Save("target", "omr_form");
Override styles of the individual text element
?text=Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
font_family=Courier New
font_style=bold, italic