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Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.10.0 - Release Notes

Deprecation warning

What was changed

OMRNET‑846Added the ability to shift reference point markers relative to the edges of the page.New feature
OMRNET‑846RotationPointPosition page layout setting is renamed to ReferencePoints.RotationMarkerPosition.Enhancement

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.10.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

The following public APIs have been added to Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.10.0:

ReferencePoints.Offset.Top page setting

Offset of reference point markers in pixels from the top edge of the page.

By default, the reference point markers are shifted from the top edge by 1% of the overall page height.

ReferencePoints.Offset.Bottom page setting

Offset of reference point markers in pixels from the bottom edge of the page.

By default, the reference point markers are shifted from the bottom edge by 1% of the overall page height.

ReferencePoints.Offset.Left page setting

Offset of reference point markers in pixels from the left edge of the page.

By default, the reference point markers are shifted from the left edge by 1% of the overall page width.

ReferencePoints.Offset.Right page setting

Offset of reference point markers in pixels from the right edge of the page.

By default, the reference point markers are shifted from the right edge by 1% of the overall page width.

Updated public APIs:

The following public APIs have been changed in Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.10.0:

ReferencePoints.RotationMarkerPosition page setting

This page setting will replace the existing RotationPointPosition page setting. The behavior of the setting remains unchanged.

Removed public APIs:

No changes.

Usage examples

See the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:

Shift reference point markers from the left edge of the page

Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings globalPageSettings = new Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings();
GlobalPageSettings.ReferencePoints.Offset.Left = 100;

Place rotation marker to the bottom of the page

Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings globalPageSettings = new Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings();
globalPageSettings.RotationPointPosition = Aspose.OMR.Generation.RotationPointPosition.BottomLeft2;