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Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.12.0 - Release Notes

Deprecation warning

What was changed

OMRNET‑936Added an absolutely positioned block layout element.New feature

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.12.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

The following public APIs have been added to Aspose.OMR for .NET 23.12.0:

positioned_block text markup element

Creates an absolutely positioned block at the designated position within a page, determined by the top-left corner, optionally be constrained by width and height. It does not have a visual representation and is only used to organize form content.

This element serves as a container for any form elements, except for pages.

The declaration of an absolutely positioned block begins with ?positioned_block=[name] statement and ends with &positioned_block statement. These statements must be placed on separate lines. Optional name attribute is used as a reminder of the block’s purpose and is not displayed on the form.

The following attributes are supported:

xYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the left edge of the page.
yYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the top edge of the page.
widthNoMaximum block width, in pixels.
heightNoMaximum block height, in pixels.

positioned_block JSON markup element

Creates an absolutely positioned block at the designated position within a page, determined by the top-left corner, optionally be constrained by width and height. It does not have a visual representation and is only used to organize form content.

This element serves as a container for any form elements, except for Template and pages.

The absolutely positioned block is declared as an object with "element_type": "PositionedBlock" property. Elements displayed inside the positioned_block are provided as an array of objects in the children property.

The following configuration properties are supported:

xYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the left edge of the page.
yYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the top edge of the page.
widthNoMaximum block width, in pixels.
heightNoMaximum block height, in pixels.
nameNoA reminder of the block’s purpose; not displayed on the form.

PositionedBlockConfig class

Creates an absolutely positioned block at the designated position within a page, determined by the top-left corner, optionally be constrained by width and height. It does not have a visual representation and is only used to organize form content.

This element serves as a container for any form elements, except for pages.

The following properties are supported:

ChildrenList<BaseConfig>YesElements displayed inside the block.
XPositionintYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the left edge of the page.
YPositionintYesAbsolute position of the block relative to the top edge of the page.
WidthintNoMaximum block width, in pixels.
HeightintNoMaximum block height, in pixels.

Updated public APIs:

No changes

Removed public APIs:

No changes.

Usage examples

See the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:

Add content to form header

?content=Biology Quiz
?content=DATE OF EXAM:
?content=  /  /    
?content=ROLL NO.

Absolutely positioned block