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Aspose.OMR for .NET 24.4.0 - Release Notes

What was changed

Added support for images of any bit depth.Enhancement

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 24.4.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

No changes

Updated public APIs:

No changes

Removed public APIs:

No changes

Changes in application logic

Starting with version 24.4.0, Aspose.OMR for .NET can read images of all common bit depth:

Bit depthDescription
1 bit per pixelMonochrome (black and white) images.
4 bits per pixel16-color palette.
8 bits per pixel2566-color palette.
16 bits per pixel grayscale65,536 shades of gray.
16 bits per pixel ARGB155532,768 shades of color with or without transparency. 5 bits per red, 5 bits per green, and 5 bits per blue channel.
16 bits per pixel RGB56565,536 shades of color without transparency. 5 bits are red, 6 bits are green, 5 bits are blue.
24 bits per pixel16.7 million colors without transparency. 8 bits per color channel.
32 bits per pixel16.7 million colors with or without transparency. 8 bits per color channel.
48 bits per pixelTrillions of colors without transparency. 16 bits per color channel.
64 bits per pixelTrillions of colors with or without transparency. 16 bits per color channel.

The change is completely transparent for developers, no code updates are required.