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Aspose.OMR for .NET 24.6.0 - Release Notes

What was changed

OMRNET‑776Bulk generation of personalized forms.New feature
OMRNET‑776Bulk recognition of personalized forms.New feature
n/aForm generation from the memory stream now supports both text and JSON markup.Enhancement
n/aBulk recognition of all forms from a folder supports all image file types.Enhancement
n/aFixed an issue with form generation from JSON markup using handwriting recognition plugin.Fix

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 24.6.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

The following public APIs have been added to Aspose.OMR for .NET 24.6.0:

Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.BatchOmrEngine class

The specialized API for bulk generating and recognizing personalized OMR forms. The functionality of this API can be extended by incorporating additional features provided through a plugin.


Contains the collection of personalized values to be inserted into placeholders. You can define any types of data - from one element property to the entire element definition or even multiple elements.


The collection of personalized data entries used for bulk form generation.

The number of generated forms is equal to the number of Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.DataRecord entries in the instance of Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.DataSet class.

Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.BatchGenerationResult class

Contains the generated forms and allows for saving the forms into different formats.


Handles advanced bulk generation and allows to iterate through generated form pages. We recommend using this class for generating large amount of forms (100+).

Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.BatchTemplateProcessor class

Bulk recognition engine for OMR forms. Initialized with the recognition pattern (a file with .DOMR extension), generated along with the printable forms.

Aspose.OMR.BatchProcessings.BatchRecognitionResult class

Contains the bulk recognition results and allows for saving them into different formats.

BatchBarcode page layout parameter

Defines the type, position and size of a mandatory barcode element which contains the unique identifier of a personalized form in the batch.

Personalized field placeholder

Use ${value ID} placeholder in text or JSON markup to insert the field with the given ID from the DataRecord element into the designated position in the form.

Updated public APIs:

No changes

Removed public APIs:

No changes

Usage examples

See the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:

Designing the personalized form in text markup



Designing the personalized form in JSON markup

	"element_type": "Template",
	"children": [
			"element_type": "Page",
			"children": [
					"element_type": "Text",
					"name": "${student_name}",
					"font_style": "bold"
					"element_type": "EmptyLine"
					"element_type": "AnswerSheet",
					"name": "Answers",
					"elements_count": 15,
					"columns_count": 3,
					"answers_count": 5,

Setting values of personalized fields

The number of generated forms will be equal to the number of records in DataSet object.

var dataSet = new DataSet();
// Add first student
var record1 = new DataRecord("JohnDoe");
record1.Fields.Add("student_name", "John Doe");
// Add first student
var record2 = new DataRecord("JohnDoe");
record2.Fields.Add("student_name", "Jane Doe");

Bulk generating forms

// Initialize Aspose.OMR API
BatchOmrEngine batchEngine = new BatchOmrEngine();
// Define the type, size and position of the form identifier barcode
GlobalPageSettings settings = new GlobalPageSettings();
BarcodeConfig batchBarcode = new BarcodeConfig();
batchBarcode.BarcodeType = BarcodeType.QR;
batchBarcode.X = 500;
batchBarcode.Y = 500;
settings.BatchBarcode = batchBarcode;
// Bulk generate forms
BatchGenerationResult generationResult = batchEngine.Generate(dataSet, "source.txt", settings);
generationResult.Save("generated-templates", "recognition_pattern.domr");

Advanced form generation

// Initialize Aspose.OMR API
BatchOmrEngine batchEngine = new BatchOmrEngine();
// Define the type, size and position of the form identifier barcode
GlobalPageSettings settings = new GlobalPageSettings();
BarcodeConfig batchBarcode = new BarcodeConfig();
batchBarcode.BarcodeType = BarcodeType.QR;
batchBarcode.X = 500;
batchBarcode.Y = 500;
settings.BatchBarcode = batchBarcode;
// Bulk generate forms
BatchGenerationResult generationResult = batchEngine.Generate(dataSet, "source.txt", settings);
// Iterate through generated forms
FormExporter exporter = generationResult.getFormExporter();
while (exporter.MoveToNextForm())
	// Save a form to PDF
	using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
	// Save individual form pages to images
	while (exporter.MoveToNextPage())
		using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
// Save recognition pattern
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())

Bulk recognizing forms

// Initialize Aspose.OMR API
BatchOmrEngine batchEngine = new BatchOmrEngine();
// Initialize the recognition engine
BatchTemplateProcessor processor = batchEngine.GetTemplateProcessor("recognition_pattern.domr");
// Recognize all forms from the folder
BatchRecognitionResult results = processor.Recognize("exam\\scans");