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Aspose.Page for Java 19.6 Release Notes
This page contains Release Notes for Aspose.Page for Java 19.6
We at Aspose are honoured to announce first version Aspose.Page for Java 19.6. Aspose.Page is a solution for manipulating PDL formats. The first version of Aspose.Page can:
- Create, edit and save XPS document
- Convert XPS document to PDF and image
- Convert PostScript (PS) and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files to PDF and image
XPS Features
- Create and edit XPS document
- Add or remove pages of XPS document
- Work with canvases, paths and glyphs elements
- Create vector graphics shapes (Path element) using a set of primitives (elliptical arcs, Bezier curve segments and straight line segments)
- Create text strings (Glyphs element)
- Group elements (Canvas element) to manipulate a group as a whole
- Manipulate the appearance of graphics and text strings
- Use brushes of different types including solid color brush, image brush, visual brush etc
- Specify colors in different color spaces including sRGB, scRGB and any space based on ICC profile
- Work with multiple documents inside an XPS document
- Preserve print tickets in opened XPS document if any
- Add default print tickets into new XPS document or an opened one if there’re no tickets in it
- Perform cross-package operations, e.g. add/insert an element from another document (XPS package), assign a property value created in another document’s context, create elements/property values based on file resources created in another document’s context, add/insert a page from another document
- Get a job/document/page print ticket object and link it to another job/document/page
- Manipulate print tickets using the Print Schema model classes
- Save XPS documents as raster images
- Save XPS documents to PDF format
- Manipulate hyperlinks associated with XPS elements
- Save PDF to stream
- Manipulate, save and convert XPS outline items
EPS Features
- Supports PostScript language levels 1-3 with an exception of font types: Type2 (CFF), Type14 (Chameleon), Types 9, 10, 11, 32 (CID-Keyed)
- Save as PDF
- Save as raster image