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Aspose.PDF for .NET allows the developers to embed PDF document creation, manipulation & conversion capabilities in their .NET applications. It supports working with many popular file formats including PDF, XFA, TXT, HTML, PCL, XML, XPS, EPUB, TEX and image file formats.
Aspose.PDF for Java is a PDF document creation API that enables Java applications to read, write and manipulate PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports working with PDF, XFA, TXT, HTML, PCL, XML, XPS and image file formats.
Aspose.PDF for C++ is a native C++ library that enables the developers to add PDF handling capabilities to their C++ applications. The library allows to perform a wide range of document processing tasks including creation of PDF files, form processing, text & page manipulation, management of annotations, attachments, bookmarks, custom font handling and much more.
Aspose.PDF for Android Java is a PDF Processing API that enables the Android apps to read, write, manipulate & render PDF documents. It supports working with PDF, TXT and image file formats.
Aspose.PDF for Reporting Services is a robust rendering extension to produce PDF, PDF/A and XPS reports from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
Aspose.PDF for SharePoint allows exporting lists, individual list item and Wiki pages to PDF file format. Aspose.PDF for SharePoint is designed to be used with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation and Microsoft SharePoint Server.
Aspose.PDF for JasperReports is a flexible JasperReports and JasperServer extension that allows you to export reports in Portable Document Format (PDF, PDF/A). Important report features such as tables, charts and images are converted to PDF with the highest degree of precision.
Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET is an advanced PDF Document Processing API that enables you to perform a wide range of document processing tasks directly within your applications.
Aspose.PDF for Python via Java is an advanced PDF Processing API that enables you to perform a wide range of document processing tasks directly within your applications.
Aspose.PDF for Python via C++ is a easy and secure toolkit used to work with PDF directly.
Aspose.PDF for JavaScript via C++ is a easy and secure toolkit used to work with PDF directly in the web browser.
Aspose.PDF for Node.js via C++ is an easy and secure library used to work with PDF directly in the web browser.