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Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.5.0 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNEWJAVA-34296 | Get warnings for font substitution | New Feature |
PDFNEWJAVA-35794 | Implement EMF device | New Feature |
PDFNEWJAVA-35689 | HTML to PDF - escape HTML tags and special characters | New Feature |
PDFNEWJAVA-35503 | Use default font when specific font from document is missing over system | Enhancement |
PDFNEWJAVA-33308 | FO float to PDF | Enhancement |
PDFNEWJAVA-34454 | PDF to HTML: NullPointerException | Exception |
PDFNEWJAVA-35359 | PDF to PDFA: conversion of scanned PDF to PDFA throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Exception |
PDFNEWJAVA-34454 | PDF to HTML: NullPointerException | Exception |
PDFNEWJAVA-35687 | Performance issue while importing XML in PDF form | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35685 | PDF to PDFA conversion issue(Linux) | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35434 | HTML to PDF conversion on UNIX results in “Too many open files” issue | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35395 | Non-Searchable to Searchable PDF conversion issue | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35389 | Locking all threads on Solaris server | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35645 | PDF to PDF/A_2b - Resultant file is not compliant | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35599 | Creating searchable PDF using TesseractOCR via JNA | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35431 | Searchable PDF overlay issue with Aspose.PDF and Tesseract | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35101 | PDF to HTML - Background watermark text appears on top of Heading | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35425 | PDF to HTML: characters alignment issues | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34823 | PDF to HTML: Text is being positioned incorrect in header part of HTML | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35387 | Not all fields become flattened in DOM aproach | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35495 | PDF to HTML: text is missing in resultant HTML | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34380 | Error when using API in trial over Windows 8.1 | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35492 | PDF to HTML - Text misplaced after converting to html | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35300 | Html to PDF conversion is making the url lowercase | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34901 | EPUB to Image: Output image is empty | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34662 | PDF to HTML: Some symbols are not rendered in Chrome browser | Bug |
Public API Changes
Added new com.aspose.pdf.PdfEvent class with methods:
- public final void add(T delegate)
- public final void remove(T delegate)
- public final void clear()
- public boolean isEmpty()
- public final void assign(T delegate)
Added new com.aspose.pdf.ImageFilterType enum class with values:
- public static final int Jpeg2000 = 0;
- public static final int Jpeg = 1;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.BaseParagraph: moved:
- public boolean isFootNoteParagraph()
- public void setFootNoteParagraph(boolean value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Heading: changed method:
- public void setUserLabel(String value) -> public void setUserLabel(TextSegment value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.EpubLoadOptions: added field:
- PageSizeAdjustmentModes */int PageSizeAdjustmentMode
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.CompositingParameters: added constructor:
- public CompositingParameters(/* BlendMode /int blendMode, / ImageFilterType */int filterType) added method:
- public /* ImageFilterType */int getFilterType()
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Field: added methods:
- public int getTabOrder()
- public void setTabOrder(int value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Font: added methods:
- public boolean doesFontContainAllCharacters(String value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.HtmlSaveOptions: added field:
- public /* FontEncodingRules */byte FontEncodingStrategy;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Resources: added method:
- public FontCollection getFonts(boolean createIfAbsent)