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Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.9.0 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFJAVA-35961 | Indentation is missing in TOC | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-36018 | Changing image dpi in PDF document distort the image | Enhancement |
PDFNEWJAVA-34615 | PDF to PDF/A - Some images appear as black in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35826 | PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not PDF/A_1a compliant | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35647 | XFA to standard PDF - Contents are missing | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35787 | PDF to PDF/A - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35299 | PDF to PNG: incorrect background of some elements | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35419 | Unable to read metadata | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35437 | PDF to PNG: Blue background instead of violet | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34211 | Nullpointer Exception on some Linux Systems when validating PDF/A | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35278 | HTML to PDF: Incorrect TextArea’s font size in Linux | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34995 | PDF to HTML with embedded resources loses the image | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36053 | License Error: The signature is invalid | Bug |
Public API Changes
- Added default constructor public Color() to the class com.aspose.pdf.Color:
- The class com.aspose.pdf.Paragraphs becomes implemented Iterable
- Conversions from Epub format and from/to Latex format are temporarily disabled till the next release.
- The legacy engine (package aspose.pdf.*) is moved from the build to another jar file (aspose.pdf.legacy-11.9.0.jar) with deleting all the methods bind with it.
- License and AssemblyConstants classes for the legacy jar were moved into the package: com.aspose.pdf.legacy All the other classes from the package aspose.pdf.* were not changed.
Deleted public void bindPdf(aspose.pdf.Pdf pdf) method from following classes:
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.Facade;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfAnnotationEditor;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfBookmarkEditor;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfContentEditor;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfConverter;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfExtractor;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileSignature;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfPageEditor;
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfXmpMetadata;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.facades.Stamp
- deleted method: public void bindPdf (aspose.pdf.Pdf pdf, int pageNumber)
“LegacyEngine is not supported now”
- Using com.aspose.pdf.LoadFormat.XML throws the exception ApplicationException with the text: This constant will be completely deleted in the next release.
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document:
- deleted constuctor: public Document(aspose.pdf.Pdf pdf)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document.OptimizationOptions:
added methods:
- public int getMaximumImageDimension()
- public void setMaximumImageDimension(int dimension)
- public int getResolution()
- public void setResolution(int dpi)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.DocumentWeb:
- deleted constructor:public DocumentWeb(aspose.pdf.Pdf pdf)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Annotation:
- deleted method:public Page getPage() com.aspose.pdf.Paragraphs