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Aspose.Pdf for Java 16.11.0 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNEWJAVA-33745 | Checking the status of Concatenation | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-36251 | PDF to Latex: Add languages packages by demand only | New Feature |
PDFNEWJAVA-34524 | NullPointerException while creating PrinterSettings object in Linux | Exception |
PDFJAVA-36185 | PDF to PDFA conversion is throwing EmptyValue Exception in multi-thread Java application | Exception |
PDFNEWJAVA-34367 | PDF to PNG - Blurry resultant image | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35164 | Issue with PageCollection insert method | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35304 | Arabic text is not being center aligned in a table cell | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35404 | Adobe Reader shows error when placing Image inside Table cell | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35508 | Fonts replacement issue | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35663 | Support of Aspose.PDF for Java on IBM i (Iseries or As/400) | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35924 | PDF to DOCX: footnote is not rendering as a single paragraph | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35940 | Invisible text on the right from the redactArea becomes visible | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36054 | Not all contents are appearing in PDF document | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36057 | PDF to DOCX: Russian text is being added in resultant DOCX | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36058 | PDF to DOCX: Saving as resultant DOCX grows in size exponentially | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36094 | Exception when loading Font from FileStream | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36147 | Image squished instead of moving to next page | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36186 | KeptWithNext feature is causing content to disappear | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36213 | When PDF is saved as DOCX, the AsposeTimeoutError occurs. | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36217 | Substitute font with open type font | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36224 | Specify page range information for PdfPrintRange.Selection | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36277 | PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliant | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36294 | PDF to PPT - Spacing between words is removed | Bug |
Public API Changes in Aspose.PDF for Java 16.11.0
Added the following exception classes: com.aspose.pdf.exceptions.IndexOutOfRangeException
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.DocSaveOptions: Removed unused methods:
public boolean isUseEmbeddedTrueTypeFonts()
public void setUseEmbeddedTrueTypeFonts(boolean)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document: Added methods:
public boolean isAbsentFontTryToSubstitute()
public void setAbsentFontTryToSubstitute(boolean substitute)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileEditor Added abstract class
public static abstract class ConcatenationProgressHandler
with abstract method
public abstract void invoke(ProgressEventHandlerInfo eventInfo);
Added class ProgressEventHandlerInfo with the following fields:
public int EventType;
public int DocumentNumber;
public int Value;
public int MaxValue;
Added enum class ProgressEventType with the following values:
public static final int PageConcatenated = 0;
public static final int BlankPage = 1;
public static final int DocumentEmbeddedFiles = 3;
public static final int DocumentForms = 4;
public static final int DocumentOutlines = 5;
public static final int DocumentJavaScript = 6;
public static final int DocumentLogicalStructure = 7;
public static final int AllPagesCopied = 8;
public static final int DocumentConcated = 9;
public static final int TotalPercentage = 10;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Font: Added method:
public double measureString(String str, float fontSize)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentState: Added method:
public double measureString(String str)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextState: Added method:
public double measureString(String str)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.ImagePlacement: Added method:
public Matrix getMatrix()
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.printing.PdfPrinterSettings: Added methods:
public void setSelectedPages(int[] pagesList)
public int[] getSelectedPages()**