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Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.4 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFJAVA-36644Exception throws when using Pdf Digital signatureException
PDFJAVA-34001API reference is not upto dateBug
PDFJAVA-34533PDF to PDFA: compliance failure error messages detailsBug
PDFJAVA-34651PDF to TIFF: output image is jumbledBug
PDFJAVA-35178PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file size is significantly increasedBug
PDFJAVA-35356Incorrect output when Importing XML Data into XFA DocumentBug
PDFJAVA-35405Corrupted watermark when using API in trial modeBug
PDFJAVA-35417PDF to JPEG - Resultant image is not correctBug
PDFJAVA-35421Incorrect results while Importing multiline annotation via XFDFBug
PDFJAVA-35427PDF to PDFA1a: Background color is missingBug
PDFJAVA-35856PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFJAVA-35876HtmlFragment is not honoring hyperlink tagBug
PDFJAVA-35977Incorrect ColorType information is being returnedBug
PDFJAVA-35998PDF to PNG: data is missing in resultant imageBug
PDFJAVA-36616Forms.PKCS1 locks certificate fileBug
PDFJAVA-35675PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliantBug

Public API Changes in Aspose.PDF for Java 17.4

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.ColorType:

Added method: public static String getName(int value)

Added new exception class:


Added new interface com.aspose.pdf.IFontOptions with the following methods

public boolean getNotifyAboutFontEmbeddingError() public void setNotifyAboutFontEmbeddingError(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Font:

Added methods: public IFontOptions getFontOptions() public String getLastFontEmbeddingError()