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Aspose.PDF for Java 24.10 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for Java 24.10.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFJAVA-44410 | PDF to DOCX: Improve space calculation between tables and paragraphs | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-44187 | FIeldType.DateTime throws not support error | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-44415 | PDF to Excel: Column is split into two during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40590 | Columns shifted left in PDF to XLSX conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40637 | PDF to XLSX: Columns shifted to left | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44372 | PDF to DOCX: Extra border | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44349 | PDF to DOCX: incomplete horizontal table borders | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44391 | PDF to Excel: Image is lost during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44359 | PDF to Excel: Text aligned to the left instead of right | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44350 | PDF to Excel: Extra border | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44357 | PDF to Excel: The column width is too large | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44352 | PDF to Excel: Text position is incorrect | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44416 | PDF to Excel: Column is shifted | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44365 | PDF to Excel: The row is split during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44348 | PDF to Excel: Text is jumbled during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42347 | PDF/A compliance lost after adding document bookmark | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44293 | PDF to Excel: Empty columns on second page | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42301 | Text is lost when creating document using DocumentFactory | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44297 | Image save issue | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40974 | HTML to PDF: NullPointerException for image behind proxy | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43094 | HTML to PDF: Parameter is invalid | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42810 | Incorrect PDF from html conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44346 | PDF to Excel: Text in superscript disappears during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44283 | PDF to DOCX: Some borders are not recognized | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44326 | PDF to Excel: Cells are shifted | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44424 | PDF to DOCX: Some text disappears during conversion | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44442 | PDF to Excel: Row is split | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44419 | Error with Aspose pdf when converting PDF to DOCX | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44410 | PDF to DOCX: Improve space calculation between tables and paragraphs | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44304 | Regression: TextFragmentAbsorber fails to detect text fragments using regex in versions newer than 23.10 | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42096 | PDF to JPG conversion generates incorrect output | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44420 | Incorrect date format after manual change | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42459 | Spammy javascript causes freeze in Document load | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42301 | Text is lost when creating document using DocumentFactory | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44297 | Image save issue | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40974 | HTML to PDF: NullPointerException for image behind proxy | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43094 | HTML to PDF: Parameter is invalid | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44452 | PDF File Size Increases After Opening and Saving | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
Added new classes:
- com.aspose.pdf.boundscheckablelist.BoundsCheckableList
- com.aspose.pdf.boundscheckablelist.BoundsCheckMode
- com.aspose.pdf.boundscheckablelist.IBoundsCheckableItem
- com.aspose.pdf.FlowInput
Added new methods:
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Arc.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Circle.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Curve.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Ellipse.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Graph.setShapes(BoundsCheckableList
) - com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Line.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Path.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Rectangle.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.drawing.Shape.checkBounds(double,double)
- com.aspose.pdf.Page.addImage(InputStream,Rectangle,Rectangle)
- com.aspose.pdf.Page.addImage(String,InputStream,Rectangle,Rectangle)
- com.aspose.pdf.Page.addImage(InputStream,Rectangle,int,int,boolean,Rectangle)
- com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSize.toNativePaperSize(PrintPaperSize)
- com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle.contains(Point,boolean)
- com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle.getArea()
Added argument in method:
- com.aspose.pdf.Page.addImage(InputStream,Rectangle,CompositingParameters) in com.aspose.pdf.Page.addImage(InputStream,Rectangle,Rectangle,CompositingParameters)
Removed outdated methods:
- com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField.getOptionName_Rename_Namesake()
- com.aspose.pdf.RadioButtonOptionField.setOptionName_Rename_Namesake(String)