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Aspose.PDF for Java 24.2 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for Java 24.2.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFJAVA-43576 | Implement OFD to PDF conversion | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-36797 | Unable to set StateModel for Annotation | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-41959 | Watermark does not apply to XFA PDF file | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-43535 | Discrepancies in rendering of text rotated on 90 degrees | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43185 | PDF split keeping accessibility information | Bug |
PDFJAVA-41689 | PDF to JPEG: New engine degrades image quality | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43573 | PDF to DOCX - incorrect paragraph marks inside table’s cells | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43595 | PDF to DOCX - The tables have been merged incorrectly | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43525 | PDF to DOCX: Layout issues occur when opening the document | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43562 | PDF to Excel: The cell with the title should span over two columns | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43599 | PDF to DOCX - Background missing in some cells | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43524 | PDF to XLSX: Some images are disappeared | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43526 | PDF to DOCX: Corrupted content in the PDF document | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43533 | PDF to XLSX: Extra column is appeared | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43575 | Regression: Error message “Wrong format of page’s content” when saving some PDFs | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42849 | Form fileds text rotated when filled | Bug |
PDFJAVA-41333 | When extracting pages, tags are not extracted | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43462 | PDF to DOCX/XLSX: Table is split into two | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43527 | PDF to XLSX: Cells are shifted | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43407 | PDF to DOCX: Text split over two lines. | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
Added new classes
- com.aspose.pdf.cdr.CdrConverter
- com.aspose.pdf.djvu.DjvuConverter
- com.aspose.pdf.Document.CallBackGetHocrWithPage
- com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSources
- com.aspose.pdf.tex.TeXLoadResult
- com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicState
Added base class - com.aspose.pdf.Document.CallBackGetHocrBase for nested classes CallBackGetHocr and CallBackGetHocrWithPage
Added new methods
- com.aspose.pdf.DocSaveOptions.isReSaveFonts()
- com.aspose.pdf.DocSaveOptions.setReSaveFonts(boolean)
- com.aspose.pdf.Document.convertWithFlatten(CallBackGetHocrBase)
- com.aspose.pdf.HtmlLoadOptions.isPriorityCssPageRule()
- com.aspose.pdf.HtmlLoadOptions.setPriorityCssPageRule(boolean)
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.clearState()
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.setReviewState(int,String)
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.setReviewState(int)
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.setMarkedState(boolean)
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.getState()
- com.aspose.pdf.MarkupAnnotation.getStateModel()
- com.aspose.pdf.MdLoadOptions.getPageInfo()
- com.aspose.pdf.MdLoadOptions.setPageInfo(PageInfo)
- com.aspose.pdf.MdLoadOptions.isPriorityCssPageRule()
- com.aspose.pdf.MdLoadOptions.setPriorityCssPageRule(boolean)
- com.aspose.pdf.OperatorCollection.dispose()
- com.aspose.pdf.OperatorCollection.close()
- com.aspose.pdf.Resources.freeMemory()
- com.aspose.pdf.TeXLoadOptions.getLoadResult()
- com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentAbsorber.getRegexResults()
- com.aspose.pdf.XFA.appendToTemplate(String,String)
- com.aspose.pdf.XForm.dispose()
- com.aspose.pdf.XFormCollection.freeMemory()
Removed outdated methods
- com.aspose.pdf.TextAnnotation.getState()
- com.aspose.pdf.TextAnnotation.setState(int)
- com.aspose.pdf.TextAnnotation.getStateModel()
Added new constructors
- com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSource.#ctor(String,int)
- com.aspose.pdf.OperatorCollection.#ctor(IPdfPrimitive,IOperatorContainer)
- com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentAbsorber.#ctor(java.util.regex.Pattern[],TextSearchOptions)
- com.aspose.pdf.TextStamp.#ctor(FormattedText,TextState)
Added new field
- com.aspose.pdf.printing.PrintPaperSourceKind.AutomaticFeed
Nested class com.aspose.pdf.Signature.SignHash has became an independent public class - com.aspose.pdf.SignHash