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Aspose.PDF for Java 24.3 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-43734Add the ability to convert tables for the PDF to Markdown converterNew Feature
PDFJAVA-43733Implement a search through a list of phrases in a TextFragmentAbsorber.New Feature
PDFJAVA-40038PDF to PDFA - API is taking a lot of time during conversionEnhancement
PDFJAVA-43735Support word break in TextStampEnhancement
PDFJAVA-42406Bouncy Castle FIPS Java API upgradeEnhancement
PDFJAVA-43510Continuation of PDFJAVA-43328: Word Wrap Alignment IssuesEnhancement
PDFJAVA-43541No TextFragment Even If The Regex is CorrectBug
PDFJAVA-43282Aspose.Pdf 23.10: Converting EPS to JPG throws exceptionBug
PDFJAVA-43502TextReplaceOptions.ReplaceAdjustment.IsFormFillingMode overlaps textBug
PDFJAVA-43330getTaggedContent() breaks content tags in resultant fileBug
PDFJAVA-43510Continuation of 43328: Word Wrap Alignment IssuesBug
PDFJAVA-36641PDF to PDF/A - some gradient images are converted incorrectlyBug
PDFJAVA-43676PDF to Excel: Some cells are split during conversion to ExcelBug
PDFJAVA-43678PDF to DOCX - The bullet item is not recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-43651PDF to DOCX - bullet lists not being recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-43650PDF to Excel: Extra column appearsBug
PDFJAVA-43628PDF to Excel: Cells are splitBug
PDFJAVA-43698PDF to DOCX: Alignment justify is not recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-43725PDF to Excel: Table formatting issuesBug
PDFJAVA-43697Rows are fragmented during conversion to ExcelBug
PDFJAVA-43702PDF to Excel: Text aligned to the left instead of centeredBug
PDFJAVA-36641PDF to PDF/A - some gradient images are converted incorrectly.Bug
PDFJAVA-43701PDF to Word: Extra row is appearedBug
PDFJAVA-43511Continuation of 4330Bug
PDFJAVA-42687HTML to PPTX: Conversion results in adding 6 letters to the name fontBug
PDFJAVA-39175PDF to XLS - data is scatteredBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added new methods

  • com.aspose.pdf.AbsorbedCell.compareTo(AbsorbedCell)
  • com.aspose.pdf.AbsorbedRow.compareTo(AbsorbedRow)
  • com.aspose.pdf.AbsorbedTable.compareTo(AbsorbedTable)
  • com.aspose.pdf.Field.executeFieldJavaScript(JavascriptAction)
  • com.aspose.pdf.Image.getBitmapSize()
  • com.aspose.pdf.TextReplaceOptions.isIgnoreParagraphs()
  • com.aspose.pdf.TextReplaceOptions.setIgnoreParagraphs(boolean)
  • com.aspose.pdf.TextStamp.getWordWrapMode()
  • com.aspose.pdf.TextStamp.setWordWrapMode(int)