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Aspose.PDF for Java 24.6 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-43954Aspose.Pdf for Java 24.4 : “Unable to decode certificate” when sign .pdf with ExternalSignatureNew Feature
PDFJAVA-43406PDF v2.0: Metadata SettersNew Feature
PDFJAVA-43918PDF to ODS: Identifying vertical alignmentsEnhancement
PDFJAVA-44070Implement Paragraph Replacement in an existing PDFEnhancement
PDFJAVA-44072Add the ability to set TextAbsorber areas in which text must not be extractedEnhancement
PDFJAVA-43945Normalize list of old enums based on int values into java standard enums in public APIEnhancement
PDFJAVA-44071Make ease evaluation mode restrictionsEnhancement
PDFJAVA-35033HTML to PDF - Bullets are appearing in LTR formatBug
PDFJAVA-43744PDF to DOCX: Merge cells containing a single paragraphBug
PDFJAVA-43937PDF to DOCX: Bullet item is not recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-44024PDF to ODS: Cell Width IssueBug
PDFJAVA-37772HTML to PDF - Content is missing and overlapping in the outputBug
PDFJAVA-43999PDF to Excel: Bullets points are appearing as rectanglesBug
PDFJAVA-43629An extra column appears when using TableAbsorberBug
PDFJAVA-44052PDF to DOCX: Tables from different pages are incorrectly mergedBug
PDFJAVA-42791FrameworkException: Not enough memory to process jpeg fileBug
PDFJAVA-43728Problem with rectangle and page margins on existing pageBug
PDFJAVA-37046Arabic text is rendering in LTRBug
PDFJAVA-43135Text absorber is not extracting text properly from pdfBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added new methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.ImageStamp.getAlternativeText()
  • com.aspose.pdf.ImageStamp.setAlternativeText(String)
  • com.aspose.pdf.Metadata.getItem(String)
  • com.aspose.pdf.Metadata.setItem(String,XmpValue)
  • com.aspose.pdf.operators.BDC.getProperties()
  • com.aspose.pdf.ParagraphAbsorber.getTextReplaceOptions()
  • com.aspose.pdf.ParagraphAbsorber.setTextReplaceOptions(TextReplaceOptions)
  • com.aspose.pdf.SaveFormat.getByValue(int)
  • com.aspose.pdf.SaveOptions.isCacheGlyphs()
  • com.aspose.pdf.SaveOptions.setCacheGlyphs(boolean)
  • com.aspose.pdf.tagged.logicalstructure.elements.Element.tag(BDC)
  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicElement.getSourcePage()

Added new classes:

  • com.aspose.pdf.Document.RepairOptions
  • com.aspose.pdf.facades.BDCProperties

Added new field:

  • com.aspose.pdf.tex.TeXLoadResult.InvalidResult

Added new field:

  • com.aspose.pdf.tex.TeXLoadResult.InvalidResult

The following method was splitted into two implementations: removed: com.aspose.pdf.IDocument.convert(Document.CallBackGetHocrBase,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean) added: com.aspose.pdf.IDocument.convert(Document.CallBackGetHocr,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean) added: com.aspose.pdf.IDocument.convert(Document.CallBackGetHocrWithPage,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean)

Removed parametr Page from the following methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicElement.saveToSvg(Page) = > com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicElement.saveToSvg()
  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicElement.saveToSvg(Page,String) = > com.aspose.pdf.vector.GraphicElement.saveToSvg(String)

The following classes with constants are changed to enums:

  • AnnotationState
  • AnnotationState
  • BlendMode
  • BorderCornerStyle
  • BorderEffect
  • BorderStyle
  • BoxStyle
  • CapStyle
  • CaptionPosition
  • CaretSymbol
  • ColorSpace
  • ColorType
  • ContentDisposition
  • ConvertErrorAction
  • ConvertSoftMaskAction
  • ConvertTransparencyAction
  • CoordinateOrigin
  • DigestHashAlgorithm
  • Direction
  • DocMDPAccessPermissions
  • DocSaveOptions.RecognitionMode
  • DocSaveOptions.DocFormat
  • EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode
  • ExcelSaveOptions.ExcelFormat
  • ExplicitDestinationType
  • ExtendedBoolean
  • ExtractImageMode
  • FileEncoding
  • FileIcon
  • Fixup
  • FreeTextIntent
  • HighlightingMode
  • HtmlDocumentType
  • HtmlMediaType
  • IconCaptionPosition
  • ImageFileType
  • ImageFilterType
  • ImageFormat
  • ImportFormat
  • Justification
  • LettersPositioningMethods
  • LightingSchemeType
  • LineEnding
  • LineIntent
  • NumberingStyle
  • PDF3DActivation
  • PageCoordinateType
  • PageLayout
  • PageMode
  • PasswordType
  • PolyIntent
  • PredefinedAction
  • PrinterMarkCornerPosition
  • PrinterMarkSidePosition
  • ReplyType
  • Rotation
  • ColorDepth
  • CompressionType
  • ShapeType