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Aspose.PDF for Java 25.1 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for Java 25.1.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFJAVA-44682 | Not all providers in Java support the NONEwithRSA | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-44618 | Ability to get information about document privileges allowance | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-40351 | The missing font is not substituted when suitable font in installed | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-44617 | Support setting output intent for PDF/X-1a conversion with custom ICC profile | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-44690 | Significant slowdown in Annotation.flatten() execution since version 24.09 | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-44597 | Performance degradation in file processing | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-41588 | Sign PDF with SHA256 or SHA512 as SHA1 has been deprecated | Enhancement |
PDFJAVA-44683 | The signature verification failed | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43090 | Word wrap is not working on new PDF Document using HTMLFragment | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43161 | HTML to PDF - output is not correct | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43167 | Unable to extract underline ,strikethrough, subscript, superscript from the pdf | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40925 | Underline is not underline when docx converted to PDF | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40870 | Exception when converting html to pdf | Bug |
PDFJAVA-42054 | Word break does not work when HTML is converted to PDF | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44547 | Aspose.Pdf for Java 25.11: PCL to PDF conversion issue | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40062 | PDF to PDFA - Attachments are loosing the PDFA compliance | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44081 | HTML to PDF: wrong conversion result | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43872 | Table-cell error converting HTML to PDF | Bug |
PDFJAVA-43877 | Images are blank after converting PDF to PNG | Bug |
PDFJAVA-40746 | Convert mht to pdf throws exception | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34989 | NullPointerException during concatenation | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44231 | Failed add eps image to pdf using Java because local2 is null | Bug |
PDFJAVA-39851 | Signature are invalid if privileges are set before signing the PDF document | Bug |
PDFJAVA-44656 | java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when saving a PDF file | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
Added new methods:
- com.aspose.pdf.ExternalSignature.#ctor(,,DigestHashAlgorithm)
- com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfFileSignature.verifySignature(String,ValidationOptions,ValidationResult[])
- com.aspose.pdf.FloatingBox.getPositioningMode()
- com.aspose.pdf.FloatingBox.setPositioningMode(ParagraphPositioningMode)
- com.aspose.pdf.OcspSettings.getRequestTimeout()
- com.aspose.pdf.OcspSettings.setRequestTimeout(int)
- com.aspose.pdf.Signature.getCustomSign()
- com.aspose.pdf.Signature.setCustomSign(CustomSign)
- com.aspose.pdf.Signature.verify(ValidationOptions,ValidationResult[])
Added new classes:
- com.aspose.pdf.CustomSign
- com.aspose.pdf.ParagraphPositioningMode
Added new field:
- com.aspose.pdf.HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.DontSave
Added new field:
- com.aspose.pdf.tex.TeXLoadResult.InvalidResult
Removed redundant boolean parameter from the methods:
- com.aspose.pdf.Field.flatten(boolean) => com.aspose.pdf.Field.flatten()
- com.aspose.pdf.RedactionAnnotation.flatten(boolean) => com.aspose.pdf.RedactionAnnotation.flatten()