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Aspose.PDF .NET New Release Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PDF .Net New Release
Aspose.PDF for .NET version includes all the features provided in Hotfix 2.4.x while the following is a quick list:
\1) Added: Support for image reuse. Please refer to .
\2) improved: Processing for GIF and PNG. The pdf file size is greatly reduced.
\3) Improved: Image processing in FO2PDF. The speed of image processing in FO2Pdf is greatly improved.
\4) Fixed: Table.IsFirstRowRepeated Bug. Refer to
\5) Fixed: Nested bullet points bug. Refer to
\6) Fixed: Bug about text indent.
\7) Fixed: Space mising bug. Please refer to
\8) Fixed: UNC path bug .
\9) Fixed: Image with relative URL bug in FO2Pdf. Refer to