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Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.5.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.5.0
We are pleased to share a new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET with following improvements.
New Features
- PDFNEWNET-33524 Support for PDF/A-2
- PDFNEWNET-34201 Support for PDF/A-2 with digital Signatures
- PDFNEWNET-34230 Add support for positioning of all symbols in word separately. This feature will be used in Pdf to Xps conversion
- PDFNEWNET-34245 Change the Orientation of pages in existing PDF file
- PDFNEWNET-34248 Allow to add Javascript to Checkbox field
- PDFNEWNET-34271 Support the feature to getFieldAppearance value
- PDFNEWNET-34364 Implement high-level Aspose.PDF.Page::AddImage method
- PDFNEWNET-34413 Get PDF Color data to convert to Image as color image (e.g. JPEG) or a bitonal image
- PDFNEWNET-34447 Reading Field property to find if the Field is printable
- PDFNEWNET-34418 Check if PDF file contains Blank / Empty Pages (If page has a blank Image on it)
- PDFNEWNET-34283 Merging large number of PDF documents together
- PDFNEWNET-34335 PDF to TIff File Size Issue
- PDFNEWNET-34431 Improve performance of OptimizeResources
- PDFNEWNET-32707 Exception is thrown if try to resave the document
- PDFNEWNET-34458 Exception on Opening the PDF file: An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream
- PDFNEWNET-34468 Null reference exception while creating Document class object
- PDFNEWNET-34439 Opening PDF file halts the application
- PDFNEWNET-34301 Aspose PDF throws error stamping some PDF files
- PDFNEWNET-34308 Getting Error : Unable to cast object of type ’ . ’ to type '
- PDFNEWNET-31457 Analyse and fix performance issues in page-by-page page image extraction scenario
- PDFNEWNET-33355 Concurrently PDF to PNG image conversion problem
- PDFNEWNET-33887 PDF is being displayed as Blank when viewed in Adobe Reader over Android
- PDFNEWNET-33912 Unable to read PDF file information
- PDFNEWNET-33923 Converting PDF to JPEG, BarCode is not appearing correctly
- PDFNEWNET-33925 During XPS to PDF conversion, only one page is converted
- PDFNEWNET-34039 PDF conversion to any image type results in blank page
- PDFNEWNET-34044 Error message is appearing when trying to view filled PDF form
- PDFNEWNET-34104 Aspose stream concatenation takes really long after update to MergedAPI
- PDFNEWNET-34117 Link Annotation Not Accepting New Value
- PDFNEWNET-34123 Some graphic elements don’t exist on converted pages
- PDFNEWNET-34134 PDF bookmark page number issue
- PDFNEWNET-34166 PDF to Tiff Conversion Issue
- PDFNEWNET-34167 Exception during PDF validation
- PDFNEWNET-34196 Conversion from latest version to Older version of PDF after concatenation
- PDFNEWNET-34203 Landscape PDF file prints as Portrait with cut out image
- PDFNEWNET-34231 Clipping paths are ignored during conversion images from pdf to Aps
- PDFNEWNET-34232 Background for tables is not displayed properly during conversion from pdf to Aps
- PDFNEWNET-34237 PDF to DOC conversion is adding small space between two images
- PDFNEWNET-34238 PDF to HTML conversion is adding small space between two images
- PDFNEWNET-34254 Sometimes watermarked document is broken
- PDFNEWNET-34260 Printing PDF: transparency in images is printed as white
- PDFNEWNET-34284 Bookmarks not retained when PDF is saved in Adobe
- PDFNEWNET-34293 CMYK Format Watermark not working
- PDFNEWNET-34299 PDF/A error log doesn’t contain all errors.
- PDFNEWNET-34315 Portrait PDF has landscape dimensions in Aspose.PDF
- PDFNEWNET-34316 Converting PDF to Multipage Tif is not rendering pages
- PDFNEWNET-34322 PdfFileStamp.Document and PdfContentEditor.Document removed from API
- PDFNEWNET-34337 Issue with PdfAnnotationEditor
- PDFNEWNET-34346 Texts mixed as one line when extracting texts from two columns
- PDFNEWNET-34351 Updating the field values when new document is created by coping the pages does not work properly
- PDFNEWNET-34355 PDF to PDF/A conversion corrupts the file contents
- PDFNEWNET-34372 Issue while converting PDF to Tiff
- PDFNEWNET-34388 Extended Rights no longer exist on opening the PDF file
- PDFNEWNET-34407 Both Bold and Italic Font Styles are not applying together on TextStamp
- PDFNEWNET-34408 TextStamp Coordinates are not fine when rotating the stamp
- PDFNEWNET-34419 Form Fields value Disappear after a second
- PDFNEWNET-34423 Save PDF Document to an earlier version not working properly
- PDFNEWNET-34404 Document.Encrypt fails on a certain kind of PDF
- PDFNEWNET-34448 Deleting Text Stamp by ID not working