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Aspose.PDF for .NET 9.3.0
We are pleased to share a new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET with the following improvements.
New Features
PDFNEWNET-34090 XFA document to static pdf document
PDFNEWNET-34170 Use DocumentPrivilege to set encryption in DOM Encryption
PDFNEWNET-34209 Adding Layer on existing PDF
PDFNEWNET-34390 HTML to PDF Support Javascript code
PDFNEWNET-36920 Getting PDF Hyperlink Destination (URL)
PDFNEWNET-30312 Printer queue document name
PDFNEWNET-31581 Identify Watermark Image from XImage collection
PDFNEWNET-34561 To remove the signature and keep signature field
PDFNEWNET-35227 Pdf file size increased after optimization
PDFNEWNET-35406 Update DocumentPrivilege class to allow Page extraction
PDFNEWNET-35766 Correct spelling mistakes in IfHtmlTagSupportedOverwrightHtmlFontNames property
PDFNEWNET-36117 PDF to HTML - Resultant images should not be SVG
PDFNEWNET-36873 PDF to HTML - Generate 3 sets of fonts to ensure maximum browser compatibility
PDFNEWNET-36915 How to break a nested table
PDFNEWNET-36943 To get submit button URL
PDFNEWNET-30750 Issue while converting HTML file into PDF
PDFNEWNET-33437 Exception found while converting HTML to PDF
PDFNEWNET-33585 Font source could not be opened (Exception in Pdf.Save method)
PDFNEWNET-33598 Multiple Identical Signatures in one PDF
PDFNEWNET-34092 Can not remove permissions password: Invalid Password Error
PDFNEWNET-34124 Buffered Stream usage when converting image to PDF Causes Exception.
PDFNEWNET-34199 Exceptions while trying to use PdfFileSignature Save method
PDFNEWNET-34328 Object Reference Exception is thrown on Creating Document Instance
PDFNEWNET-34420 Problem while signing the PDF document
PDFNEWNET-34652 Invalid signature object Exception is occurring when trying to read signature information
PDFNEWNET-34957 Unable to read PDF file with the Document object
PDFNEWNET-35299 NullReferenceException is occurring when trying to save the document twice
PDFNEWNET-35830 XPS to PDF - Unable to generate PDF files
PDFNEWNET-36139 HTML to PDF - NullReferenceException during conversion
PDFNEWNET-36539 Exception while using SaveResourceStrategy
PDFNEWNET-36610 PDF to XPS - Exception during conversion
PDFNEWNET-36816 Removing Image Stamp is throwing ArgumentException
PDFNEWNET-36902 Pdf Signing - Error using TimeServer
PDFNEWNET-36914 ImportDataTable method is producing InvalidCastException
PDFNEWNET-36971 Unable to remove metadata from PDF file
PDFNEWNET-29693 Pdf Producer field is showing incorrect product version
PDFNEWNET-30979 Form field does not get filled
PDFNEWNET-31328 Unable to retrieve form field names
PDFNEWNET-32124 Unable to use Aspose.PDF for .NET when trust level for web application is defined
PDFNEWNET-32212 Margins Issue in HTML2 PDF conversion
PDFNEWNET-32413 no exception but fields wasn’t filled (PDFKITNET24265)
PDFNEWNET-32419 out file did not created (PDFKITNET25067)
PDFNEWNET-32420 System.ApplicationException : Font csr17 with style Bold was not found
PDFNEWNET-32425 output file still corrupted with 0kb of space
PDFNEWNET-32559 Convert Pdf to HTML
PDFNEWNET-33226 Add signature in PDF
PDFNEWNET-33261 New line character/carriage return is ignored when clicked inside the text field.
PDFNEWNET-33302 Extract text from PDF return garbage
PDFNEWNET-33310 PDF Portfolio is not being converted into Image format
PDFNEWNET-33352 Extract text from PDF
PDFNEWNET-33596 Application hangs during HTML to PDF conversion
PDFNEWNET-33811 Border of RadioButton is not appearing in resultant PDF
PDFNEWNET-33879 HTML to PDF - ordered list being rendered as an unordered list
PDFNEWNET-34030 PDF - Save to HTML
PDFNEWNET-34065 External CSS Issue in HTML to PDF conversion: CSS does not apply without specifying the full path
PDFNEWNET-34168 Invalid PDF/A 1b document
PDFNEWNET-34360 Problem with Document.Encrypt
PDFNEWNET-34480 Generated PDF - Summarize Comments disabled
PDFNEWNET-34538 Removing a signature field after the document is signed corrupts any remaining signature fields
PDFNEWNET-34581 Exception “Required entry is absent in annotation dictionary” is thrown on ExportAnnotationsXfdf
PDFNEWNET-34753 NotSupportedException thrown by Pdf document
PDFNEWNET-34824 PdfFileSignature(Document document) overload changes IsCoverWholeDocument() property
PDFNEWNET-34838 Added watermark should not be visible
PDFNEWNET-35129 Html to Pdf Css style is not being honored
PDFNEWNET-35160 Password protected file is throwing exception, created using Foxit PhantomPDF Printer.
PDFNEWNET-35256 Time stamp issue, while signing a document with Aspose.PDF.facdaes and Aspose.PDF.Kit
PDFNEWNET-35356 Image transparency issue on different OS
PDFNEWNET-35359 Issue in adding image using operators
PDFNEWNET-35473 Aspose Optimize function doesn’t reduce the size
PDFNEWNET-35545 PDF to TIFF conversion is throwing ArgumentException
PDFNEWNET-35552 FIPS compliance issue
PDFNEWNET-35734 Text is not properly being extracted from PDF file
PDFNEWNET-36132 PDFA_1a file is not being generated
PDFNEWNET-36359 PDF to TIFF conversion throws Exception while passing page size argument
PDFNEWNET-36395 PdfFileEditor - merging the documents loses the form fields
PDFNEWNET-36512 PDF to HTML - Performance issue when using CustomResourceSavingStrategy(B)
PDFNEWNET-36606 Incorrect data display after importing data
PDFNEWNET-36695 The newly inserted page is very small size
PDFNEWNET-36725 TXT to PDF - Conversion process does not complete
PDFNEWNET-36738 PDF to TIFF - Resultant image is blank
PDFNEWNET-36739 Extracting text from PDF file throws NullReferenceException
PDFNEWNET-36759 Submit button generates Expected a name object error
PDFNEWNET-36776 HTML to PDF renders incorrect font size
PDFNEWNET-36801 Images are not being recognized in PDF file
PDFNEWNET-36803 PDF to TIFF - Checkbox value is not being retained in TIFF
PDFNEWNET-36808 FreeTextAnnotation: setting background to Transparent doesnot work
PDFNEWNET-36824 PDF to PDF/A_1b conversion fails
PDFNEWNET-36834 HTML to PDF - CSS is not being referenced
PDFNEWNET-36836 Extracting Annotation image appears as black rectangle
PDFNEWNET-36837 PDF to JPEG - Annotations are not appearing on resultant files
PDFNEWNET-36870 PDF to HTML Fidelity Issue
PDFNEWNET-36875 Document object throwing OverflowException
PDFNEWNET-36881 Unable to get exact text using coordinates
PDFNEWNET-36889 HTML to PDF - Unable to update Page dimensions
PDFNEWNET-36931 Insert page - First page is blank in resultant file
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
- UnembedFonts property was introduced to OptimizationOptions class. If the property is set to true - the fonts become not embedded.
Document doc = new Document("input.htm");
Document.OptimizationOptions opt = new Document.OptimizationOptions();
opt.UnembedFonts = true;doc.OptimizeResources(opt);
- CompressImages and ImageQuality properties were introduced to OptimizationOptions class.
- If CompressImages set to true all images in the document will be recompressed and compression is defined by ImageQuality property which is value of quality in percent. 100% is unchanged quality and image size. To decrease image size use ImageQuality < 100.
Document doc = new Document("input.htm");
Document.OptimizationOptions opt = new Document.OptimizationOptions();
opt.RemoveUnusedObjects = false;
opt.LinkDuplcateStreams = false;
opt.RemoveUnusedStreams = false;
opt.CompressImages = true;
opt.ImageQuality = 10;
- InputEncoding option was introduced into HtmlLoadOptions class
- The InputEncoding may be set to explicitly set the encoding of the document.
HtmlLoadOptions options = new HtmlLoadOptions();
options.InputEncoding = "windows-1252";
Document doc = new Document("input.htm", options);
- Option LettersPositioningMethod has been introduced into HtmlSaveOptions.
- Enumeration LettersPositioningMethods was introduced into Aspose.PDF namespace.the enumeration provides the following values:
- UseEmUnitsAndCompensationOfRoundingErrorsInCss
It’s the default method. It uses EM-units and special algorithms of compensation for rounding errors. It’s preferable for usage in IE10.0 and more fresh versions and gives better scaling of captions when scaling is necessary UsePixelUnitsInCssLetterSpacingForIE. It allows to get sometimes more precise results in old IE browser versions. Following code snippet demonstrates how to optimize letter positioning in old IE browsers.
Document pdfDocument = new Document(@"input.pdf");
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(HtmlDocumentType.Xhtml);
// checked settingsaveOptions.LettersPositioningMethod = HtmlSaveOptions.LettersPositioningMethods.UsePixelUnitsInCssLetterSpacingForIE;
pdfDocument.Save(@"output.html", saveOptions );
SaveInAllFormats font saving mode was introduced in HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes enumeration.
Following code snippet demonstrates how to generate 3 sets of fonts (EOT, WOFF,TTF):
Document doc = new Document("input.pdf");
HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
htmlOptions.FixedLayout = true;
htmlOptions.RasterImagesSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.RasterImagesSavingModes.AsExternalPngFilesReferencedViaSvg;
htmlOptions.FontSavingMode = HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingModes.SaveInAllFormats;
doc.Save("output.html", htmlOptions);
Star values were added into Aspose.PDF.InteractiveFeatures.Annotations.TextIcon.TextIcon enumeration:
- Cross icon.Circle
- Circle icon.Star
- Star icon.
The code demonstrates how to use new icons in TextAnnotation:
TextAnnotation ta = new TextAnnotation(page, new Rectangle(100, y - size, 100 + size, y));
ta.Icon = TextIcon.Star;page.Annotations.Add(ta);
- Layer class was introduced
The Layer class contains the following properties:
- Name
- Layer NameId
- layer IdContents
- layer operators listLayers
collection was added to Page class
Following code snippet demonstrates how to add layers to Pdf document:
Document doc = new Document();
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
Layer layer = new Layer("oc1", "Red Line");
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.SetRGBColorStroke(1, 0, 0));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.MoveTo(500, 700));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.LineTo(400, 700));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.Stroke());
page.Layers = new ArrayList();
layer = new Layer("oc2", "Green Line");
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.SetRGBColorStroke(0, 1, 0));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.MoveTo(500, 750));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.LineTo(400, 750));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.Stroke());
layer = new Layer("oc3", "Blue Line");
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.SetRGBColorStroke(0, 0, 1));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.MoveTo(500, 800));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.LineTo(400, 800));
layer.Contents.Add(new Operator.Stroke());page.Layers.Add(layer);
doc.Save("output .pdf");