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Aspose.PDF for .NET 10.1.0
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PDF for .NET 10.1.0
We are pleased to share a new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET with following improvements.
New Features
- PDFNEWNET-38025 Support a Method / Property to check if license is applied or not
- PDFNEWNET-38095 Getting total number of pages in new Generator without saving Document
- PDFNEWNET-34190 To Specify Character Spacing when adding Text in PDF
- PDFNEWNET-38102 The Rotation enumeration should support on45 degree angle
- PDFNEWNET-35105 Support of Arabic text filling in Textboxfield
- PDFNEWNET-37318 PDF to DOC/DOCX: Paragraph break is added at the end of each line instead Paragraph
- PDFNEWNET-38010 NullReferenceException when reading inReplyTo property
- PDFNEWNET-37818 Encrypted names of exceptions
- PDFNEWNET-38043 TextFragementAbsorber: throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- PDFNEWNET-35966 HTML to PDF: OutofMemory exception isuse
- PDFNEWNET-34453 Stackoverflow Exception during PDF to image conversion
- PDFNEWNET-37776 PCL to PDF - Exception during conversion
- PDFNEWNET-33851 Convert HTML to PDF - Exception found
- PDFNEWNET-33852 StackOverflowException is occurring during HTML to PDF conversion
- PDFNEWNET-33859 HTML to PDF conversion - Exception found
- PDFNEWNET-37702 PDF to HTML - Links are converted into plain text
- PDFNEWNET-38036 TextFragment Underline formatting is not working properly
- PDFNEWNET-38086 PDF to HTML - Image is turned upside down in HTML
- PDFNEWNET-37551 SVG to PDF: Image won’t be inserted
- PDFNEWNET-37056 TIFF to PDF - resultant PDF is 3 times the source
- PDFNEWNET-37922 PDF to TIFF - Resultant image is not correct
- PDFNEWNET-37725 PDF to PS - Resultant file size is too large
- PDFNEWNET-37855 Text replace feature is not working with Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server
- PDFNEWNET-36181 PDF to HTML - Hyperlink is removed in resultant file
- PDFNEWNET-35159 TextFragment properties malfunctioning in evaluation mode
- PDFNEWNET-35202 Extract Text returns sometimes bad Y position
- PDFNEWNET-35976 Sometimes corresponding charter rectangle does not give the correct position
- PDFNEWNET-37636 HTML to PDF Characters rendering issue
- PDFNEWNET-36935 PdfFileEditor keeps a reference to concatenated files
- PDFNEWNET-37920 Optimizing a large PDF not releasing the memory
- PDFNEWNET-38073 Incorrect page count being returned
- PDFNEWNET-38029 Header/footer text is being added incorreclty
- PDFNEWNET-36748 PDF to TIFF conversions throws StackOverflow Exception
- PDFNEWNET-38017 PDF to HTML - Image is Rotated in resultant HTML
- PDFNEWNET-36921 HTML to PDF - CSS float does not seem to be supported
- PDFNEWNET-37322 HTML to PDF : More than one tbody tags in a table are not being rendered
- PDFNEWNET-37910 Unable to get PDF Initial View Page Number
- PDFNEWNET-36458 SVG to PDF conversion:image renders off the page
- PDFNEWNET-37777 PCL to PDF - Shrinks page contents to left side
- PDFNEWNET-37848 HTML to PDF: HtmlFragment throws ArgumentException
- PDFNEWNET-33850 page-break style is not being honored during HTML to PDF conversion
- PDFNEWNET-37225 Output generated with DOM is quite large as compared to Generator
- PDFNEWNET-37351 ColorType property is returning wrong value
- PDFNEWNET-34916 HTML to PDF: List Item not appearing properly
- PDFNEWNET-34920 HTML to PDF: Text is not properly formatted.
- PDFNEWNET-36005 PdfViewer: Printing problem with German font
- PDFNEWNET-37752 PDF to EXCEL - Some contents are split into two cells
- PDFNEWNET-32524 Aspose.PDF Timeout Problem (v6.4.2)
- PDFNEWNET-37588 Image to PDF: output PDF file is approx 6 time larger than input image
- PDFNEWNET-35970 Search and replace text issue in evaluation mode