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Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.1.0

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-41573Referencing XObjects for multiple timesNew Feature
PDFNET-41880Add a row containing some text at the end of page if table is broken in two pagesNew Feature
PDFNET-41881Set different TabLeaderType for different TOC LevelNew Feature
PDFNET-41767Multiple reference to same imageEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-40023Adding text inside a shapeEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-40707Add text inside Rectangle objectEnhancement
PDFNET-41892Alignment of radio button text and checkbox text is not properBug
PDFNET-41735doc.Pages[1].Resources.Images.Names and doc.Pages[1].Resources.Images[0]
Name returns different names for same image.
PDFNET-41848Jumbling words when converting Pdf to Html with UseZOrder = trueBug
PDFNET-42032Pdf file is not compilant with PDF/A-1a format (transparency and missing objects)Bug
PDFNET-42031Pdf file is not compilant with PDF/A-1a format (transparency)Bug
PDFNEWNET-38235PDF to HTML - Links are converted into plain textBug
PDFNEWNET-39140PDF to HTML- Text Selection flickersBug
PDFNEWNET-40684PDF to HTML - Missing characters and invalid format of resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-40683PDF to HTML - Missing characters and invalid format of resultant fileBug
PDFNET-41589Load single image instance for multiple timesBug
PDFNET-41506Stamp text alignment issueBug
PDFNET-41891When PDF is converted to DOCX, the text formatting changes.Bug
PDFNEWNET-36321XFA form conversion failureBug
PDFNET-41809PDF to PDF/A - Formatting issues in resultant fileBug
PDFNET-41717PDF to PDFA: transparent background is being rendered as blackBug
PDFNEWNET-39398PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not correctBug
PDFNET-41899PDF to PPTX - Text on first page is absentBug
PDFNET-41404HTML/PDF to PPTX conversion issueBug
PDFNET-41654HTML to PPTX: Missing white Text form HTML to PPTXBug
PDFNET-41906Text position of TextFragmentBug
PDFNET-41992PDF to PDFA: compliance fails (soft mask in image)Bug
PDFNEWNET-40717PDF to JPEG - Some characters rendered wronglyBug

Public API changes

Added API’s:

Property Aspose.PDF.Drawing.Shape.Text Property Aspose.PDF.HtmlSaveOptions.DisableImageSelection Property Aspose.PDF.LevelFormat.LineDash Property Aspose.PDF.Table.BreakText Property Aspose.PDF.TextStamp.MaxRowWidth Method Aspose.PDF.XImage.IsTheSameObject(Aspose.PDF.XImage) Method Aspose.PDF.XImage.GetNameInCollection Method Aspose.PDF.XImageCollection.Add(Aspose.PDF.XImage) Method Aspose.PDF.XImageCollection.GetImageName(Aspose.PDF.XImage)