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Aspose.PDF for .NET 21.9
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for .NET 21.9.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-48976 | Support extended customization of Digital Signatures Appearance | Feature |
PDFNET-50158 | Collect data from the WidgetAnnotation | Feature |
PDFNET-48659 | Speed up while checking signatures | Enhancement |
PDFNET-46513 | Speed up while verifying signatures from PDF document | Enhancement |
PDFNET-48471 | Speed up convertion PDF to images | Enhancement |
PDFNET-49707 | PDF to DOCX: Recognize indents of paragraphs in EnhancedFlow mode | Enhancement |
PDFNET-47669 | Adding watermark causing second signature invalid in PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-47666 | Merge and sign PDF files making signature invalid | Bug |
PDFNET-46336 | System.Argument.Exception while loading an HTML file | Bug |
PDFNET-50381 | PS to PDF: output documents contains errors | Bug |
PDFNET-42139 | Images are not displaying correctly when converting HTML to PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-50215 | HTML to PDF - Program hitting infinite loop and failing to generate PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-49181 | Convert PDF to TIFF - fields values are changed in the output PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-49009 | Extract text from PDF - formatting is lost | Bug |
PDFNET-46336 | System.Argument.Exception while loading an HTML file | Bug |
PDFNET-46795 | Read the details of the signature throws exception | Bug |
PDFNET-43988 | Exception while removing signature | Bug |
PDFNET-49759 | An exception is thrown when doc.EmbeddedFiles.Count is called before doc.EmbeddedFiles.Add(fileSpecification) | Bug |
PDFNET-48778 | Embedded fonts are replaced on JPEG conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-49940 | Image file dragging static table’s column width in PDF instead of fitting inside it | Bug |
PDFNET-49918 | PDF concatenation adds extra “€” characters in bookmarks | Bug |
PDFNET-34276 | PdfAnnotationEditor.FlatteningAnnotations() removes annotations from PDF file | Bug |
PDFNET-35758 | PDF to DOC - Hyperlinks are not working in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-34277 | Annotation.Flatten(..) is not working | Bug |
PDFNET-48005 | PDF to JPEG not converted properly | Bug |
PDFNET-50100 | HTML to PDF: Conversion hangs with growing memory usage | Bug |
PDFNET-50174 | HTML to PDF: Conversion hangs on tag: .main-content p {padding-bottom: 15px;} | Bug |
PDFNET-50235 | HTML to PDF: Chinese characters not aligned | Bug |
PDFNET-49463 | Calling GetSignNames() throws System.ApplicationException: ‘Invalid signature object.’ | Bug |
PDFNET-49881 | InvalidValueFormatException: Date has invalid format | Bug |
PDFNET-47455 | Characters replaced with boxes when saving PDF as PNG | Bug |
PDFNET-50288 | A generic error occurred in GDI+ when converting PDF to HTML | Bug |
PDFNET-50264 | Aspose.PDF 21.7 Consumes all available memory processing EPUB document | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added APIs
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileEditor.RemoveSignatures
- Method:Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileSignature.GetSignNames(System.Boolean)
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Form.AutoRestoreForm
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.Forms.SignatureCustomAppearance.BackgroundColor
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.HtmlFragment.IsParagraphHasMargin
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.Operators.BasicSetColorAndPatternOperator.PatternName
- Method:Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileSignature.GetSignNames