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Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.11
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.11.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-38031 | Remove hidden text from PDF file | Feature |
PDFNET-47791 | Support for thread interruption | Feature |
PDFNET-48151 | Page Tree is flat after merging the files | Feature |
PDFNET-44725 | Reducing output file size after PDF to PDF/A conversion | Enhancement |
PDFNET-49059 | Grouping Checkboxes with the same name, but different Export Values | Enhancement |
PDFNET-53159 | Ignore or detect the hidden text in the PDF file | Enhancement |
PDFNET-55890 | PDF to ODS: Reducing output file size | Enhancement |
PDFNET-44600 | PDF to PDFA - Output file does pass compliance test | Bug |
PDFNET-52215 | Convert to PDF/A 3-b - the signature fields are removed | Bug |
PDFNET-51876 | Convert to PDF/A 3-b - the signature fields are removed | Bug |
PDFNET-55675 | Conversion of a particular PDF to PDFA-2A produces a non-compliant result | Bug |
PDFNET-54007 | ResizeContents method raises “Wrong format of page’s content” | Bug |
PDFNET-47004 | PDF to PDFA1A: Text cannot be mapped to Unicode | Bug |
PDFNET-44161 | Getting information on how much memory will be occupied when the document is converted | Bug |
PDFNET-43487 | Error “Page does not have Resources dictionary” in PDF/A conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-55696 | Incorrect page number for field after copying | Bug |
PDFNET-55690 | CheckBoxField.AddOption() method works incorrectly - confuses options | Bug |
PDFNET-55694 | Form.AddFieldAppearance() method causes System.ArgumentException for RadioButtonOptionField | Bug |
PDFNET-55697 | After copying, the new field affects the old field | Bug |
PDFNET-55589 | Form Name is null for Form in resources | Bug |
PDFNET-49560 | Saving PDF document to DOCX format cuts images | Bug |
PDFNET-53737 | When modifying a TextFragment.Text breaks the Margins and the text gets out of the page margins | Bug |
PDFNET-50010 | Overflow on multiline PDF textbox | Bug |
PDFNET-50849 | PDF to DOCX: Missing signature lines and a scanned image when the document is converted online | Bug |
PDFNET-55489 | Text Replacement not wrapping text to multiple lines | Bug |
PDFNET-55381 | Missing some characters after text search/replace in PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-55399 | Bad results from a text search/replace | Bug |
PDFNET-55742 | RemoveUnusedStreams causes NullReferenceException | Bug |
PDFNET-52931 | Aspose.PDF 22.10: Duplicate paragraphs in table | Bug |
PDFNET-51110 | Merging PDF files causes Page Stamp issue | Bug |
PDFNET-48564 | slow generation of PDF Table with many columns | Bug |
PDFNET-47611 | Aspose.PDF 19.12 Accessing Stamp Text property throws Exception | Bug |
PDFNET-53732 | Aspose.PDF 23.1 Accessing Stamp Text property throws Exception | Bug |
PDFNET-49973 | PDF to Image over MAC - Segmentation fault under Debian | Bug |
PDFNET-50373 | Aspose.PDF 21.7: Cannot load PS on macOS | Bug |
PDFNET-47003 | Form data is not being imported correctly from XFDF | Bug |
PDFNET-51170 | “Trailer not found” exception thrown when merging 2 documents | Bug |
PDFNET-54291 | Annotation flattening for Highlight not working | Bug |
PDFNET-55746 | InvalidOperationException when merging PDFs | Bug |
PDFNET-49305 | Optimizing and saving Chinese documents throws System.InvalidOperationException: Number of placed objects is not correct | Bug |
PDFNET-44891 | Setting left header margin does not move text | Bug |
PDFNET-48419 | When optimizing PDF the output is corrupted | Bug |
PDFNET-54547 | Importing annotations throws IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array | Bug |
PDFNET-55372 | SetMeteredKey on Aspose PDF does not work with version 23.8.0 | Bug |
PDFNET-48219 | After adding two certificates to a document one of them is invalid | Bug |
PDFNET-39622 | PDF to DOCX - OutOfMemoryException during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-39604 | Converting Dynamic XFA form to standard form throws Exception | Bug |
PDFNET-39723 | Dynamic form to Standard/Static conversion throws exception | Bug |
PDFNET-48568 | Date value is not populating correctly while filling form field | Bug |
PDFNET-49209 | Date-Time is changed in the output PDF if FlattenAllFields() function is used | Bug |
PDFNET-42490 | PDF to TIFF throws parameter not valid exception | Bug |
PDFNET-47391 | Unable to correctly display Date in the form | Bug |
PDFNET-49202 | Date Field value is changed after flattening the PDF document | Bug |
PDFNET-39984 | When filling form fields, contents are not formatted properly(date, money) | Bug |
PDFNET-54710 | Document.Save throws System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object in Linux | Bug |
PDFNET-52831 | Redaction Annotations styles ignored | Bug |
PDFNET-55749 | Regression: StackOverflowException thrown on call Document.OptimizeResources() in 23.10 (23.09) version | Bug |
PDFNET-53394 | PostScript to PDF conversion generates empty output | Bug |
PDFNET-46075 | The program hangs while converting a page to an image | Bug |
PDFNET-45869 | Images are corrupt when converted immediately after APS-to-PDF conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-55745 | PDF to Image throws NotImplementedException: Not supported image type | Bug |
PDFNET-55536 | Add a grayscale JPEG to a PDF without bloating the size | Bug |
PDFNET-43590 | SVG to PDF - an additional background color appears | Bug |
PDFNET-55776 | Regression: [Aspose.PDF.Drawing] SVG to PDF black boxes | Bug |
PDFNET-55779 | SVG to PDF as Stamp: Dotted path and text postion not rendered correctly | Bug |
PDFNET-43641 | SVG to PDF - Opacity attribute is ignored in output PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-55632 | ImageLoadException thrown for black and white image | Bug |
PDFNET-55584 | PDF to XLSX Conversion clubs data in one cell | Bug |
PDFNET-55666 | Regression: Converting PDF to Excel creates XLSX file with a font issue since Aspose.PDF 23.8 | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added APIs
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Devices.ColorDepth.Format24bpp
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Merge(Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions,Aspose.Pdf.Document[]) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Merge(Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions,System.String[]) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Merge(Aspose.Pdf.Document[]) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Merge(System.String[]) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeDocuments(Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions,System.String[]) Aspose.Pdf.Document
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeDocuments(Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions,Aspose.Pdf.Document[]) Aspose.Pdf.Document
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeDocuments(System.String[]) Aspose.Pdf.Document
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeDocuments(Aspose.Pdf.Document[]) Aspose.Pdf.Document
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions.MaximumNodesInLevel System.Byte
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Document.MergeOptions.IsNeedPageTreeBalance System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.IInterruptMonitor
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.IInterruptMonitor.CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.IInterruptMonitor.Interrupt System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.ThreadLocalInstance Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.IInterruptMonitor
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.Interrupt System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.Dispose System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfFormFlattenFieldsOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SelectField) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfFormFlattenFieldsOptions.GetSelectFieldDelegate Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SelectField
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SelectField) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfFormRemoveFieldsOptions.GetSelectFieldDelegate Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SelectField
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextReplaceOptions.RightAdjustment System.Double
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextReplaceOptions.LeftAdjustment System.Double
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Page) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Document) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.AllKeys System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[[System.String]]
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Keys System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[[System.String]]
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Values System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[[Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive]]
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Count System.Int32
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.IsReadOnly System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Item(System.String) Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.ContainsKey(System.String) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Remove(System.String) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.TryGetValue(System.String,Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive@) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Add(System.String,Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Add(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive}) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Clear System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Contains(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive}) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.CopyTo(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair,System.Int32) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.Remove(System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive}) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.DictionaryEditor.GetEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator
2[[System.String],[Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive]]]] - Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.#ctor(System.Boolean) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.Value System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.ToCosPdfBoolean Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.ToString System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.GetHashCode System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean.Equals(System.Object) System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.#ctor(System.String) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.Value System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.ToCosPdfName Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.ToString System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.GetHashCode System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName.Equals(System.Object) System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.#ctor(System.Double) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.Value System.Double
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.ToCosPdfNumber Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.ToString System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.GetHashCode System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber.Equals(System.Object) System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfNumber Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfName Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfString Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfBoolean Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.#ctor(System.String) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.IsHexadecimal System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.Value System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.ToCosPdfString Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.ToString System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.GetHashCode System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString.Equals(System.Object) System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfName Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfName
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfString Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfString
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfBoolean Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfBoolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive.ToCosPdfNumber Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.CosPdfNumber
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Utils.PublicData.ICosPdfPrimitive.ToString System.String