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Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.2
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.2.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-53172 | RAM consumption decreased while processing PDF | Enhancement |
PDFNET-47808 | Empty PNG image generated from PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-53194 | Text isn’t properly extracted from PDF by IPdfTypeExtractor | Bug |
PDFNET-53165 | PDF to JPEG: Paragraphs and images not rendered | Bug |
PDFNET-43453 | System.NullReferenceException Exception occurs while initializing the Document | Bug |
PDFNET-52362 | Not able to access ReadyOnly encrypted PDF file | Bug |
PDFNET-49148 | An exception occurs while extracting text from PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-53032 | Artifact appears from optimized conversion of PDF on Linux | Bug |
PDFNET-53346 | Conversion from PDF to TIFF produces smaller size | Bug |
PDFNET-41741 | Invalid characters while viewing rendered HTML in IE | Bug |
PDFNET-53051 | TextDevice/TextAbsorber throws a System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Bug |
PDFNET-47140 | Generic GDI+ Exception | Bug |
PDFNET-47430 | PDF to Excel crashes | Bug |
PDFNET-46267 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException in TextFragmentAbsorber | Bug |
PDFNET-47068 | NullReferenceException in OptimizeResources | Bug |
PDFNET-45729 | TextState difference when text is replaced | Bug |
PDFNET-53103 | PDF to XPS : missing logo color | Bug |
PDFNET-53105 | PDF to XPS : checkboxes displayed incorrectly | Bug |
PDFNET-53291 | NullReferenceException thrown when validating pdf document | Bug |
PDFNET-45708 | Problem with underline text | Bug |
PDFNET-41047 | HTML to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-41053 | HTML to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-43541 | PDF to PNG - Extra space in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-52490 | Converting a particular pdf document to docx raises out of memory exception under linux | Bug |
PDFNET-51684 | Saving pdf to tiff shifted content/image to lower right | Bug |
PDFNET-53325 | PDF to PNG: Shapes with gradient backgorund not rendered | Bug |
PDFNET-53335 | FontUtilities.SubsetFonts throws System.ArgumentException | Bug |
PDFNET-52872 | Image is lost after PDF Optimization on Linux | Bug |
PDFNET-52634 | Adding pages with OptimizeSize hangs the process | Bug |
PDFNET-51842 | Regression: TextBox does not retain font after editing | Bug |
PDFNET-51841 | Regression: TextBox does not retain font when clicked on | Bug |
PDFNET-51836 | Regression: Combobox font not applied correctly | Bug |
PDFNET-47002 | Flattening of check box removes the check | Bug |
PDFNET-43100 | The table borders change color | Bug |
PDFNET-53418 | Text is overlapped and not aligned correctly after PDF to DOCX conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-53534 | PDF to Word - Text is misplaced in the output DOCX | Bug |
PDFNET-47538 | Warnings printed into console when saving PDF into HTML | Bug |
PDFNET-48997 | Invalid image block length exception when opening PCL file | Bug |
PDFNET-53352 | A generic error occurred in GDI+ when converting PDF to HTML | Bug |
PDFNET-50750 | SVG images missing when rendering PDF to image in Linux | Bug |
PDFNET-48626 | The image was cut when rendering from PDF with images in Linux | Bug |
PDFNET-53176 | Provide a way to work with child fields of a field | Bug |
PDFNET-53162 | CheckboxField.Style property getter throws System.ArgumentException | Bug |
PDFNET-42097 | Problem with PDF to PNG conversion. Output image renders with wrong scaling | Bug |
PDFNET-47445 | Conversion to Image results in random lines | Bug |
PDFNET-43541 | PDF to PNG - Extra space in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-38646 | LaTex to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-38645 | LaTex to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-40671 | Unable to concatenate PDF files | Bug |
PDFNET-42356 | HTML to PDF conversion is not honoring table-layout CSS property | Bug |
PDFNET-42358 | HTML to PDF - Content is not displaying in Landscape mode | Bug |
PDFNET-38360 | HTML to PDF: text around images is not being rendered correctly | Bug |
PDFNET-40257 | HTML to PDF - Image is not being rendered in PDF file | Bug |
PDFNET-53313 | HTML to PDF - Index was outside the bounds of the array when margins 36 for all sides | Bug |
PDFNET-50045 | Merge of PDF documents does not display correct document | Bug |
PDFNET-50382 | HTML to PDF - Memory consumption issue | Bug |
PDFNET-51061 | Saving PDF with FloatingBox at Windows Server 2019 throws exception | Bug |
PDFNET-38549 | HTML Header text is being mirrored | Bug |
PDFNET-38532 | HTML to PDF - Line Heingt is ignored | Bug |
PDFNET-53613 | Calculated fields are not updated when merging FDF to PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-53643 | Cannot integrate Aspose.Pdf.Drawing due to compilation incompatibility issue | Bug |
PDFNET-50496 | System.ArgumentException when converting SVG to PDF on Linux docker container | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added APIs
- Field:Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.ImageFormat.MemoryBmp
- Field:Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.ImageFormat.Wmf
- Field:Aspose.Pdf.Drawing.ImageFormat.Exif
- Type:Aspose.Pdf.PsSaveOptions
- Method:Aspose.Pdf.PsSaveOptions.#ctor
- Method:Aspose.Pdf.PsSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat)
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.PsSaveOptions.EmbedFont
- Property:Aspose.Pdf.PsSaveOptions.EmbedFontAs
- Field:Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.Ps
- Field:Aspose.Pdf.SaveFormat.Eps