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Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.3

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-34836Get structure of TOC from PDF fileFeature
PDFNET-51871Add resolution to imageFeature
PDFNET-49799Aspose.PDF Flatten all the layers in resultant PDFEnhancement
PDFNET-51851PDF to PDFA: Image improved qualityEnhancement
PDFNET-53348Merging PDF/UA results in non PDF/UABug
PDFNET-52734Document.OptimizeResources() throws System.StackOverflowExceptionBug
PDFNET-51480Font name is not applied in signature using SignatureCustomAppearanceBug
PDFNET-51476Exception occurs while extracting text using the TextAbsorberBug
PDFNET-42181Converting PDF to PDFA causes exceptionBug
PDFNET-46511OutOfMemoryException while converting PDF to HTMLBug
PDFNET-51281PngDevice.Process throws EndOfStreamExceptionBug
PDFNET-47516PDF to TIFF conversion exception on linux centOS environmentBug
PDFNET-48803TIFF to PDF - output PDF has blank pagesBug
PDFNET-49118PDF to JPEG/PNG conversion: multiple differences in the outputBug
PDFNET-45777PDF to PNG - chart is not renderedBug
PDFNET-53574PDF to JPG: Output not as expectedBug
PDFNET-53591PDF to TIFF: Parts of page are missing in output fileBug
PDFNET-44938PDF to PNG - output image is in bad quality and distortedBug
PDFNET-44937PDF to PNG - output image is in bad quality and distortedBug
PDFNET-49739Setting text transparency for text segment not workingBug
PDFNET-50020HTML to PDF - Index was outside the bounds of the array when using external CSSBug
PDFNET-45618HTML to PDF - An extra page is being added at the startBug
PDFNET-46641HTML to PDF - Slow Performance IssueBug
PDFNET-47928HTML to PDF - Table header is showing on the last page only in resultant PDFBug
PDFNET-47880HTML to PDF - text is overlapped in tableBug
PDFNET-41253HTML to PDF: Render large HTML contents into a single PDF pageBug
PDFNET-41124PDF to PDF/A - Exception during conversionBug
PDFNET-44939PDF to PNG - output image is in bad quality and distortedBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property: Aspose.Pdf.TocInfo.CopyToOutlines

Removed APIs

Discontinued Features

  • Support for .NET Standard 2.1 has been discontinued.
  • Support for .NET 5.0 has been discontinued.