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Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-48540 | Add reference of the current page to the CallBackGetHocr delegate | Feature |
PDFNET-54667 | Getting the vector data from a PDF file | Feature |
PDFNET-34126 | Converting Searchable PDF to XPS (Keeping Text Selectable in resultant XPS) | Feature |
PDFNET-56200 | Optimize image usage by PDF to Markdown converter | Feature |
PDFNET-56439 | Passing Page as an image to HOCR Callback method | Feature |
PDFNET-53356 | Add the ability to load DjVu format files | Feature |
PDFNET-54734 | Add the ability to load CDR format files | Feature |
PDFNET-55965 | Extending the MdLoadOptions to support CSS and PageInfo | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56430 | Perform a correct substitution for PrinterSettings.PaperSources | Enhancement |
PDFNET-42905 | Support setting review status for comments in TextAnnotation | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56204 | Extract higher quality images in PDF to Markdown converter | Enhancement |
PDFNET-55738 | Providing users the opportunity to determine the results of constructing (compiling) LaTeX documents | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56373 | Enable control of page settings source during conversion of HTML(CSS) to PDF | Enhancement |
PDFNET-37099 | Getting a property from Action Script | Enhancement |
PDFNET-54294 | Extending the functionality of the Repair document API | Enhancement |
PDFNET-47941 | HTML not properly converted to PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-47065 | PDF to PDFA1A: “Text cannot be mapped to Unicode” preflight error | Bug |
PDFNET-52678 | Corrupted PDF when split | Bug |
PDFNET-51291 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException : Arguments should lies in interval [0, 1] | Bug |
PDFNET-48364 | HTML to PDF - image is rendering at center when position is absolute in CSS | Bug |
PDFNET-48571 | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException while extracting text | Bug |
PDFNET-54650 | TXT to PDF - Non-English characters are being rendered as blocks in the output | Bug |
PDFNET-54698 | No PdfViewer exposed via Aspose.Pdf.Drawing | Bug |
PDFNET-55810 | Getting error in stamping while it was working with old version 22 | Bug |
PDFNET-55826 | Fill color is not working with Rounded Rectangle | Bug |
PDFNET-56144 | Endless PDF to DOCX conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-56151 | NullReferenceException occurs during the execution of the document.Flatten() | Bug |
PDFNET-56158 | PDF to PNG - output does not show the checkbox checked | Bug |
PDFNET-56286 | Metered license works only with version 23.11.1 | Bug |
PDFNET-56294 | After converting XPS to PDF some graphic elements are broken | Bug |
PDFNET-50375 | Converting PDF to EPUB on Linux/macOS produces a corrupted file | Bug |
PDFNET-56008 | PDF to HTML: IndexOutOfRangeException exception is thrown | Bug |
PDFNET-46507 | NullReferenceException while converting PDF to TIFF | Bug |
PDFNET-42395 | Compliance problems with PDF/A_3U after conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-49599 | Structural problems in Aspose-generated PDFs after optimizing them | Bug |
PDFNET-53862 | Convert PDF from Tesseract with OCR Overlay | Bug |
PDFNET-46915 | Exception while optimizing PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-48241 | Corrupted file after resizing | Bug |
PDFNET-50827 | PDF to SVG conversion is not precise | Bug |
PDFNET-35532 | PDF printing - images are rotated in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-37620 | PDF to XPS - output XPS will not print | Bug |
PDFNET-38958 | OutOfMemoryException when optimizing PDF file | Bug |
PDFNET-39995 | XPS to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-40519 | IndexOutOfRangeException when adding TextStamp with Italic FontStyle | Bug |
PDFNET-40871 | Exception when trying to get page count | Bug |
PDFNET-40982 | Image to PDF - Unable to reduce PDF file size | Bug |
PDFNET-41065 | PDF to DOC - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-42641 | ArgumentException while extracting pages from this PDF document | Bug |
PDFNET-55447 | Missing content after changing Document.Form.Type | Bug |
PDFNET-56289 | PdfExtractor extracts the same image multiple times | Bug |
PDFNET-56371 | An additional problem with this file after converting to PDF/A-3b | Bug |
PDFNET-55208 | Page.AddStamp throws NullReferenceException for Aspose.PDF.Drawing 23.6 and 23.7 | Bug |
PDFNET-55899 | ImageLoadException thrown for black and white image | Bug |
PDFNET-56367 | When converting a PDF 2.0 document to PDF/A-3b, an exception “Pdf version 1.20 does not supported” is thrown | Bug |
PDFNET-35725 | Setting SystemFontsNativeRendering to true and rotating PDF document results in distorted output | Bug |
PDFNET-38213 | PDF to PDFA: Convert() method returns wrong value | Bug |
PDFNET-38946 | SVG to PDF throws exception | Bug |
PDFNET-41164 | API throws exception upon loading PDF document | Bug |
PDFNET-35281 | InvalidOperationException thrown while optimizing a PDF document | Bug |
PDFNET-55659 | HTML to PDF: Infinite loop during loading of HTML file | Bug |
PDFNET-56422 | Regression: Metered license throws “Authentication failed” starting from 23.12 | Bug |
PDFNET-55913 | Can’t parse embedded font Comfortaa and no suitable system font found | Bug |
PDFNET-55993 | Cross reference table or cross reference stream not found exception when rendering PDF to PNG | Bug |
PDFNET-55994 | Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception when exporting PDF to HTML | Bug |
PDFNET-56167 | The text is incorrectly displayed in the HTML output converted from the PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-56291 | Text is not bold in the output HTML while font is installed or added using font repository | Bug |
PDFNET-55651 | System.ArgumentException when converting XFA form to Standard | Bug |
PDFNET-55055 | OutOfMemory Exception when converting input file to PDF/A | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added APIs
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.ClearState System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.SetReviewState(Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationState,System.String) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.SetReviewState(Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationState) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.SetMarkedState(System.Boolean) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.GetState Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationState
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.MarkupAnnotation.GetStateModel Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationStateModel
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.CdrLoadOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.CdrLoadOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.DjvuLoadOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.DjvuLoadOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.DocSaveOptions.ReSaveFonts System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Convert(Aspose.Pdf.Document.CallBackGetHocrWithPage,System.Boolean) System.Boolean
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.Convert(Aspose.Pdf.Document.CallBackGetHocr,System.Boolean) System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Document.CallBackGetHocrWithPage System.String
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.HtmlLoadOptions.IsPriorityCssPageRule System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.HtmlSaveOptions.IgnoreResourceFontErrors System.Boolean
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.LoadFormat.DJVU
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.LoadFormat.CDR
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.OperatorCollection.Dispose System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSourceKind,System.String) System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Upper Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Lower Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Middle Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Manual Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Envelope Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.ManualFeedEnvelope Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.AutomaticFeed Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.TractorFeed Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.SmallFormat Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.LargeFormat Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.LargeCapacity Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.Cassette Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSources.FormSource Aspose.Pdf.Printing.PaperSource
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Resources.FreeMemory System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadOptions.GetLoadResult Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult.NotExecuted
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult.Spotless
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult.WarningIssued
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult.ErrorMessageIssued
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadResult.FatalErrorStop
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.#ctor(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex[],Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextSearchOptions) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.RegexResults System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentCollection, Aspose.PDF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56]]
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement.FindDelta(Aspose.Pdf.Point) Aspose.Pdf.Point
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement.SetPosition(Aspose.Pdf.Point) System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement.GetInitialPoint(System.Double@,System.Double@) System.Void
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement._graphicState Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicState
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement._operators System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Aspose.Pdf.Operator, Aspose.PDF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56]]
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement._currentContent Aspose.Pdf.OperatorCollection
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicElement._matrix Aspose.Pdf.Matrix
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicState
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicState.Matrix Aspose.Pdf.Matrix
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicState.ClipsAndMatrices System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Aspose.Pdf.Operator, Aspose.PDF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56]]
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Vector.GraphicState.ColorsAndStyles System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2[[System.Byte, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Aspose.Pdf.Operator, Aspose.PDF, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56]]
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.XForm.Dispose System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.XFormCollection.FreeMemory System.Void
Removed APIs
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.TextAnnotation.State Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.AnnotationState