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Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.3
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.3.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-50521 | [PDF2.0] Add the L (length) key for inline images | Feature |
PDFNET-56370 | Add PDF/A Converter for .NET plugin | Feature |
PDFNET-52302 | Implement a search through a list of phrases in a TextFragmentAbsorber | Feature |
PDFNET-56201 | Add the ability to convert tables for the PDF to Markdown converter | Feature |
PDFNET-56669 | Add an empty signature field on every page to the PDF/A file and keep conformance | Feature |
PDFNET-48066 | Support word break in TextStamp | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56783 | Add feasibility of saving PDF documents asynchronously | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56552 | Improve JPEG rasterization performance in Aspose.Pdf.Drawing to be near with Aspose.Pdf | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56325 | Add splitting one long word in TextStamp (if Wordwrap is true) | Enhancement |
PDFNET-35063 | Performance improvement in image extracting from PDF document | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56553 | Replace multiple phrases without overlapping and clipped text | Enhancement |
PDFNET-56682 | Add a property showing the size of the bitmap image without using additional references | Enhancement |
PDFNET-47874 | XPS distortion when saved into XPS | Bug |
PDFNET-44528 | Javascript code failed to execute | Bug |
PDFNET-45489 | PDF to PDF/A conversion corrupts content | Bug |
PDFNET-56666 | Regression: Error message “Wrong format of page’s content” when saving some PDFs | Bug |
PDFNET-56508 | Memory leak when converting PDF to DOCX | Bug |
PDFNET-43612 | PDF to TIFF - Text is unreadable in output | Bug |
PDFNET-48582 | PDF to TIFF - Text is missing in the output TIFF | Bug |
PDFNET-49114 | XPS to DOC/DOCX - Output is not correct | Bug |
PDFNET-49115 | XPS to PPT/PPTX - Output is not correct | Bug |
PDFNET-49116 | XPS to HTML - Output is not correct | Bug |
PDFNET-49117 | Load and resave as XPS - Output is not correct | Bug |
PDFNET-51220 | Watermark on PDF is not the same on each page | Bug |
PDFNET-53960 | Watermark positioning problem, it does not appear in the expected position | Bug |
PDFNET-55042 | Conversion from PDF to XPS of a single large image inverts the image | Bug |
PDFNET-55144 | StackOverflow exception when trying to process PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-55628 | Adding HTML Footer Issues | Bug |
PDFNET-55676 | HtmlFragment size issue when a Font is defined | Bug |
PDFNET-55963 | Aspose.PDF throws an ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ exception while validating PDF to PDF/A-2a format | Bug |
PDFNET-56031 | Adding watermark on rotated page is generating abnormal results | Bug |
PDFNET-56368 | Checkbox becomes unchecked after setting textbox | Bug |
PDFNET-56397 | InvalidCastException when running into a PDF page | Bug |
PDFNET-56555 | Working with layers - Invalid index error [Continued] | Bug |
PDFNET-54058 | Problem Validating PDF/A-Compliance | Bug |
PDFNET-53216 | While converting PDF->DOCX using Aspose.Drawing some lines are missing in the output | Bug |
PDFNET-56640 | PDF to DOCX: the data in the table is shifting downward | Bug |
PDFNET-52748 | Watermark not applied correctly | Bug |
PDFNET-56160 | TaggedContent SetTitle/SetLanguage breaks content tags in the resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-56437 | The text has moved down after flattening the document | Bug |
PDFNET-56514 | Incorrect text formatting for stamp with kanji characters | Bug |
PDFNET-56515 | Fragment.setText() results in Black rectangles over text | Bug |
PDFNET-56737 | PDF to PDF/A - Error occurred while viewing the result | Bug |
PDFNET-56556 | CompressImages option causes the logo to have a black background | Bug |
PDFNET-50909 | Can’t render TEX file to image or PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-40807 | Exception when trying to manipulate table in existing PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-53052 | Converting a particular PDF to a TEX stream produces a broken result | Bug |
PDFNET-56632 | TableAbsorber wrongly splits a table with a cell that spans several rows | Bug |
PDFNET-56580 | SVG to PDF: PageInfo settings ignored | Bug |
PDFNET-55625 | When extracting text from a PDF document, for text fragment with ‘fi’ is missing ‘i’ | Bug |
PDFNET-56046 | There is a phenomenon where lines appear around the watermark after converting XPS-> PDF | Bug |
PDFNET-51526 | Insert Watermark to PDF using WatermarkArtifact does not work | Bug |
PDFNET-51575 | PDF pages are lost after PDF to PDF_A_3B conversion | Bug |
PDFNET-51812 | Rotation of watermark on multiple pages does not work | Bug |
PDFNET-52458 | XPS to PNG conversion generates incorrect output | Bug |
PDFNET-39600 | PDF to Image: bullets are rendered incorrectly | Bug |
PDFNET-41697 | PDF to TIFF: some pages are being rendered as blank image | Bug |
PDFNET-56694 | NullReferenceException thrown on changing document form type to Standard | Bug |
PDFNET-49108 | Times New Roman font selected when Century Gothic set through FontRepository | Bug |
PDFNET-55189 | Abnormal memory usage when converting PDF page to JPEG or PNG | Bug |
PDFNET-50926 | Long text without space doesn’t wrap in TextStamp | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added APIs
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.SaveAsync(System.IO.Stream,System.Threading.CancellationToken) System.Threading.Tasks.Task
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.SaveAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken) System.Threading.Tasks.Task
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Document.SaveAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken) System.Threading.Tasks.Task
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Field.ExecuteFieldJavaScript(Aspose.Pdf.Annotations.JavascriptAction) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Image.BitmapSize Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions.Outputs System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource]
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConvertOptions.AddOutput(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource) System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConverter
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConverter.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAConverter.Process(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IPluginOptions) Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.Inputs System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource]
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.PdfAVersion Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.IsLowMemoryMode System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.LogOutputSource Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.ErrorAction Aspose.Pdf.ConvertErrorAction
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.SoftMaskAction Aspose.Pdf.ConvertSoftMaskAction
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.NonSpecificationFlags Aspose.Pdf.PdfANonSpecificationFlags
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.SymbolicFontEncodingStrategy Aspose.Pdf.PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.AlignText System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.PuaSymbolsProcessingStrategy Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions+PuaProcessingStrategy
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.OptimizeFileSize System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.ExcludeFontsStrategy Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions+RemoveFontsStrategy
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.FontEmbeddingOptions Aspose.Pdf.PdfAOptionClasses.FontEmbeddingOptions
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.UnicodeProcessingRules Aspose.Pdf.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.IccProfileFileName System.String
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAOptionsBase.AddInput(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource) System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.Auto
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_1A
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_1B
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_2A
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_2B
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_2U
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_3A
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_3B
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion.PDF_A_3U
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidateOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidateOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidationResult
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidationResult.DataSource Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IDataSource
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidationResult.StandardVersion Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAStandardVersion
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfAValidationResult.IsValid System.Boolean
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfDoc
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfDoc.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfDoc.Process(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IPluginOptions) Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfDoc.Dispose System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SaveFormat,Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ConversionMode) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions.SaveFormat Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SaveFormat
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions.ConversionMode Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ConversionMode
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToDocOptions.OperationName System.String
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfXls
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfXls.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfXls.Process(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IPluginOptions) Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfXls.Dispose System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.OperationName System.String
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.InsertBlankColumnAtFirst System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.Format Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions+ExcelFormat
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat.XMLSpreadSheet2003
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat.XLSX
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat.CSV
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat.XLSM
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToXlsOptions.ExcelFormat.ODS
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedCell.CompareTo(Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedCell) System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedRow.CompareTo(Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedRow) System.Int32
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedTable.CompareTo(Aspose.Pdf.Text.AbsorbedTable) System.Int32
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextReplaceOptions.IgnoreParagraphs System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.TextStamp.WordWrapMode Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFormattingOptions+WordWrapMode
Removed APIs
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfWord
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfWord.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfWord.Process(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IPluginOptions) Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfWord.Dispose System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SaveFormat,Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ConversionMode) System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions.SaveFormat Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.SaveFormat
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions.ConversionMode Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ConversionMode
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToWordOptions.OperationName System.String
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfExcel
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfExcel.#ctor System.Void
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfExcel.Process(Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.IPluginOptions) Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.ResultContainer
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfExcel.Dispose System.Void
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions
- Method: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.#ctor System.Void
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.OperationName System.String
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.MinimizeTheNumberOfWorksheets System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.InsertBlankColumnAtFirst System.Boolean
- Property: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.Format Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions+ExcelFormat
- Type: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat.XMLSpreadSheet2003
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat.XLSX
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat.CSV
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat.XLSM
- Field: Aspose.Pdf.Plugins.PdfToExcelOptions.ExcelFormat.ODS