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Aspose.PSD for Java 24.4 - Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PSD for Java 24.4
Key | Summary | Category |
PSDJAVA-610 | Setting the License for Aspose.PSD for Java leads to exception if it made more than one time | Bug |
PSDJAVA-611 | [AI Format] Add XObjectForm resource handling | Feature |
PSDJAVA-612 | Add Constructor for the ShapeLayer | Feature |
PSDJAVA-613 | Fix conversion of Psd file from RGB to CMYK | Bug |
PSDJAVA-614 | Specific PSD file can not be exported using Aspose.PSD | Bug |
Public API Changes
Added APIs:
- M:com.aspose.psd.fileformats.psd.PsdImage.addShapeLayer
Removed APIs:
- None
Usage examples:
PSDJAVA-610. Setting the License for Aspose.PSD for Java leads to exception if it made more than one time
License license = new License();
String liccorrectJava = "Aspose.PSD.Java.lic";
PSDJAVA-611. [AI Format] Add XObjectForm resource handling
String sourceFile = "src/main/resources/";
String outputFilePath = "src/main/resources/example.png";
try (AiImage image = (AiImage) Image.load(sourceFile)) {, new PngOptions());
PSDJAVA-612. Add Constructor for the ShapeLayer
private static final int IMG_TO_PSD_RATIO = 256 * 65535;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String outputFile = "src/main/resources/AddShapeLayer_output.psd";
try (PsdImage newPsd = new PsdImage(600, 400)) {
ShapeLayer layer = newPsd.addShapeLayer();
PathShape newShape = generateNewShape(newPsd.getSize());
List<IPathShape> newShapes = new List<>();
layer.getPath().setItems(newShapes.toArray(new IPathShape[0]));
try (PsdImage image = (PsdImage) Image.load(outputFile)) {
assertAreEqual(2, image.getLayers().length);
ShapeLayer shapeLayer = (ShapeLayer) image.getLayers()[1];
ColorFillSettings internalFill = (ColorFillSettings) shapeLayer.getFill();
IStrokeSettings strokeSettings = shapeLayer.getStroke();
ColorFillSettings strokeFill = (ColorFillSettings) strokeSettings.getFill();
assertAreEqual(1, shapeLayer.getPath().getItems().length); // 1 Shape
assertAreEqual(3, shapeLayer.getPath().getItems()[0].getItems().length); // 3 knots in a shape
assertAreEqual(-16127182, internalFill.getColor().toArgb()); // ff09eb32
assertAreEqual(7.41, strokeSettings.getSize());
assertAreEqual(false, strokeSettings.getEnabled());
assertAreEqual(StrokePosition.Center, strokeSettings.getLineAlignment());
assertAreEqual(LineCapType.ButtCap, strokeSettings.getLineCap());
assertAreEqual(LineJoinType.MiterJoin, strokeSettings.getLineJoin());
assertAreEqual(-16777216, strokeFill.getColor().toArgb()); // ff000000
static PathShape generateNewShape(Size imageSize) {
PathShape newShape = new PathShape();
PointF point1 = new PointF(20, 100);
PointF point2 = new PointF(200, 100);
PointF point3 = new PointF(300, 10);
BezierKnotRecord firstBezierKnotRecord = new BezierKnotRecord();
firstBezierKnotRecord.setPoints(new Point[]{
pointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point1, imageSize)
BezierKnotRecord secondBezierKnotRecord = new BezierKnotRecord();
secondBezierKnotRecord.setPoints(new Point[]{
pointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point2, imageSize)
BezierKnotRecord thirdBezierKnotRecord = new BezierKnotRecord();
thirdBezierKnotRecord.setPoints(new Point[]{
pointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize),
pointFToResourcePoint(point3, imageSize)
BezierKnotRecord[] bezierKnots = new BezierKnotRecord[]{
return newShape;
static Point pointFToResourcePoint(PointF point, Size imageSize) {
return new Point(
Math.round(point.getY() * (IMG_TO_PSD_RATIO / imageSize.getHeight())),
Math.round(point.getX() * (IMG_TO_PSD_RATIO / imageSize.getWidth())));
static void assertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual) {
assertAreEqual(expected, actual, "Objects are not equal.");
static void assertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual, String message) {
if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
PSDJAVA-613. Fix conversion of Psd file from RGB to CMYK
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Check that psd file converted to CMYK + RLE 4 channels from psd file in RGB + RLE 4 channels, really has 4 channels
// and HasTransparencyData == false.
String sourceFile = "src/main/resources/frog_nosymb.psd";
String outputFile = "src/main/resources/frog_nosymb_output.psd";
try (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage) Image.load(sourceFile)) {
PsdOptions psdOptions = new PsdOptions(psdImage);
psdOptions.setChannelsCount((short) 4);, psdOptions);
try (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage) Image.load(outputFile)) {
assertAreEqual(false, psdImage.hasTransparencyData());
assertAreEqual(4, psdImage.getLayers()[0].getChannelsCount());
static void assertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual) {
assertAreEqual(expected, actual, "Objects are not equal.");
static void assertAreEqual(Object expected, Object actual, String message) {
if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
PSDJAVA-614. Specific PSD file can not be exported using Aspose.PSD
String sourceFile = "src/main/resources/1966source.psd";
String outputPng = "src/main/resources/output.png";
PsdLoadOptions psdLoadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions();
try (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage) Image.load(sourceFile, psdLoadOptions)) {, new PngOptions());