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Aspose.PSD for .NET 18.8 - Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
PSDNET-68 | Support of the LayerCreationDateTime property. | Feature |
PSDNET-67 | Support of the SheetColor Highlighting | Feature |
PSDNET-66 | Ability to merge layers one to another | Feature |
PSDNET-65 | Add partial support of the Text Layer BoundBox property | Feature |
PSDNET-64 | Add support for IopaResource | Feature |
PSDNET-56 | Support Layer Effects for PSD format | Feature |
PSDNET-55 | InterruptMonitor support for .Net | Feature |
PSDNET-50 | Make possibility to flatten layers | Feature |
PSDNET-49 | Add the rendering of the fill opacity property in layers. | Feature |
PSDNET-43 | Implement rendering of Curves Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-42 | Add support of Curves Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-41 | Implement rendering of Levels Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-40 | Add support of the Levels adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-37 | Add support of Channel Mixer Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-35 | Add support of Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-34 | Implement Exposure Adjustment Layer rendering for export. | Feature |
PSDNET-31 | Add support of rendering for export of ChannelMixer adjusment layer | Feature |
PSDNET-26 | Add support of Clipping mask | Feature |
PSDNET-13 | Add support of the layer mask | Feature |
PSDNET-9 | Add support of Photo Filter adjustment layer | Feature |
PSDNET-8 | Add support of Channel mixer adjusment layer | Feature |
PSDNET-7 | Add support of Exposure adjustment layer | Feature |
PSDNET-6 | Add support of Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer | Feature |
PSDNET-5 | Add partially support of adjustments layers | Feature |
PSDNET-3 | Add support for PSD NoBreak text option | Feature |
PSDNET-2 | Ability to add Text Layer in run-time | Feature |
PSDNET-62 | TIFF Codec can’t save 16-bit channel image | Enhancement |
PSDNET-61 | Saving of PSD image produces invalid image colors | Enhancement |
PSDNET-60 | Coordinate of left top corner is incorrect at update | Enhancement |
PSDNET-59 | Exception on updating text layers | Enhancement |
PSDNET-58 | Expose Codec property of JPEG2000 image to public | Enhancement |
PSDNET-57 | Fix 24bpp options setting for export to BMP | Enhancement |
PSDNET-46 | Adjustment layer ignored for CMYK PSD conversion to TIFF or JPG | Enhancement |
Usage examples:
PSDNET-68 Support of the LayerCreationDateTime property
// Example of LayerCreationDateTime property using
string sourceFileName = "OneLayer.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var layer = im.Layers[0];
var creationDateTime = layer.LayerCreationDateTime;
var expectedDateTime = new DateTime(2018, 7, 17, 8, 57, 24, 769);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDateTime, creationDateTime);
var now = DateTime.Now;
var createdLayer = im.AddLevelsAdjustmentLayer();
// Check if Creation Date Time Updated on newly created layers
Assert.True(now <= createdLayer.LayerCreationDateTime);
PSDNET-67 Support of the SheetColor Highlighting
// Using example of the SheetColorHighlight property
string sourceFileName = "SheetColorHighlightExample.psd";
string exportPath = "SheetColorHighlightExampleChanged.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var layer1 = im.Layers[0];
Assert.AreEqual(SheetColorHighlightEnum.Violet, layer1.SheetColorHighlight);
var layer2 = im.Layers[1];
Assert.AreEqual(SheetColorHighlightEnum.Orange, layer2.SheetColorHighlight);
layer1.SheetColorHighlight = SheetColorHighlightEnum.Yellow;
PSDNET-66 Ability to merge layers one to another
// Merging two layers example
var sourceFile1 = "FillOpacitySample.psd";
var sourceFile2 = "ThreeRegularLayersSemiTransparent.psd";
var exportPath = "MergedLayersFromTwoDifferentPsd.psd"
using (var im1 = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFile1)))
var layer1 = im1.Layers[1];
using (var im2 = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFile2)))
var layer2 = im2.Layers[0];
PSDNET-65 Add partial support of the Text Layer BoundBox property
// Text BoxBounds Example
string sourceFileName = "LayerWithText.psd";
var correctOpticalSize = new Size(127, 45);
var correctBoundBox = new Size(172, 62);
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var textLayer = (TextLayer)im.Layers[1];
// Size of the layer is the size of the rendered area
var opticalSize = textLayer.Size;
Assert.AreEqual(correctOpticalSize, opticalSize);
// TextBoundBox is the maximum layer size for Text Layer.
// In this area PS will try to fit your text
var boundBox = textLayer.TextBoundBox;
Assert.AreEqual(correctBoundBox, boundBox);
PSDNET-64 Add support for IopaResource
// Change the Fill Opacity property by the IopaResource change
string sourceFileName = "FillOpacitySample.psd";
string exportPath = "FillOpacitySampleChanged.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var layer = im.Layers[2];
var resources = layer.Resources;
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (resource is IopaResource)
var iopaResource = (IopaResource)resource;
iopaResource.FillOpacity = 200;
PSDNET-56 Support Layer Effects for PSD format
using (
PsdImage image =
new Aspose.PSD.ImageLoadOptions.PsdLoadOptions()
LoadEffectsResource = true,
UseDiskForLoadEffectsResource = true
new Aspose.PSD.ImageOptions.PngOptions()
ColorType =
PSDNET-55 InterruptMonitor support for .Net
public void InterruptMonitorTest(string dir, string ouputDir)
ImageOptionsBase saveOptions = new ImageOptions.PngOptions();
Multithreading.InterruptMonitor monitor = new Multithreading.InterruptMonitor();
SaveImageWorker worker = new SaveImageWorker(dir + "big.psb", dir + "big_out.png", saveOptions, monitor);
System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(worker.ThreadProc));
// The timeout should be less than the time required for full image conversion (without interruption).
// Interrupt the process
System.Console.WriteLine("Interrupting the save thread #{0} at {1}", thread.ManagedThreadId, System.DateTime.Now);
// Wait for interruption...
// If the file to be deleted does not exist, no exception is thrown.
System.IO.File.Delete(dir + "big_out.png");
/// <summary>
/// Initiates image conversion and waits for its interruption.
/// </summary>
private class SaveImageWorker
/// <summary>
/// The path to the input image.
/// </summary>
private readonly string inputPath;
/// <summary>
/// The path to the output image.
/// </summary>
private readonly string outputPath;
/// <summary>
/// The interrupt monitor.
/// </summary>
private readonly Multithreading.InterruptMonitor monitor;
/// <summary>
/// The save options.
/// </summary>
private readonly ImageOptionsBase saveOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SaveImageWorker" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inputPath">The path to the input image.</param>
/// <param name="outputPath">The path to the output image.</param>
/// <param name="saveOptions">The save options.</param>
/// <param name="monitor">The interrupt monitor.</param>
public SaveImageWorker(string inputPath, string outputPath, ImageOptionsBase saveOptions, Multithreading.InterruptMonitor monitor)
this.inputPath = inputPath;
this.outputPath = outputPath;
this.saveOptions = saveOptions;
this.monitor = monitor;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to convert image from one format to another. Handles interruption.
/// </summary>
public void ThreadProc()
using (Image image = Image.Load(this.inputPath))
Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.ThreadLocalInstance = this.monitor;
image.Save(this.outputPath, this.saveOptions);
Assert.Fail("Expected interruption.");
catch (CoreExceptions.OperationInterruptedException e)
System.Console.WriteLine("The save thread #{0} finishes at {1}", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, System.DateTime.Now);
catch (System.Exception e)
Multithreading.InterruptMonitor.ThreadLocalInstance = null;
PSDNET-50 Make possibility to flatten layers
// Flatten whole PSD
string sourceFileName = "ThreeRegularLayersSemiTransparent.psd";
string exportPath = "ThreeRegularLayersSemiTransparentFlattened.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
// Merge one layer in another
string sourceFileName = "ThreeRegularLayersSemiTransparent.psd";
string exportPath = "ThreeRegularLayersSemiTransparentFlattenedLayerByLayer.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var bottomLayer = im.Layers[0];
var middleLayer = im.Layers[1];
var topLayer = im.Layers[2];
var layer1 = im.MergeLayers(bottomLayer, middleLayer);
var layer2 = im.MergeLayers(layer1, topLayer);
// Set up merged layers
im.Layers = new Layer[] { layer2 };
PSDNET-49 Add the rendering of the fill opacity property in layers.
// Change the Fill Opacity property
string sourceFileName = "FillOpacitySample.psd";
string exportPath = "FillOpacitySampleChanged.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName)))
var layer = im.Layers[2];
layer.FillOpacity = 5;
PSDNET-43 Implement rendering of Curves Adjustment Layer
// Curves layer editing
string sourceFileName = "CurvesAdjustmentLayer";
string psdPathAfterChange = "CurvesAdjustmentLayerChanged";
string pngExportPath = "CurvesAdjustmentLayerChanged";
for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++)
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName + j.ToString() + ".psd"))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is CurvesLayer)
var curvesLayer = (CurvesLayer)layer;
if (curvesLayer.IsDiscreteManagerUsed)
var manager = (CurvesDiscreteManager)curvesLayer.GetCurvesManager();
for (int i = 10; i < 50; i++)
manager.SetValueInPosition(0, (byte)i, (byte)(15 + (i * 2)));
var manager = (CurvesContinuousManager)curvesLayer.GetCurvesManager();
manager.AddCurvePoint(0, 50, 100);
manager.AddCurvePoint(0, 150, 130);
// Save PSD
im.Save(psdPathAfterChange + j.ToString() + ".psd");
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath + j.ToString() + ".png", saveOptions);
PSDNET-42 Add support of Curves Adjustment Layer
// Curves layer editing
string sourceFileName = "CurvesAdjustmentLayer";
string psdPathAfterChange = "CurvesAdjustmentLayerChanged";
for (int j = 1; j < 2; j++)
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName + j.ToString() + ".psd"))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is CurvesLayer)
var curvesLayer = (CurvesLayer)layer;
if (curvesLayer.IsDiscreteManagerUsed)
var manager = (CurvesDiscreteManager)curvesLayer.GetCurvesManager();
for (int i = 10; i < 50; i++)
manager.SetValueInPosition(0, (byte)i, (byte)(15 + (i * 2)));
var manager = (CurvesContinuousManager)curvesLayer.GetCurvesManager();
manager.AddCurvePoint(0, 50, 100);
manager.AddCurvePoint(0, 150, 130);
// Save PSD
im.Save(psdPathAfterChange + j.ToString() + ".psd");
PSDNET-41 Implement rendering of Levels Adjustment Layer
// Levels layer editing
string sourceFileName = "LevelsAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "LevelsAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
string pngExportPath = "LevelsAdjustmentLayerChanged.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is LevelsLayer)
var levelsLayer = (LevelsLayer)layer;
var channel = levelsLayer.GetChannel(0);
channel.InputMidtoneLevel = 2.0f;
channel.InputShadowLevel = 10;
channel.InputHighlightLevel = 230;
channel.OutputShadowLevel = 20;
channel.OutputHighlightLevel = 200;
// Save PSD
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath, saveOptions);
PSDNET-40 Add support of the Levels adjustment Layer
// Levels layer editing
string sourceFileName = "LevelsAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "LevelsAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is LevelsLayer)
var levelsLayer = (LevelsLayer)layer;
var channel = levelsLayer.GetChannel(0);
channel.InputMidtoneLevel = 2.0f;
channel.InputShadowLevel = 10;
channel.InputHighlightLevel = 230;
channel.OutputShadowLevel = 20;
channel.OutputHighlightLevel = 200;
// Save PSD
PSDNET-37 Add support of Channel Mixer Adjustment Layer
// Rgb Channel Mixer
string sourceFileName = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgb.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgbChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is RgbChannelMixerLayer)
var rgbLayer = (RgbChannelMixerLayer)layer;
rgbLayer.RedChannel.Blue = 100;
rgbLayer.BlueChannel.Green = -100;
rgbLayer.GreenChannel.Constant = 50;
// Cmyk Channel Mixer
string sourceFileName = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmyk.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmykChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is CmykChannelMixerLayer)
var cmykLayer = (CmykChannelMixerLayer)layer;
cmykLayer.CyanChannel.Black = 20;
cmykLayer.MagentaChannel.Yellow = 50;
cmykLayer.YellowChannel.Cyan = -25;
cmykLayer.BlackChannel.Yellow = 25;
// Adding the new layer(Cmyk for this example)
string sourceFileName = "CmykWithAlpha.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmykChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
var newlayer = im.AddChannelMixerAdjustmentLayer();
newlayer.GetChannelByIndex(2).Constant = 50;
newlayer.GetChannelByIndex(0).Constant = 50;
PSDNET-35 Add support of Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer
// Hue/Saturation layer editing
string sourceFileName = "HueSaturationAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "HueSaturationAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is HueSaturationLayer)
var hueLayer = (HueSaturationLayer)layer;
hueLayer.Hue = -25;
hueLayer.Saturation = -12;
hueLayer.Lightness = 67;
var colorRange = hueLayer.GetRange(2);
colorRange.Hue = -40;
colorRange.Saturation = 50;
colorRange.Lightness = -20;
colorRange.MostLeftBorder = 300;
// Hue/Saturation layer adding
string sourceFileName = "PhotoExample.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "PhotoExampleAddedHueSaturation.psd";
using (PsdImage im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
this.SaveForVisualTest(im, this.OutputPath, prefix + file, "before");
var hueLayer = im.AddHueSaturationAdjustmentLayer();
hueLayer.Hue = -25;
hueLayer.Saturation = -12;
hueLayer.Lightness = 67;
var colorRange = hueLayer.GetRange(2);
colorRange.Hue = -160;
colorRange.Saturation = 100;
colorRange.Lightness = 20;
colorRange.MostLeftBorder = 300;
PSDNET-34 Implement Exposure Adjustment Layer rendering for export.
// Exposure layer editing
string sourceFileName = "ExposureAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ExposureAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
string pngExportPath = "ExposureAdjustmentLayerChanged.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is ExposureLayer)
var expLayer = (ExposureLayer)layer;
expLayer.Exposure = 2;
expLayer.Offset = -0.25f;
expLayer.GammaCorrection = 0.5f;
// Save PSD
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath, saveOptions);
// Exposure layer adding
string sourceFileName = "PhotoExample.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "PhotoExampleAddedExposure.psd";
string pngExportPath = "PhotoExampleAddedExposure.png";
using (PsdImage im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
var newlayer = im.AddExposureAdjustmentLayer();
newlayer.Exposure = 2;
newlayer.Offset = -0.25f;
newlayer.GammaCorrection = 2f;
// Save PSD
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath, saveOptions);
PSDNET-31 Add support of rendering for export of ChannelMixer adjusment layer
// Rgb Channel Mixer
string sourceFileName = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgb.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgbChanged.psd";
string pngExportPath = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgbChanged.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is RgbChannelMixerLayer)
var rgbLayer = (RgbChannelMixerLayer)layer;
rgbLayer.RedChannel.Blue = 100;
rgbLayer.BlueChannel.Green = -100;
rgbLayer.GreenChannel.Constant = 50;
// Save PSD
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath, saveOptions);
// Cmyk Channel Mixer
string sourceFileName = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmyk.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmykChanged.psd";
string pngExportPath = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmykChanged.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is CmykChannelMixerLayer)
var cmykLayer = (CmykChannelMixerLayer)layer;
cmykLayer.CyanChannel.Black = 20;
cmykLayer.MagentaChannel.Yellow = 50;
cmykLayer.YellowChannel.Cyan = -25;
cmykLayer.BlackChannel.Yellow = 25;
// Save PSD
// Save PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(pngExportPath, saveOptions);
PSDNET-26 Add support of Clipping mask
// Export of the psd with complex clipping mask
string sourceFileName = "ClippingMaskComplex.psd";
string exportPath = "ClippingMaskComplex.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
// Export to PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(exportPath, saveOptions);
PSDNET-13 Add support of the layer mask
// Export of the psd with complex mask
string sourceFileName = "MaskComplex.psd";
string exportPath = "MaskComplex.png";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
// Export to PNG
var saveOptions = new PngOptions();
saveOptions.ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
im.Save(exportPath, saveOptions);
PSDNET-9 Add support of Photo Filter adjustment layer
// Photo Filter layer editing
string sourceFileName = "PhotoFilterAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "PhotoFilterAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is PhotoFilterLayer)
var photoLayer = (PhotoFilterLayer)layer;
photoLayer.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 60, 60);
photoLayer.Density = 78;
photoLayer.PreserveLuminosity = false;
// Photo Filter layer adding
string sourceFileName = "PhotoExample.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "PhotoExampleAddedPhotoFilter.psd";
using (PsdImage im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
var layer = im.AddPhotoFilterLayer(Color.FromArgb(25, 255, 35));
PSDNET-8 Add support of Channel mixer adjusment layer
// Rgb Channel Mixer
string sourceFileName = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgb.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerRgbChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is RgbChannelMixerLayer)
var rgbLayer = (RgbChannelMixerLayer)layer;
rgbLayer.RedChannel.Blue = 100;
rgbLayer.BlueChannel.Green = -100;
rgbLayer.GreenChannel.Constant = 50;
// Adding the new layer(Cmyk for this example)
string sourceFileName = "CmykWithAlpha.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerCmykChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
var newlayer = im.AddChannelMixerAdjustmentLayer();
newlayer.GetChannelByIndex(2).Constant = 50;
newlayer.GetChannelByIndex(0).Constant = 50;
PSDNET-7 Add support of Exposure adjustment layer
// Exposure layer editing
string sourceFileName = "ExposureAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "ExposureAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is ExposureLayer)
var expLayer = (ExposureLayer)layer;
expLayer.Exposure = 2;
expLayer.Offset = -0.25f;
expLayer.GammaCorrection = 0.5f;
// Exposure layer adding
string sourceFileName = "PhotoExample.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "PhotoExampleAddedExposure.psd";
using (PsdImage im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
var newlayer = im.AddExposureAdjustmentLayer();
newlayer.Exposure = 10;
newlayer.Offset = -0.25f;
newlayer.GammaCorrection = 2f;
PSDNET-6 Add support of Brightness/Contrast adjusment layer
// Brightness/Contrast layer editing
string sourceFileName = "BrightnessContrastModern.psd";
string psdPathAfterChange = "BrightnessContrastModernChanged.psd";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
foreach (var layer in im.Layers)
if (layer is BrightnessContrastLayer)
var brightnessContrastLayer = (BrightnessContrastLayer)layer;
brightnessContrastLayer.Brightness = 50;
brightnessContrastLayer.Contrast = 50;
// Save PSD
PSDNET-5 Add partially support of adjustments layers
// Channel Mixer Adjustment Layer
string sourceFileName1 = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayer.psd";
string exportPath1 = "ChannelMixerAdjustmentLayerChanged.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName1)))
for (int i = 0; i < im.Layers.Length; i++)
var adjustmentLayer = im.Layers[i] as AdjustmentLayer;
if (adjustmentLayer != null)
// Save PSD
// Levels adjustment layer
string sourceFileName2 = "LevelsAdjustmentLayerRgb.psd";
string exportPath2 = "LevelsAdjustmentLayerRgbChanged.psd";
using (var im = (PsdImage)(Image.Load(sourceFileName2)))
for (int i = 0; i < im.Layers.Length; i++)
var adjustmentLayer = im.Layers[i] as AdjustmentLayer;
if (adjustmentLayer != null)
// Save PSD
PSDNET-2 Ability to add Text Layer in runtime
string sourceFileName = "OneLayer.psd";
string psdPath = "ImageWithTextLayer.psd";
using (var img = Image.Load(sourceFileName))
PsdImage im = (PsdImage)img;
var rect = new Rectangle(
(int)(im.Width * 0.25),
(int)(im.Height * 0.25),
(int)(im.Width * 0.5),
(int)(im.Height * 0.5));
var layer = im.AddTextLayer("Added text", rect);
PSDNET-62 TIFF Codec can’t save 16-bit channel image
TiffCompressions[] compressions = new TiffCompressions[] { TiffCompressions.Lzw, TiffCompressions.Deflate };
TiffByteOrder[] byteOrders = new TiffByteOrder[] { TiffByteOrder.BigEndian, TiffByteOrder.LittleEndian };
TiffPhotometrics[] photometrics = new TiffPhotometrics[] { TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack, TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite, TiffPhotometrics.Rgb };
TiffPlanarConfigs[] planarConfigs = new TiffPlanarConfigs[] { TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous, TiffPlanarConfigs.Separate };
for (int compr = 0; compr < compressions.Length; ++compr)
TiffCompressions compression = compressions[compr];
for (int bo = 0; bo < byteOrders.Length; ++bo)
TiffByteOrder byteOrder = byteOrders[bo];
for (int ph = 0; ph < photometrics.Length; ++ph)
TiffPhotometrics photometric = photometrics[ph];
for (int pcfg = 0; pcfg < planarConfigs.Length; ++pcfg)
TiffPlanarConfigs planarConfig = planarConfigs[pcfg];
TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default, byteOrder);
options.Compression = compression;
options.Photometric = photometric;
options.PlanarConfiguration = planarConfig;
switch (photometric)
case TiffPhotometrics.MinIsBlack:
case TiffPhotometrics.MinIsWhite:
// No extra samples are used, so alpha is supposed to be unspecified.
options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 16 }; // Grayscale
case TiffPhotometrics.Rgb:
case TiffPhotometrics.Ycbcr:
// No extra samples are used, so alpha is supposed to be unspecified.
options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 16, 16, 16 };
case TiffPhotometrics.Separated:
// No extra samples are used, so alpha is supposed to be unspecified.
options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 16, 16, 16, 16 }; // CMYK
throw new NotSupportedException("The " + photometric + " photometric is not supported at the moment.");
// Horizontal differencing prediction is recommended to use with LZW compression because LZW is probably
// the only TIFF encoding scheme that benefits significantly from a predictor step.
if (compression == TiffCompressions.Lzw)
options.Predictor = TiffPredictor.Horizontal;
// Use PNG image with alpha as a source image.
string inputFilePath = dir + "Gradient.psd";
string outputFilePath = outputDir + "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", " + photometric + ", " + planarConfig + ".tif";
string etalonFilePath = outputDir + "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", " + photometric + ", " + planarConfig + ".tif";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFilePath))
image.Save(outputFilePath, options);
if (photometric == TiffPhotometrics.Rgb)
options.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 16, 16, 16, 16 };
options.AlphaStorage = TiffAlphaStorage.Associated;
outputFilePath = "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", Rgba, " + planarConfig + ", Associated.tif";
etalonFilePath = "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", Rgba, " + planarConfig + ", Associated.tif";
image.Save(outputFilePath, options);
options.AlphaStorage = TiffAlphaStorage.Unassociated;
outputFilePath = "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", Rgba, " + planarConfig + ", Unassociated.tif";
etalonFilePath = "16bit " + compression + ", " + byteOrder + ", Rgba, " + planarConfig + ", Unassociated.tif";
image.Save(outputFilePath, options);
PSDNET-61 Saving of PSD image produces invalid image colors
string inputFile = "in.psd";
string outputFile = "out.psd";
using (PsdImage img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(inputFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { ReadOnlyMode = true }))
PSDNET-60 Coordinate of left top corner is incorrect at update
string sourceFileName = "logodpwit_006.psd";
string outFileNamePngClient = "logodpwit_006_client.png";
string outFileNamePngTopLeftPart = "logodpwit_006_topLeftPart.png";
string outFileNamePngTopLeftFull = "logodpwit_006_topLeftFull.png";
string outFileNamePngBottomRightPart = "logodpwit_006_bottomRightPart.png";
string outFileNamePngBottomRightFull = "logodpwit_006_bottomRightFull.png";
PsdLoadOptions loadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions() { IgnoreTextLayerWidthOnUpdate = true };
PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha };
PsdImage image;
TextLayer textLayer;
using (image = Image.Load(sourceFileName, loadOptions) as PsdImage)
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
if (textLayer != null && textLayer.Name == "Layer I")
// client's case
image.Save(outFileNamePngClient, pngOptions);
using (image = Image.Load(sourceFileName, loadOptions) as PsdImage)
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
if (textLayer != null && textLayer.Name == "Layer I")
// partially visible on top left
textLayer.UpdateText("test", new Point(-100, -100));
image.Save(outFileNamePngTopLeftPart, pngOptions);
using (image = Image.Load(sourceFileName, loadOptions) as PsdImage)
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
if (textLayer != null && textLayer.Name == "Layer I")
// out of bounds on top left
textLayer.UpdateText("test", new Point(-5, -300));
image.Save(outFileNamePngTopLeftFull, pngOptions);
using (image = Image.Load(sourceFileName, loadOptions) as PsdImage)
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
if (textLayer != null && textLayer.Name == "Layer I")
// partially visible on bottom right
textLayer.UpdateText("test", new Point(image.Bounds.Right - 200, image.Bounds.Bottom - 200));
image.Save(outFileNamePngBottomRightPart, pngOptions);
using (image = Image.Load(sourceFileName, loadOptions) as PsdImage)
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
textLayer = layer as TextLayer;
if (textLayer != null && textLayer.Name == "Layer I")
// out of bounds on bottom right
textLayer.UpdateText("test", new Point(image.Bounds.Right + 50, image.Bounds.Bottom + 50));
image.Save(outFileNamePngBottomRightFull, pngOptions);
PSDNET-59 Exception on updating text layers
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)PsdImage.Load(sourceFilePath))
foreach (var layer in image.Layers)
if (layer is TextLayer)
TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)layer;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(textLayer.Text))
textLayer.UpdateText("any string");
image.Save(outputFilePath, new PsdOptions { CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.RLE });
PSDNET-58 Expose Codec property of JPEG2000 image to public
using (Jpeg2000Image image = new Jpeg2000Image(500, 500))
PSDNET-57 Fix 24bpp options setting for export to BMP
using (Image img = Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
img.Save(outputFilePath, new BmpOptions() { BitsPerPixel = img.BitsPerPixel });
PSDNET-46 Adjustment layer ignored for CMYK PSD conversion to TIFF or JPG
// Adjustment layer ignored for CMYK PSD conversion to TIFF or JPG [.Net] (Mask rendering task)
string sourceFileName = "adjustment_layer_small.psd";
string exportPath = "adjustment_layer_small.tif";
using (var im = LoadFile(sourceFileName))
// Export to tif
psdImage.Save(exportPath, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffNoCompressionRgba));