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Aspose.PSD for .NET 22.3 - Release Notes

PSDNET-210Add property IsOpen for Layer GroupFeature
PSDNET-643PSD image with raster layer masks discards masks on saving to 16 bit PSD imageBug
PSDNET-899Blend mode Dissolve does not apply to the folder with maskBug
PSDNET-1047Specific file can not be opened by Photoshop after the saving in Aspose.PSD 21.11Bug
PSDNET-1068Incorrect rendering of the layer with Linear Dodge (Add) blend modeBug
PSDNET-1069Pattern Fill Layer throws exception on update after loadingBug

Public API Changes

Added APIs:

  • P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerGroup.IsOpen

Removed APIs:

  • None

Usage examples:

PSDNET-210. Add property IsOpen for Layer Group

// Example of reading and writing IsOpen property at runtime.
string sourceFileName = "LayerGroupOpenClose.psd";
string outputFileName = "Output" + sourceFileName;

using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
    foreach (var layer in image.Layers)
        if (layer is LayerGroup && layer.Name == "Group 1")
            bool isOpenedGroup1 = ((LayerGroup)layer).IsOpen;
            ((LayerGroup)layer).IsOpen = !isOpenedGroup1;

        if (layer is LayerGroup && layer.Name == "Group 2")
            bool isOpenedGroup2 = ((LayerGroup)layer).IsOpen;           
            ((LayerGroup)layer).IsOpen = !isOpenedGroup2;


PSDNET-643. PSD image with raster layer masks discards masks on saving to 16 bit PSD image

            string sourceFilePath = "OneRegularAndOneRegularWithMask.psd";
            string outputFilePath = "out_OneRegularAndOneRegularWithMask.psd";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
                image.Save(outputFilePath, new PsdOptions(image)
                    ChannelBitsCount = 16

PSDNET-899. Blend mode Dissolve does not apply to the folder with mask

            string sourceFile = "psdnet899.psd";
            string outputPng = "out_psdnet899.png";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))
                image.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions());

PSDNET-1047. Specific file can not be opened by Photoshop after the saving in Aspose.PSD 21.11

            string sourceFile = "psdnet1047.psd";
            string outputPsd = "out_psdnet1047.psd";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))

            // Need to manually open output PSD by Photoshop.

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(outputPsd))
                // no exception.

PSDNET-1068. Incorrect rendering of the layer with Linear Dodge (Add) blend mode

            string sourceFile = "broken.psd";
            string outputPng = "out_broken.psd.png";

            using (var psdImage = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))
                psdImage.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions() {ColorType = PngColorType.Truecolor});

PSDNET-1069. Pattern Fill Layer throws exception on update after loading

            string sourceFile = "AllTypesLayerPsd.psd";

            using (var image = (PsdImage) Image.Load(sourceFile))
                var fillLayer = (FillLayer)image.Layers[9];