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Aspose.Slides for CPP 18.5 Release Notes

SLIDESNET-39148Support for setting custom position for child nodes in SmartArtFeature
SLIDESNET-39950Set Number of Nodes on Row levelFeature
SLIDESNET-40035Rendering comments from ODP formatFeature
SLIDESCPP-1228Fix the differences between drawing arrow caps in C++ and .NETEnhancement
SLIDESCPP-1230Fix graphics primitives drawing using a pen with tiny widthEnhancement
SLIDESCPP-1247Fix incorrect spacing of a text containing unicode punctuation modifiersEnhancement

Public API Changes

Support for setting X and Y properties has been implemented in SmartArtShape class

In Aspose.Slides for C++ version 18.5 support for setting SmartArtShape X and Y properties has been added.

The code snippet below shows how to set custom SmartArtShape position, size and rotation (please note that adding new nodes causes a recalculation of the positions and sizes of all nodes):

    System::SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
    System::Details::DisposeGuard __dispose_guard_0{ pres, 1 };
        System::SharedPtr<ISmartArt> smart = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddSmartArt(20, 20, 600, 500, Aspose::Slides::SmartArt::SmartArtLayoutType::OrganizationChart);

        // Move SmartArt shape to new position
        System::SharedPtr<ISmartArtNode> node = smart->get_AllNodes()->idx_get(1);
        System::SharedPtr<ISmartArtShape> shape = node->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);
        shape->set_X(shape->get_X() + (shape->get_Width() * 2));
        shape->set_Y(shape->get_Y() - (shape->get_Height() / 2));

        // Change SmartArt shape's widths
        node = smart->get_AllNodes()->idx_get(2);
        shape = node->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);
        shape->set_Width(shape->get_Width() + (shape->get_Width() / 2));

        // Change SmartArt shape's height
        node = smart->get_AllNodes()->idx_get(3);
        shape = node->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);
        shape->set_Height(shape->get_Height() + (shape->get_Height() / 2));

        // Change SmartArt shape's rotation
        node = smart->get_AllNodes()->idx_get(4);
        shape = node->get_Shapes()->idx_get(1);

        pres->Save(path + u"SmartArt.pptx", Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);