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Aspose.Slides for Java 18.6 Release Notes

SLIDESJAVA-35757Bouncy Castle dependency testingInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-36601PPTX to PDF blocks other threads in multi-threaded environmentInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-36989Implementation of Bubble chart Scale sizeFeature
SLIDESJAVA-36910FIPs Compliant version of Bouncy Castle usage in APIsFeature
SLIDESNET-37572.NET Standard/.NET Core supportFeature
SLIDESNET-33796Support for setting precision of data in chart data labelFeature
SLIDESNET-33801Support for setting the date format for Category Axis ValueFeature
SLIDESNET-33974Support for setting rotation angle for chart axis titleFeature
SLIDESNET-33995Support for switch Row/Column for chart dataFeature
SLIDESNET-34083Setting the chart marker options on data points levelFeature
SLIDESNET-34458Support of setting Position Axis in Category or Value AxisFeature
SLIDESNET-34469Support for showing Display Unit label on Chart value axisFeature
SLIDESNET-34573Support for setting markers and its properties for particular chart series pointFeature
SLIDESNET-36864Getting Series Data Point color from ThemeFeature
SLIDESNET-35261Setting Series Overlap for Clustered Bar ChartFeature
SLIDESNET-39685Support for managing visibility of data labels located outside of plot areaFeature
SLIDESNET-40193Improve slide graph qualityFeature
SLIDESJAVA-37026The WMF image is corrupted in PDF output.Bug
SLIDESJAVA-35385Exception on presentation loadBug
SLIDESJAVA-35512Document element did not appear on loading presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-35837Font size changes after savingBug
SLIDESJAVA-36742Numbers aren’t converted properly when convert PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-36939PPTXReadException on loading presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-36949ODP to PPTX not properly convertedBug
SLIDESJAVA-36951Content moved in generated HTMLBug
SLIDESJAVA-36952NullPointer Exception on loading presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-36973Repair message in saved fileBug
SLIDESJAVA-36974Exception on loading presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-36975Exception on converting presentation to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-37008Presentation not savingBug
SLIDESJAVA-37099Size increased after converting PPTX to PDFBug

Public API Changes

getBubbleSizeScale and setBubbleSizeScale methods have been added to IChartSeries and IChartSeriesGroup


getBubbleSizeScale specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and 300 percents of the default size). This is the getter not only of this series but of all series of parent series group - this is projection of appropriate group property. Use getParentSeriesGroup for access to parent series group. Use ParentSeriesGroup getBubbleSizeScale and setBubbleSizeScale methods for access to value.


Specifies the scale factor for the bubble chart (can be between 0 and 300 percents of the default size).

Presentation pres = new Presentation();
    IChart chart = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().addChart(ChartType.Bubble, 100, 100, 400, 300);
}finally {

getShowDataLabelsOverMaximum and setShowDataLabelsOverMaximum methods have been added to IChart

getShowDataLabelsOverMaximum and setShowDataLabelsOverMaximum methods have been added to IChart

The methods specify whether to show the data labels when the value is greater than the maximum value on the value axis.

Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
    ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);
    IChart chart = slide.getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ScatterWithMarkers, 20, 100, 600, 400);
    chart.setShowDataLabelsOverMaximum(false);"output.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
}finally {

You can use Aspose.Slides for Java with any BouncyCastle Provider

We have rewritten our algorithms, so now Aspose.Slides.Java API can be called safely without any dependency from Bouncy Castle library.

But for future versions we added the option of using Bouncy Castle as a crypto provider for working with X509 certificates and SignedCms. Because any reference to Bouncy Castle does not affect to Aspose.Slides for Java API now, you can but don’t required to:

a) Use Bouncy Castle cryptography APIs. You should add following reference:

Provider -


Add BouncyCastleProvider to java security:

Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());

b) Use FIPS version of Bouncy Castle cryptography APIs. You should add following reference:

Provider -


Add BouncyCastleFipsProvider to java security:

Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleFipsProvider());

c) Add both version of BC to classpath or do not add anything.

In a future we will report in a separate press release the fact that Aspose.Slides for Java required BouncyCastle again.