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Aspose.Slides for Java 21.8 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-34416Support for monotype fonts in Aspose.Slides during rendering presentationFeature
SLIDESNET-42552Implement ‘OR’ function for spreadsheet formulas of chartsEnhancement
SLIDESNET-42741Support of Presentation to animated GIF exportFeature
SLIDESNET-36751Support for PowerPoint like scaling - Ensure Fit & MaximizeFeature
SLIDESNET-42553Using cached values for spreadsheet formulasEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-34434Slide notes failed to add for PPT presentationBug
SLIDESJAVA-35168KeyNotFoundException on presentation saveBug
SLIDESJAVA-36988Table missing in generated thumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-38552Text is improperly rendered in generated PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-38485Slides conversion of PPT to PDF not workingInvestigation
SLIDESJAVA-38240Use Aspose.Slides for Net 21.8 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-34950Font gets bigger when pptx exported to thumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-38555Chart is missing while converting presentation to PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-36423Text missing or improperly rendered in generated SVGBug
SLIDESJAVA-5092Tabs are not proper when notes are copied.Bug
SLIDESJAVA-33859Shapes rotation effects are missing in generated PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-33858Arcs and arrow lines are missing in generated PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-33857Shapes border color is missing in generated PDFBug
SLIDESJAVA-33955Support for monotype fonts in Aspose.Slides during rendering presentationFeature
SLIDESJAVA-34766Support for PowerPoint like scaling - Ensure Fit & MaximizeFeature
SLIDESJAVA-18998Chart rendering support in generated thumbnailsBug
SLIDESJAVA-30659Text and Shape improperly rendered in generated thumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-36648Exception While inserting EMF in presentationBug

Public API Changes

Support of Presentation to animated GIF export

Support of Presentation to animated GIF export has been added. Using this new functionality it is now possible to export Presentation into animated GIF with slides changes, including animated transitions:

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("pres.pptx");
try {
	GifOptions gifOptions = new GifOptions();
	gifOptions.setFrameSize(new Dimension(180, 135)); // the size of the resulted GIF
	gifOptions.setDefaultDelay(2500); // how long each slide will be showed until it will be changed to the next one
	gifOptions.setTransitionFps(60); // increase FPS to better transition animation quality"pres.gif", SaveFormat.Gif, gifOptions);
} finally {
	if (presentation != null) presentation.dispose();

Export result:

animated GIF

IChartDataWorkbook.CalculateFormulas and ChartDataWorkbook.CalculateFormulas methods have been added

IChartDataWorkbook.calulateFormulas and ChartDataWorkbook.calulateFormulas methods have been added. These methods provide the functionality of an explicit formulas calculation within the workbook. The calculation performers in two steps:

  • check for unsupported formulas within the entire workbook. If found, the CellUnsupportedDataException will be thrown. Values will not be updated.
  • if the unsupported formulas check was passed, formulas will be calculated for the workbook, and cells values will be updated.

Cell’s formula reset on setting the value (and vice versa) has been removed.