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Aspose.Slides for .NET 15.5.0 Release Notes

Minor Changes

SLIDESNET-36346Setting default zoom size for presentation when it will open in PowerPoint
SLIDESNET-34169Support for generating PDF of only slide notes
SLIDESNET-33598Change the position of category axis

Other improvements and changes

Bug fixes

SLIDESNET-36492Image distortion in a generated html
SLIDESNET-36488Pptm presentation loading throws VbaCorruptFileException exception
SLIDESNET-36485NullReference exception thrown on opening the presentation
SLIDESNET-36478Scatter chart on a cloned slide throws exception
SLIDESNET-36468Chart grid lines are missing in exported PDF
SLIDESNET-36467Chart series label position is incorrect in exported PDF
SLIDESNET-36466Chart Axis labels values and position gets changed in PDF
SLIDESNET-36465Charts missing in generated Pdf and thumbnails
SLIDESNET-36464Axis titles improperly rendered in generated Pdf and thumbnails
SLIDESNET-36460Table.insertClone throws PptxEditException if second column index bigger from first column index
SLIDESNET-36454IOException for 0kB file with GetPresentationInfo(filePath).IsEncrypted
SLIDESNET-36451Smart Art shape and font gets bigger in size on generated thumbnail.
SLIDESNET-36448Line chart is missing when thumbnail is generated.
SLIDESNET-36447Major gridlines are lost when thumbnail is generated.
SLIDESNET-36444Error bars are lost when generating thumbnail.
SLIDESNET-36440Shapes on chart rendered incorrectly when thumbnail is generated.
SLIDESNET-36438Strikethrough causes a black Strikethrough line on top of colored text - 15.4.0, 15.5.0
SLIDESNET-36436Black image background appearing in generated HTML
SLIDESNET-36431Slide background is missing in generated HTML
SLIDESNET-36429Setting Hyperlink on SmartArt node is not working
SLIDESNET-36428Presentation repair message on opening the cloned presentation
SLIDESNET-36417Circle changed to ellipse in cloned presentation
SLIDESNET-36403EffectFormat in SmartArt is null
SLIDESNET-36401PortionFormat.FontHeight is not working
SLIDESNET-36393Hidden Slide is appearing in generated PDF
SLIDESNET-36390PowerPoint craches on playing presentation with embedded video - 15.4.0, 15.5.0
SLIDESNET-36389Chart missing in generated PDF
SLIDESNET-36388Chart is missing in generated PDF
SLIDESNET-36369NullReference exception thrown on cloning the presentation with charts
SLIDESNET-36368Setting custom position and size for chart legends
SLIDESNET-36366leader lines appear in the thumbnail but not on the slide.
SLIDESNET-36364Cell data is rendered out of table in thumbnail
SLIDESNET-36362Setting DataPoint Label Wrap Text to false does not work
SLIDESNET-36347NullReference exception on saving presetnation - 15.4.0, 15.5.0
SLIDESNET-36315Y Rotation of Chart changes while saving a presentation.
SLIDESNET-36286Data points symbols in PDF are improperly rendered
SLIDESNET-36279Error occurs on opening PPTX file.
SLIDESNET-36262Notes is not exported into PPT
SLIDESNET-36242IndexOutOfRangeException on presentation opening
SLIDESNET-36213PptException on saving presentation as PPT with ActiveX Controls
SLIDESNET-36161Chart not opening after loading and saving the PPTX file
SLIDESNET-36155CRC exception on accessing the presentation
SLIDESNET-36154Unexpected Font parsing exception on accessing presentation
SLIDESNET-36109PPT presentation is empty after saving
SLIDESNET-36097Chart not coming in the generated image file
SLIDESNET-36071Unexpected font parsing exception when opening a PPTX file
SLIDESNET-36059Aspose generated chart failed to get edited in PowerPoint
SLIDESNET-35815Unexpected font parsing exception when opening a PowerPoint 2013 PPTX file
SLIDESNET-35592Chart Categories are not shown properly when generating PPTX
SLIDESNET-35428Setting Percentage Sign with Chart Data Labels not working
SLIDESNET-35157Converting Presentation with Notes to Tiff not showing proper Page Numbers
SLIDESNET-35039Export to Pdf Notes not working
SLIDESNET-34950Export to PdfNotes does not work for merged API
SLIDESNET-34068Slide background renders as black for generated thumbnails

Public API Changes

CommonSlideViewProperties class and ICommonSlideViewProperties interface have been added

The Aspose.Slides.CommonSlideViewProperties class and Aspose.Slides.ICommonSlideViewProperties interface respresent common slide view properties (currently view scale options).

IAxis.LabelOffset property has been added

IAxis.LabelOffset property specifies the distance of labels from the axis. Applied to category or date axis.

IChartTextBlockFormat.AutofitType property has been added

Changing of this property can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

IChartTextBlockFormat.WrapText property has been added

Changing of this property can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2007/2013).

Margin properties have been added to IChartTextBlockFormat

Changing of this properties can produce a certain influence only for these chart parts: DataLabel and DataLabelFormat (full suport in PowerPoint 2013; in PowerPoint 2007 there is no effect for rendering).

ViewProperties.NotesViewProperties property has been added

Aspose.Slides.ViewProperties.NotesViewProperties property has been added. Its specifies common view properties associated with the notes view mode.

ViewProperties.SlideViewProperties property has been added

Aspose.Slides.ViewProperties.SlideViewProperties property has been added. Its specifies common view properties associated with the slide view mode.