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Aspose.Slides for .NET 19.10 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
SLIDESNET-40805 | Font Fallback in Aspose.Slides | Feature |
SLIDESNET-40689 | Support for setting prompt text in slides shapes placeholders | Feature |
SLIDESNET-41393 | After conversion to PDF/A an image is rendered with blur | Feature |
SLIDESNET-41099 | High memory consumption during a document saving | Enhancement |
SLIDESNET-41426 | Read animation using Aspose.Slides | Enhancement |
SLIDESNET-39722 | Aspose Slides using a lot of memory for generating a small PPTX | Enhancement |
SLIDESNET-36972 | Slower performance when converting presentation to PDF in multi-threaded environment | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41065 | HtmlOptions.SvgResponsiveLayout save option not working when resources are external | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41367 | Adding SVG to PPT is throwing an error on Ubuntu | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40527 | Slide to PNG - word moved up to first line | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41414 | After saving the presentation output file is corrupted | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40129 | Some shapes have trimmed text in the output PDF document | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41251 | The unexpected characters occur on the chart axis labels | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41055 | PPTX to PDF - output different than MS Word export | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41200 | After conversion Format Axes get distorted | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40030 | Adding text box on a slide in PowerPoint shrinks and overflows the text added using Aspose.Slides | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40513 | Add clone method not working properly in 18.7 | Bug |
SLIDESNET-33205 | UnsupportedFormat exception on loading ODP file | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40954 | PPTX not properly converted to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-33555 | UnsupportedFormat exception on loading ODP file | Bug |
SLIDESNET-40744 | Unexpected repair message in generated PPTX | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38238 | Text wrapping on slide | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38162 | Wrong word wrapping in SmartArt element | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38273 | Problem while converting PPT to SVG | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38166 | Font size is invalid on rendering | Bug |
SLIDESNET-33535 | The text is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESNET-36197 | The slide text is improperly rendered in generated TIFF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39305 | Wrong word wrapping in generated PDF and thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41164 | Using Tab key instead of Spacebar key results in subscript misalignment in HTML | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37441 | The text is improperly rendered in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESNET-38163 | Text rendering differs from PowerPoint | Bug |
SLIDESNET-39104 | Wrong text breaking in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37307 | Wrong text wrapping in generated thumbnail | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41278 | Presentation repair message on slide theme override | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41320 | Aspose Slides returns incorrect external URL for hyperlink if the display text contains a colon character | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41376 | FormatException on converting PPTX to PNG | Bug |
SLIDESNET-37614 | High memory consumption leading to IO exception on saving a PowerPoint with 100 slides | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41384 | Chart color and text change on saving to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41385 | Chart title vanishes on saving the presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41330 | PPTX not properly converted to SVG | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41389 | Text is improperly rendered in generated PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41399 | PPTX fails to export as PDF Notes | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41352 | Exception on converting PPTX to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41407 | IndexOutOfRangeException on loading presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41377 | Repair message appears on loading and saving presentation | Bug |
SLIDESNET-41380 | StackOverflowException when saving to PDF | Bug |
SLIDESNET-33428 | ODP presentation bullets improperly rendered | Bug |
SLIDESNET-35741 | The images are missing in generated PDF | Bug |
Public API Changes
Introducing new API for FontFallBack functionality
Fallback font is used when the font specified for text is present in the system, but this font doesn’t contain a necessary glyph. In this case, fallback font allows using one of the specified fallback fonts for the glyph replacement. It differs, from font subsitution, which can be used to dynamically substitute the font of the whole document, if the specified font can’t be found.
In order to use fallback font functionality, you need to set the rules how fallback fonts should be used. For that, you can use FontFallBackRule type and initialize it’s object with the Unicode range and fallback font name, or even a list of names.
Here is an example:
uint startUnicodeIndex = 0x0B80;
uint endUnicodeIndex = 0x0BFF;
IFontFallBackRule firstRule = new FontFallBackRule (startUnicodeIndex, endUnicodeIndex, "Vijaya");
IFontFallBackRule secondRule = new FontFallBackRule (0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic");
//Also the fonts list can be added in several ways:
string[] fontNames = new string[] { "Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol", "Arial"};
IFontFallBackRule thirdRule = new FontFallBackRule (0x1F300, 0x1F64F, fontNames);
It is possible to specify several rules and add them into FontFallBackRulesCollection. Then you may assign this fallback font fules collection into an appropriate field of FontsManager object.
Each presentation has FontsManager object, implementing IFontsManager, which defines the main logic of fonts rendering:
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation())
IFontFallBackRulesCollection userRulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();
userRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x0B80, 0x0BFF, "Vijaya"));
userRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho, MS Gothic"));
presentation.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = userRulesList;
Note: The ranges of several rules can overlap. In this case, the fonts from overlapped rules will be merged and places in order the rules were added into the list.
You can automatically retrieve a new linked instance directly from the FontsManager:
IFontFallBackRulesCollection userRulesList = presentation.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection;
This can be used to change existing FontsManager settings, as shown in the next example.
You may also use several collections with different set of rules by assigning the required list in the FontsManager. If you do not want to use multiple lists, you do not have to create a new collection.
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("MyPresentation.pptx"))
IFontFallBackRulesCollection userRulesList = presentation.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection;
userRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400, 0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));
presentation.Slides[0].GetThumbnail (1f,1f).Save ("Slide0.png", ImageFormat.Png);
IFontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection property added
FontFallBackRulesCollection property has been added to IFontsManager interface and FontsManager class. It allows to get and set a collection of FontFallBackRule objects to control the rules of using fallback fonts.
FontFallBackRulesCollection can be used in the following way:
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + "input.pptx"))
// Getting an empty collection from FontsManager
IFontFallBackRulesCollection rulesList = pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection;
// Adding of rule to collection
rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400, 0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));
// Saving of thumbnail from the first slide to PNG
pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(1f, 1f).Save(path + "Slide_0.png", ImageFormat.Png);
//New instance of rules collection
IFontFallBackRulesCollection anotherRulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();
//Filling by the another set of rules
anotherRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400, 0x4FF, "Tahoma"));
anotherRulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x3040, 0x309F, "MS Mincho"));
//Assigning of new rules to the FontsManager
pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = anotherRulesList;
// Rendering of thumbnail with new rules and saving to PNG
pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(1f, 1f).Save(path + "Slide_0_Another.png", ImageFormat.Png);
IFontFallBackRulesCollection, IFontFallBackRule interfaces and FontFallBackRulesCollection, FontFallBackRule classed added
FontFallBackRulesCollection (implementes IFontFallBackRulesCollection) represents an object for managing a collection of FontFallBackRule objects.
FontFallBackRule (implementes IFontFallBackRule) represents an association between the specified Unicode range and list of fonts, that may contain proper glyphs for font fallback replacement.
Below is an example:
void RenderingWithFallBack()
// Create new instance of a rules collection
IFontFallBackRulesCollection rulesList = new FontFallBackRulesCollection();
// create a number of rules
rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(0x400, 0x4FF, "Times New Roman"));
//rulesList.Add(new FontFallBackRule(...));
foreach (IFontFallBackRule fallBackRule in rulesList)
//Trying to remove FallBack font "Tahoma" from loaded rules
//And to update of rules for specified range
if ((fallBackRule.RangeEndIndex >= 0x4000) && (fallBackRule.RangeStartIndex < 0x5000))
//Also we can remove any existing rules from list
if (rulesList.Count > 0)
using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + "input.pptx"))
//Assigning a prepared rules list for using
pres.FontsManager.FontFallBackRulesCollection = rulesList;
// Rendering of thumbnail with using of initialized rules collection and saving to PNG
pres.Slides[0].GetThumbnail(1f, 1f).Save(path + "Slide_0.png", ImageFormat.Png);
Equals and GetHashCode methods were overridden for Aspose.Slides.Effects classes
Equals and GetHashCode methods were overridden for Aspose.Slides.Effects classes, now objects of these classes are compared by their semantic value.
Full list of updated classes:
Equals and GetHashCode methods were overridden for GradientStopEffectiveData
Equals and GetHashCode methods were overridden for Aspose.Slides.GradientStopEffectiveData class, now objects of this class are compared by their semantic value.