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Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.8 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-43261Support for Set Up Slide Show settingsFeature
SLIDESNET-42752Extracting audio file from slide timelineFeature
SLIDESNET-40604Rendering presentation to pure HTML without SVG parent tagFeature
SLIDESNET-36907Support to set slide show settingsFeature
SLIDESNET-35994Add support of 3-D Surface chart typeFeature
SLIDESNET-43269Incorrect layouting of text lines when converting PPT slides to JPG/SVGEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43244Failed to check “Transitions / Advance Slide / After” flagEnhancement
SLIDESNET-42740Changing slide number does not workEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43334Loading a presentation throws OutOfMemoryExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-43328NullReferenceException while trying to save shape to SVG part 2Bug
SLIDESNET-43322Shape background colors are not consistent but values are equalBug
SLIDESNET-43320Fill color of shapes is changed when loading and saving PPT fileBug
SLIDESNET-43319Text is distorted when converting a presentation slide to imageBug
SLIDESNET-43316IMasterSlide.Preserve property does not workBug
SLIDESNET-43314Loading a presentation throws PptxReadException: LoadAnnotationElementDataBug
SLIDESNET-43311Aspose.Slides does not see digital signaturesBug
SLIDESNET-43299NullReferenceException when creating thumbnail of tables with custom styleBug
SLIDESNET-43292Broken presentation when using “AddClone”Bug
SLIDESNET-43286Getting effective portion value throws an unexpected exception.Bug
SLIDESNET-43283Part of HTML content is ignored when added into presentationBug
SLIDESNET-43282Changed the number format of chart data labelsBug
SLIDESNET-43275Line is appearing when converting slide from PPTX to PNGBug
SLIDESNET-43267Specific PPTX causes OutOfMemoryException when saving it in LinuxBug
SLIDESNET-43262Image is upside down when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43246Text drifts when converting presentation slides to imagesBug
SLIDESNET-43146Cannot open correct unprotected document when password is appliedBug
SLIDESNET-43137Failed to set gap width for a histogram chartBug
SLIDESNET-430223D chart is not displayed when converting a slide to imageBug<>
SLIDESNET-42713Text font is incorrect after converting PPTX to PNGBug<>
SLIDESNET-42644Image quality of document gets fade when converting slide to HTMLBug
SLIDESNET-41942Chart is missing in exported PDFBug<>
SLIDESNET-36618Charts missing in generated PdfBug<>
SLIDESNET-36445Surface chart is lost and legend is incorrect when thumbnail is generatedBug
SLIDESNET-35820Missing charts in generated PDF fileBug<>
SLIDESNET-355913D effects on charts are lost in generated PDFBug
SLIDESNET-34063Surface chart failed to render in generated PDFBug<>
SLIDESNET-33487StartingSlide doesn’t workBug

Public API Changes

Presentation Slide Show Setup Settings support

We implemented support for Presentation Slide Show Settings.

Slide Show Settings

These are the relevant classes and properties:

This C# code shows you how to set the Presented by a speaker parameter for a slide show:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
    pres.SlideShowSettings.SlideShowType = new PresentedBySpeaker();
    pres.Save("pres.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Browsed by individual parameter:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
    BrowsedByIndividual browsedByIndividual = new BrowsedByIndividual {ShowScrollbar = true};
    pres.SlideShowSettings.SlideShowType = browsedByIndividual;
    pres.Save("pres.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Animation Effect.Sound property added

Support for Embedded sound effect has been implemented through the Effect.Sound property.

using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
    ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];
    // Gets the effects sequence for the slide
    ISequence effectsSequence = slide.Timeline.MainSequence;
    foreach (IEffect effect in effectsSequence)
        if (effect.Sound == null)
        // Extracts the effect sound in byte array
        byte[] audio = effect.Sound.BinaryData;