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Aspose.Slides for .NET 24.1 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-443484.5 MB ODP file after conversion to PDF becomes 500+ MBEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43871Individual text boxes are generated when importing PDF to PPTXEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43561Embedded fonts render incorrectly in LinuxEnhancement
SLIDESNET-44343Presentation becomes corrupted after the font is embeddedBug
SLIDESNET-44341Scale values of chart X-axis are shifting when converting from PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-44340PPTX to PDF: Text orientation reversed on exportBug
SLIDESNET-44323Failed to replace slide titlesBug
SLIDESNET-44322Content differs when converting the first slide to an imageBug
SLIDESNET-44285Images are improperly rendered after converting PPTX to PDF fileBug
SLIDESNET-44152Aspose.Slides ignores installed fonts when exporting to PNG or JPEGBug
SLIDESNET-437053D model’s frame returns to its original size after changing the perspectiveBug
SLIDESNET-43643Chart data labels are converted to callouts while exporting to HTMLBug
SLIDESNET-43640Getting ChartDataWorkbook throws ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionBug
SLIDESNET-43605Charts are missing when converting ODP to PPTXBug
SLIDESNET-43588Charts are not displayed when converting ODP to PPTXBug
SLIDESNET-36026Charts and table are missing in ODP to PPTX conversionBug

Public API Changes

PDF import detect tables option added

The PdfImportOptions.DetectTables option has been added to ensure that when importing PDF tables are automatically detected and imported as a table in Slide.

Below is an example of PDF import with tables detecting:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation())
    using (Stream stream = new FileStream("document.pdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
        pres.Slides.AddFromPdf(stream, new PdfImportOptions { DetectTables = true });

    pres.Save("fromPdfDocument.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);